Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 58

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Déors OPean 1:30 Show Sutat z 2P. M., Continuons EI*ninga Durîng Week Doors Open 6 :30o-Show Startg 7 P. m. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW WINNIE ILIGHTNER and JOE E. BROWN. "SIT T=01MT Contedy . 'News . .. Cartoon 4th ANNI ERSAIT NEW PRICES: ADULTS ...... 30c'; Children....10c SUNDAY AND MONDAY. APRIL 26-27 'I'lie Dangerous Daze"l- "Strangestas It Sep] Sporiligbt -TUnivers f RDRK( lm( iN ThOG Rotialfàm iI41* a qan2mount ÇJïdure -Blert lRoacich omedy' rnis"-Jfl nIl lx sal Talklng New~s TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28-29 [)ON'T BI_ "MY Harem",-Le oran "6Philadeiplula Lancaster Cgige"l-Wui. J. Burus Fox Ne.ws THU.RSDAY AND FRIDAY. APRIL 30-MAY 1 'y e A "I k'L - . .. .. ..... .... .. . . .(iteU1ge ou NI' FLYEW' ........... James Hlhl LLION FREN!CHM3EN" ..olzen and Johnlson FUL" . . Ruthk Chatterton and Paul Lucas rD SOUL" ..... . Clias. Farrell and Elissa Landi ..... .Epic cof Jungle Animal Life .. . ... ... . .. .. ..1. . O 1 tis Skinner Helen Twelvetrees CTLY GENTLE-MEN" .. Vietor MeLagleju and Fay Wray ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Jack Oakie ..RN hRE .... ............. ......ichard Arien, .................Ans Harding' a............... ....... .......... Bela ug i tion *Yctures Offering four of the best curreîit films, the Teatro del Lago, under the management of Samu Meyers, is cele- hrating îts fourth anniversary du ring the. week begirming Sunday, 'April 26. "«The Ro yal Family, of Broadway,*i s tarring Ina Claire. and Fredric 'March, is the Teatro del Lago offer-, ,ing- on Sunday and Monday, April 26 and 27. Edmund Lowe and Jeanette- MacDonalwill be deliglit- fui in the -film,, "Don't Bet on Wom- en," to be shown Tuesday and XVed- nesday,.,April 28 and 29. The Boy Scouts of Ameérica take great. pleasure'in recommeindîng tiheý picture, "Father's Son," presenting Lewis Stone,.Irene Rich and Leon Janney, on Tbursdayý and Friday, April 30 and Mày 1. On Saturday,,, May 2, there will be a -double fea-. ture programn; Ralph, Forbes wiil star i "fleau Ideal," sequel to "Beéau Geste," and many unusùal discoveries will mark the,eduicational film, "Lost, Gods. The week Preceding this. annivers- ary .event was also notable, fro Sunday,. April 19, the new schedille, of Iower- admission prices. went intô, effect after a careful stud by Mr Meyers of what the amusement seek- er wants to pay- for bis entertain- mient. In addition to offering quality pro- grains at lôwer prices, the 'reatro del Lago is continuing its policy off meeting its patrons' every desire for perfect entertainment. Free parking service is offered; there, is umbrella service for stormy ni ghts; and within 1 the luxurious show th e confort Ofa every guest is'assured. Ear phones are available for the hard of. hearing.à MAGICIAN COMINGV Edward Reno., magician. will ap- pear at an assemibly at the joseph Sears scluool in Kenilworthi on Tues- day miorning, April 28, at 9 o'clock. Sundaes-Sodasj PINK SHOPI (Forrnerly ot, Evanston) ISi :NATIONAL BANK BUILDING of lalking Serer Teatro del Lago, celebrating its fourth year, opens its anniversary week on Sunday and Monday, April 26 and 27, with "The Royal Family, of Broad- way," a distinct triumph for the talk-- Ing screen.ý :As a stage play "The Royal Fani- ily" wa s the joy of its season. ýBut, declare the .cri tics, it's :far reater as a tal.kiiig picture. No longer is this, comedy by George. Kaufman and Edna. Ferber con fineil to 1thre cramping walls of the stage., It alks -and how -it moves! Ina Claire is, simiply magnificent1 as Julie , and Fredric, March does the work of his life as the Mad Tony, who Went into pictures. 'Ihere is capable acting, too,- by. Henrietta Crosman, Mary Brian' and Charles Startt.. "The Royal Family of Broadway" is a vivid, funny, sad ,story of the great Cavendish tribe, of actors- thrée generations of a mighty fanlily. with a historic, past and a great f u- ture. , Gossip lias con.nécted it m-1th the Barrymore family. Modern and Neat Drama On Tuesday and XVednesday, April, 28 and 29, the Teatro del. Lago_ pre- sents the spicy film, " Don't Bet on WVomen." Modernî, neat and naughtv, this picture flashes a. story of affairs, whereî husbands, wives *a4ndloyers are flrst scrambled and, unscràmibled. Roland Younig's' comiedy is nice, and Edmund Lowe, Jeanette, MacDon)taldl aîid Una Merkel play their rôles ef- fectively and make the most of ilie smart dialog. Interesting short' subjects .wil1 also feature the program on Tuesday and Wednesclay-and on every day.I 1.Father's Son" cornes to the Teatro del Lago on Thursday a.nd- Fridavý, April 30 and, May 1. This aîu;si'ng and realistic comedy, which is based On Booth Tarkington's "ýOld 1Fathers and Young. Sons," is>flot even excelled by the same. author's Penrod tale-, which as everybody, knows hla ,ve no equals but Tomn SawVyer and H4uckle-. .berry Fitin. The. cast of "'Fathcr's Son"~ is sui- [)erb. Leon Janney is the her,cwis Stone the (lad who bas to e ho l<wn. urday ma tinee. -1. On Saturcly, May 2, the Teatro del Lago bas a double feature pro- grai with "Beau Ideal," *sequel t "Beau Geste," and "Lost Gods." Mrs. James Guinan has r eturned to ber home 'at 417 Abbottsford. road, RKenilworth, much improved in healtb,* after-an extended.stay in Arizona. "THE "EAST 66JEACI

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