Sea Scout Ship of Topeka Wins National Honors The fact tlîat it is located, Within a few miles of4 the geographical cen- ter-of the United States and prob- ably farther Irom a large . body of 'Water than anv otiier Sea Scout unit in the Unitedf States did not prove a* handicap to* the .crew of the Sea Scout Ship '.Kaiisaii" of Topeka,ý Kan., wlhich ias just been designatcd N\ationial',ea Scout flagship for 1931. Shortly after the start of its -sec- ond. year, the "ýKansan" which i is sîponsored. by the First Presbyterian church of Topeka, received a dona-, tioli froni the church *hich enalld them to purchase the natcrials, for a. sixteen-foot rowl)oat. Part of the unit's meeting timie was devoted to the construction of tlie i)oat. In addi-, tion to the boàt thcy constructed, the crew -had the- use of several canoes and a 24-foot b)oatwhîich they rigged vpith two fore-anid-aft sails and a job to sail oni the river. * A few moniths later the crew mnade its iniitiàl crUise froîi Xýagmego to *Topeka, a distance of 65 miles. After *this there înany week-end cruises and long cruises, the longcst of which was ain eight'day trip on the Missouri river, fromn Kanisas City to Bootnville, Mo. The new Natiorial Sea Scout flagship îîow lias 251 days of crti:sling to its credit with a total nmileage of. 6,075. Tia1k, First Aid Contest Are Big Events of Meet, A talk hy) Committeeman Freemaný and a iirst aid contest were the main évents of Troop 5 meeting of April 16. * Mr.' Freemnan 'spoke on the inIterest- ing facts and peculiar properties of water. The talk wvas'also educational. The tvo patrols, conxparativelv , wcre equal iti the accurac 'v and neatniess % ç4 their wor], oi. the patient. For use in this contest the. patrols made splints at their Patrol meetings dur- contest in ire 1w frictmon. ve lave *-three Scout-s n -'a team. Then .we - went ou tsidè te. play Corporal of thet Guard. When we were through we went inside and had inspection. We talked about havirig sùpper on, thé beach. so for the, next meeting we are gohîg to bring our food and copok EXECUTIVE'S COLUMN Junior Assistant Scoutmasters (they miust be 16 y'ears o-f age' and First Class Scouts) are now privi- 1 leged-to wear 'the. Scout Officiails' un iform. They ýare also allowed to enter the Scout Leaders'. Training, courses. Sevéral are.already Cii- irolled and we hopeithe resU Will, joi.nus. Bý rand new. pup',teiits ing are $1,50 eacli complete with. poles and stakes. Almost unbe- lievable but tha t's cost price and.. *-e are ini hopes manty xill be bought' by' Troops for week-end and. over-night camping. Write or ýpione.or,,cal1 at Scout hiead-. qiuarters as. to- how inîanyv you want. We will even(leliver thiem t 0 the Scoutmaster- if lie finds it ini- co n venient to comne after .them. What we cesire 'is to eet themn into use dtgring this wondlerful camping weather. Troop .Members Learn >How to Treat Wounds, -Troop 4,held another frst aid les- son,~ ConduIcte(1 by our Scoutniaster, Mr. L each, a Red Cross examiner. We had as our main stîbject wounds and what to dIo for theni. \e had a discussion on1 open wounds.. Mr. Leachi came to our .meeting late, last, Wednesday. becatise he bias a new son about a week old. Congratula- tions Mr. Leach ! The baby was born on the b irthdav of ou? Assistant Scoutmas.ter, George flersch. We closed the meeting at 9 p). ni. ,Nith' the Scou0B, eitin.Ele Stone, Troop 4, WiImette, S;t. Augîîstine's church. Treasure Hunt Is Thrill of Weekly Scout Meeting Tuesday, April 14, Troop 13's week- lv meeting w,,as opened with a treas- -Nfv soul woul he in the bis 1Ilove- Biv the streamns and the crooling pines- Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. it.- The meeting i'clock.--Troop Vista del Lago.