Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 34

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notices qor eULefLu. an admittance chai ed-at reg9ular adveirtl Cli JIUUJ IKats Grade Separation WiII. Save Lîf e * I Lets Hasten the Day The Cicago'-North, Shore Festival, to be * held ini Evanston on May 8,19, 21, and '23, is is xdeed' a, great festival. It,,is'great i size, with its aduit The Great. chorus o0, and its A4usic Fe sival children's chorus. of 1500;, with its im- m1nense audience filling every nook and corner of the inammoth Patteîi Gymna- si.urn It is great ini energy and'vision, with it-s array of worid-renowned soloists, in- struniental and vocal; with its bringing to' youn g and old'abundance of enjoyment, and enrichnent of mihd and soul. This festival is niot merely an Evanston enterp)rise' but, as its name, indicates, a festival ap.peling to and invoiving the city * of-Cic,-go and the èentire north shore. On the festiv'al nights auttomobiles, street. cars, and trains, xv1l1 transport thiousands to, the great concert hiall. Chicago and. al the north siore communiiiities inay weil be proud of its successesin former years and of its plans for future performiances. Many xii miss thiis year the famnilial: and genial face of Dean Lutkin. For years he bas been the center of the festival..But he lias handed the director's baton to a In .usician of international fanie, to a leader of long and valuale-experience with or- chestra and Chorus, to ani artist scholarly and execuitive-Fredlerick S tOck. The knowledge that 1\1. Stock Is to take charge of the festivaIlibas aroused in a multitude of hiearts thrilling expecta- tioris, which xvii be abuindantly fulfi lied. * Fronm the beginning of the xvorld, fire * Xnowing the power of fire and howv- heavy a damage it canl inflict if allowed to rage uncontrolled,man bias put fire'Within definite' bounds 'in a stove or furnace. and, thus used its power. Thus chained, fire servesnman both winter and summe r., ýOn. the nortb, shore-fire 'threatens us'-in Fire is an invaluable servant but also a cruel enemyv. Watch it carefully. For the past seven ye ars the' Winnetka Music. club..iaýs provided for a surprisingly low prc uical recita:ls that: eould no*t haveý been surpassed. A rtist-Recital Each, soloist, .ilistru- Series, miental ý and vocal, bas in- practically every case beeli a nju sician of, world reputation,: ini not a fexv instances rankih' supreme in hisparticuilar field. We know of no ex- ception, to the gener.al truth that every concert camne up to- the'high-est expecta- tions.. In several, instances we know th.at concerts excee.dedý expectations. We, think it woithy of note,,that.so high a standardof value has been. main- tainied. for so lonig.a period as seveni years.., The. sponsors of the recitals might have. been forgiven ,had thèy aliowed the s'tand- ard to droop a trifle. But the drooping bas not occurred, and no forgiveness -is n.eces- sary~ Many people want good things, some knýlow definitely. xvhat these good things are, but onfly a few gýo after and get thiese gô.od things year after year. North shore miusic loyers'owve invuh to t'le W,"iinetka Mutsic club. These recitals have been excèedingly pleasurable -and profitable. The admission price- has been low. The location *of 'the recital huall is central. Perhaps the rnost adequate ap- preciation is the iuimediate subscribing, -for next season's recitals. Send your check' ..tô , Mrs. Bessie, Grant at the Winnetka_. S;tate batik. ln' Amierica people through tl-eir chos- en representatives, .make laws for their, *ownl benlefit. It Seenms the hieigh1t of fool- ishniess, therefore, for people to disobey their own laws, laws of Obey the tî,eir~ own iiaking,. Prob- Laws. The tax buis 'have ;came and gone, and have lef t us with the conviction that some- one, some day wi, ivn a way of getting funds to run our. variôus f ormns of govern-, ment that will be, less uipleasant' than taxes., People uurryiiig tLune * aLJ gV ic auT worms in disgust. And .avoiding t he unpleasant.things they hurry on. After the niild spring- rains the West Madisonl Street bumis crawl out; They stand ini groups on the curb or in the door-' ways; People, hurrving pa.st,.'glanice at the bumns hastily, And with indifference or ,slight. coûtempt they huirry on. WVorms on-the %v'et sidewalks in suburban neigh- borhoods, Plumns on w.et sidewalks on West Miadison Street..:ý Pre-vicwvs of forthconriing motion picture âttrac- tions. habitually rcmind us that New VYork'and Los Angeles. moviegoers scram)le to obtàin seats at f romi $2 to $10 per for premiecre pçrformances. Al of which merely str engthens our conviction that Ootham and Lozo)nglaiz boas;t more damphools thnn we had surinised.' looked in in'a Northwesterni-Indiania colege" b.iseba1l game the otbcr af'ternoon only to hear this- fromi' a nearby seholar of :the, maie tea hound var- iety: "I .gét so tbrilled when they, get a count of th)rete-and-two on the batter." WNe are mentally picturing the heteinbefQre moen-' tioned mn.t.h. as occ.tpying our precariouls position a fcw days before between the two royal rooters at'a Cubs-Cardinal fracas, and maké bold to prescribe a course of study in bicacher etiquette. MUS[NGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR The snatches of '\\arii eather we've. been hav- iiig-ccrtainly.thaw out the rheuimatis;m. Our elderly neighbor remnarked j ust the,.other day that lie feit almost spryeougl9 to drive,.a.bail across a ýpëeeee .golf course., The season ialso. brings -its tYqubles-especially to fie sensitive club member who won't stay under the showvers more than a moment 'or two, for. fear that his fellow athietes wilIL think, that lie came .to the club just for the bath. But Aprilshowers, you know, bring May flowers .... so why worry ? to us this week-end Not only because we do enjoy thoroughly those extra hours of ligit at the f ag end of old Sol's. daily sprint, but most decidedly because the change f rom the order of things so, thoroughly irks Fil Ossifér, custodian of the ad- jacent columns of whatnot. Aiso, that's about the oi-y saVlngs we canl garner. ln these sklImpy times. -MIQUE~.

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