Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 55

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in . " rvingi o i r a1mLuer--rooui 'q>i New regulationis govcrniing the Children's Sake construction and iuse of inotor ve- pointing out that six, ehildren froni hicles in Great Britain, put in force treto f ourteeni years of age were by the Ministr%, of Transport, reqiire . We that begiînning, JanuarNv 1, 1932, al killed in tifaffic accidents iniChicago nwvhce is aesft ls and vicinity.,and many -more_ in other equimet Cars no%%,l u lse are ex- sections of the country on the first lfl)t unitil januarý' 1, 1937. day of real sùtmecr,. the Chicago 'Mo- The new rgulatiosay tor club' urged . rotorists to exercise "Ail glass fittè(l to % .vindshields or additional caution l rviguwthat wxiîidowv* acing to. thefront>0on the1 wvarnl, weather is. here adchitdren oIcle f0 nv ehii ec ls are mnore proné to 'plav , i . the street s. on the upp)er <lcck of: a double dcck "The 'dangerous' age, or c0 lrcnvhclysahlesaevglass or glas is betwveenl the ages of 4, and 8 indui- so. constructed* it'shiaîl not 113- into! sive, the motor club declared ini a fragmnts.* statemnt -out of *523 children up t' In the United States, 'altlioughi 14 vears faekledi tal cci there are regulations in ssnie locali-q <lntsi> Chicago during flic past tlîrcc tîe> .rcquîring its, use ini taxicaIls, 1 i'as ore than one-haIf, oir 305. xerc bUsses and. oth er public vc'icles, the i in this dangerous' age.. \Vhen a child increase in1 the use of safety glass' reaches nine years, lie or shie has lias becti due to the initiative of éar lcartied the ftitdameii'tals of1 cati on miallufacturers. on-tlhe stree ts. and .is. lesS t) 0f the iglit-iinc chassis imodelsi l1,iec(,mie involved ini an accident. oi .Aîn.cricaîî inakes, ninietcen are now "Cauio-SchooF' signs take nCup(1 i *aey llt gas add(edlsigîirîcance.ni c arly sumnuir h hoihu, îcuîg tî w m1ost dangerouis hour of f ic w ut ' (ý- rahîî xsam twýo Gralanîucights, four frm fic tanpoit o acidle>it's vhich are the toinr lowest priced cars to children. or aiter s hiours, V, te akîwitîcmieesft bewci4 and 5p u. lien îîngass lccllunclt. 11u th> lliglîe pic acîeîsocetr tliàin durîg anv otiierragsti c 'al-îftyga s rè r ~more. gcîîcral. Ofif thbe inhighiestl hou. Mrecludre ac payi- ijrce ,d car-, inaUt lM Aniericaeighit t1li OPen then thanat aàny other lu.imucsf lt ls hogot c -"Injuries and, fatalities". could be dle- cording to trade paper tables of speci-i crease<l if car, owners would reiemi- fications,. 'fl'ic fasoîMotor com)- ber thiat a child on tlhe sidcevalk or pu,55Cle.siiiit street, aciot nerthe curh calls for reduccd speed. s.11(o)î1c ,rahaaii ucalers. ar ot for the reason that vouing chilîdren are ou.to (kart suddenly itito the street. *Parents cati reduce accidents to a nia- Exemplified by Chevrolet *terial extent .hv instructing thieir ch l- I Thespced of mo~dern industry is dren iu wavls and means of pçetu illustrated by the annouincemreut this.j themselves f romn the, dangers oûf traf- week that production of -theý newj fi»Chevrolet Co mincIaL½W.dy plant at Chevrolet . Speeds Up'-to 48 Percent'Better. SalIes Anniiouncenent that sales of Chev- rolet'sixes ini the UuIited ,Stat*es were 48ý percent better , nu Marcli tha-Il February, according to figuirés made pubilic Saturday 1w 1-. J. Kling-ler. vice-president and 'geieral sales nai Inldianapolis bas totaled, more than, 22,000 bodies. since Octoberý 15. On, thiat dat e, wnen'tfÏe p lant was- taken over by> Chevrolet, designs for bodies 1to lie bulît at Indianapolis were not I et. iniexistence. 1 Sixteen different types are already in volume production, arid.plans are icomplete for building three additional types. Lonag, barmd ushows thovale of g.ed inater«Ias andl sbnplicitg of desig EVERYWHEÊRE you go you hear reports of the good performance and reliability of the Ford.. One owner writes-"ýThe Ford Tudor Sedani arn driving has cover ed 59,300 miles tbrough ail kinds of weather. bt is stilli giing perfect satisfaction. Another owuer describems atrip of 3217 miles ini 95 houri over bad roada and through leavy rain and dIeet ithe junnains. &4Throughout the eu-. -tire trip," he wnites, "4the Ford performed ex- cellenily and no mechanical trouble of any kind was, experienced.0 The shatter-proof glass un«. doubtedly savedl us froni serions itujury- when prairie chicken struck the windshield iwhile we were traveling at 65 miles an hour." local, il üighitee will renew and improve som-e >ofthte older higbways. This work, and the use of 'brick, is in conipliance Nvitlî (ýovernor Louis L. Ennerson's de- niands. that, the road- work mustý do ail it can. to' provide' employment for, Illinois people.' The .contracts alsýo ini- clude. 45 miles of 'new pavement and about 23 mAles of heavy gracing. In a recent road contract. letting that brought apparently satisfactory bids for 138.78 miles of paving, the average cost, including cernent, fig- ures $24,156 per mile, according t-q the Il linois highway division engi- neers. The' cernent to be used this year has been . contracted, for at a saving of $2,250,000, as compared with 1930, it is stated., .. .

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