Outdeor Living ;Room of 'A. R. Dole, Oak Park. I The vogue for open- air ënjoyment amid the beauty of a veritable living room outdoors, finds 'perfect expression in many a fine North Shore home, through the aid of Swain Nel son landscaping art. So many are the delightful possibilities of arrange- ment that any home grounds, of an outdoor living rooin. .2a ndscape ~X~1I p s Since 1856 CLENVIEW, ILL. PHONE. ROGERS PARK 662W OR GLENVIEW 87 OR 88 1111 I P/I ATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Timely Gardon Comment s 13Y J. R. Foot. ]KEEPING EVERGREEN-GROUPS 114REPAIR What 'is true of shrub groups is doubly true of the arrangement and spaCing of evergreen trees. as to re- adjustments each year. This extra importance is due, to> the. fact that trees do not develop. 50 uniforxnlv, eventtîally grow muchlarger, and are less readily adjusted by tfimining. as conmpared. in each case' to bJushesý Evergreen trees are much more, cost- ly and s0 must be more carefully pre. served. The hatidling of costly evergr eens shouid neyer, be done byamateurs. Lt is difficlult enough for experts to plant or transplant thesýe choice trees %N'ith- out having losses. Tt' becomes .appar ent then tjhat every eare, s.hould be taken in the original pla nning of an evergreen tree 'planting, knowing as near as p)ossible the speed and extent of ýzÉowth. of each tree, as it is to stand, in the combination, and having fig-7 uired as closely as possible,- what changes and adjustments wil have fo> be miade as the growth demands. Fewv folks who ov.n these choice ornanientals have any adeqilate knowledge as to their comparative izrowNti,' how the colinination will 4ppear in- ten vears, or to what hieîght any one tree would grow ý-in -i lifetime if given a chance in open space. ti. evergreén tree which lias beenl crowded by its neighibors for a year ,)r two, cati hardjy if at ail,. be re-, -lairned or deyeloped back into symn- netrv o0 beauty. *Do not use lime-in the eveèrgreen, areas. ADJUSTING OLD SHRUB PLANTI NGS t is absolutely linpossible to so arrange the shrub burders and :zroups that thev will continue to be .nroperlv. spa ced thr.oughout theèir life of use- fulness. If in the original spacing.- room is left for fuil development, the areas wiIl he entirely too open, for',several years.. If, on the other hand, the usual pr.ocedure is followed, planting so that they will look wellat the start *and. so that they will fulIÈ-l the pur- poses- intended, then' in a few vears the plants 1 will be crowding 'each other, crippling some, forcing bushes to abandon 'their natural shape and. grace and throwiing the various va- riety1 groupings out of' balance. Bushes which spread from s.uckers, laterals. or runners, will soon beco m*e thickets. More often than pnot, our exsigshrub groups need somue haiusecleanîing,. .13V atten(ling to these adju sthnents eaeh .year, the. changes will -tot l>e so rad.ical and the borders w11t be in, fairlv .good repair at ail times.- If. the general tendency is to spread ont, t he plantings so as to, give each plant more room as it develops. vour culti- vated. planted .areas wiIl. be gradually encroaching on the lawns and obtier portions. You mnay avoid, this.expan- sion byv discarding such groups fromi timie to tirne, as seem less worth'v or less to 3rour liking. As thýe years go by, somne groups wvi1I show lack of thrif t for reasons which weré not .discérned or whicli cotild not have been antic'ipated. These groups can be throi-n ont and will make roo:n for somne usable shrubs ivhich have been crowded ou elsewhere. î 0of course oné m ust alwà,s keep in' mind. when making, adjustments. proper heights, color harmonies, har- m'onyi of leaftexture. and a distribu- tion ofblooni, and alL otiier -features which are considered ivhen.first ar-, ranging.-the groupings. SAND FOR THE LAWN SOI.L Just now we sec sand being added- to the lawn in various ways. the n'en- The Lake S boa e>s Lât gest Nurseries Somie of the Evergreensîin This 010f Ofice 'and Nurseries Deeeltd 3 6 DEERFIELD, Highland ýPark 3 6 E. 'I ILLINOIS