- -wa.s'adjoirined at 9 12,:' Joh'n Gleason.. Scout Leaders Hea r Talk by M. C. Ryboit M. C. Rybolt, Scout Executive of the North Shore Arca counicil, talked to - the mein present, at the .Advanced Train ing course, for Scout Leaders, last Wednesday, April 15j at' the Elm Place1 school, Hlighland Parkc. 'Leaders' from al over the counicil ýwerepreent.Mr. Ryboit. pointed out op0 tuiies 1to:Plan troop and patrol progranîs which11 will stimulatel advancenxent: in the. required Scout., He also discussed a new troop ratin g plan. for troop. adva'jcenîient that ill. he put" into' use. soon -br the- counî cil. Following this, H. G. Boltz, Field Executive,. led the meni in a ntnnher of Scouting games that thev înight take back to their troops. Carl Mc- Manus. Assistanit Scout Executive, led a, discussion group,.on troop adl- innstratioïl. Kenilworth Cubs Cook- Lunch at Camp Howel The Cubs of Pack 60 of Kenilwo'rth had a hlike to Camp Howel Saturday.. Thev lef Kenilworth Satuirday., April 18, under the supervision of Robert Towniley who' is Cubmaster of Pack 60. In the morning the Cubs spent quite a whmileý passing tests. In~ the afterniooni they played lots of neW gamies. The Cubs cooked their own lunchl* This is the first of a series ,of. hikes planned by Pack M., A few of the. Lion Cubs staved in the Kenilvorth gym tîje night before the hike.-Cub Benjie Mackinnon, Pack ()0, Kenilworth. Scouts of Troop 2 Get Instruction in First Aid Troop 2 held its- regular meetilig Tuesday nightat the Congregational church. -The Panther patrol. had1 charge of the opening ceremonjes. After the inspection was taken we had some instruction on the d"muler1 as au opeiler. We then held an opeli -discussion- on our Troop Banquet ,which was t'o be heId Friday, April 17. W e practiced stunts which Were given by the patrols. at the dinner.. Th e meeting clo sed with the Scout Benedictioh.-Trôp 3 reporter, Bob Turgeoni, Methodistchurch. : .- Leaders of Cubs Select Yells and Names for. Dens, hethird session of the Cub Lead- er's Training course.was held at EIm Place. School auditorium, Highlan -d Park,. last Monday. -Màny of t le CÇub. Leaders -and 1Den Chiefs 0of the council were present and,a very in- terèsting program of discussion, « games and. special Cub features was presented. As a- speçial feature, the varidus leaders and thëir den chiefis held "den" meetings andU selected a den niam .e and veil. Later in, the, program. each den gave its name and yell. A s h ortp e riod on leathier bra'idimig wvas held immediately' after.the close of the training course session. The leaders, and Den .Chiefs of Packs-, present and' theie numbers, were as follows: Akela Dei: Pack 68, L. IH' Smiithie, "den chief" Lowell Mueller, Richard Thormeyer. Chey- enne Den: Pack 65, R. D.. Wilder, "den chief," and two Scouts.* *Den: Pa k. 66l -Raymond Sauge-r, "den chief," Frank Appleyard,. Glen. -utchings. Takela Den: 'Pack 63, A rthur H. Seddon, ".den chiet," John Pearson,- Edwin Andrews, Arthur joncs. . l-awk Dein: james Siegele, "den chiief," Cilio Notogiacomn»o, Am- brose Cantagallo, Frank Shelton.- Climibers Den: William A. Berg, "den chief," Anker 'jeppesen, Carl Sanderhioff. Moose Den: S. A. Ma-t- thews, "dcn.chief," Robert Brownlee, Francis Coleman and Warren Haas. Cubs of Blackfeet. Den -Meet at Home, of Chief, The B lackfeet. den of 'Pack, 60 hâd a meeting at Frank, Williams' bouse. (He is'their îiew Den Chief.) They got acquainted with him and* started to pass somne tests. Týom Keith passed his Fire Safety and History of his community tests for part of his 'Bear Bronze rank. BiIly Bay Stag patrol won. The meeting.% was- conciucted by_ Paul Hoff man, Patrol Leader of the Silver Foxc patrol. We also played a gameé called "Murder' Mystery..", It- was rnuch fun. We closed the meeting. with. the, Scout Oath' and. Law;. George CoItQn, Troop 1, Wilmette Congregatibnal church. - t a 1 ý