Picture Marie Dressier and Polly Moran running a beauty parlor! That's what -thcy do 'in their latest co-starring picture, 'Reducing," which wiil be thàe -attrac- tion ,at thée. Wil- mette' theater on Sunday,, Monday and Tuesday, Ap- U ~ ril26, 27,.28. Ac- cording to Direc- " l or Charles Rie!s- ri e r,. considerable searcli was made :».for a stôry, which SWou1ld be 'a orth% "Caught Short," Marie Dressier the previous Dress-, le r - M.,orain laugli sensation..1 .-The scarch %vas ended whien the film execultives rcad the hilarious synopsis of Reducing,". conriccr ni-ng the *happenings i ii a salon for -reducing excess avoirdupois.' Th'le two *girls" *are. funinier than ever in this 'film. ,ý\îtilîthein .supply- .. ing the lauigh in- terest, the' pcture .... is niade complete Nvith the love ini- ~~' t r-t providedby ' pretty Anita Page and lh a i d s o mi e PoIly %loran Buster Collier. *Lewis Ayres ai;Killer On W\ednesdav and .'ltursdaviý, April 2(), 30. Lewis Avres. veteran of "Al Quiet on the- \VIestcrn Fronit," enter's another war, this time as the cool killer w~ho looks ýas innocent-as a schoolhoy ii the film, -'The Doorwva-to Heli." Ganglaîîd lattles are waged. and one of the rMost thrilling. sequcncçes is that in which the ex-ganig-leader who bas corne back to the old haunt's to aven ge the killing of bis youn iger brother. isý forced to face the mnachine-guin buliets of his one-tinie pals. Ycs, that's the machine-gun temnpo of this thrilling and authentic picture of a handsonie mah anion g gangland blondes and beer barons. On Fridav onlv. Màv 1, the Wilmette. Lew'is.Ayres,. star of ".4(1 Quiet on te Westerit Frot," u'il go: t 'îzar, .in gangdoipn as thec leadi;ifl cliaracter ii *The,)oru' to liell," pgzt'Cr fil Jilîi of. intirigues, wiles and slzootin<js, to bc smen and lîcard ontte l z( lc!ivi1seen of tlh' lUilluzette thcatre on Il 'ediitsdai, Tr,,isdavi, A/'ril 2(), 30. In (bis j'chr, 4rcs is a cool killici- ho looks as innocent as a scIiooIb Oy. Ronald Colman Stars at Community House. Ronald Colman,. playing a suiavc and glossy Érook, a thorougli rap-1 scallion but ever the perfect lEniglish gentleman. vIll be a delight' at Coni, mnity butse todav and tomiori-o%%, Friday and Saturday, in~ th'é thrilling picture, "Raffles." There .will bei nîtncs nc on Fridav at 4. and thel Comrinuniit-v House sends, word: "KyFrancis m-ho plays opposite this advcnturous voung chap (Ronald CqlI- man) is a perfect coniplement to him iii lier beauty and sl)iriteçl interpre~- tation cif lier role One comies tô the conclusion that their is 'honor -aniong . thieves,' indeéd aftcr a performance giVen by. 'Raffles,' this del>onaïr youing amateur cracksman. Youi sec, there is a wv out of aIl the tenmpta' tions of péttv crime, and 'Raffles' fi nds i t with MIiss Francis" A Booth ,Warkington cosmdy-dra-- mna for the odiole family f rom sonny LS to grandpa is. "Fathier's Son," to becAi presented at the V'arsity theater to- c day and tornorrow, Friday and. Satur- ~dav.. Lewis Stone, Irene Rich, Léon Jauney, John Halliday, Mickey Beni- Slim Sunr nett and a lot of great kiddies are S responsible for the w*holesom.e fun WHEELI *Again Joan: Crawford proves her- self a great dramatic actress, this " O timne in -Dance Fools, Danlce," Var- sity attraction'on Monday and.Tues- day,ý April 27 and 28. Blly, Bake- OurGd well turns in a fine performance as Süm«mol Joan's %veak.younger brother wvho falîs in with gangsters. This pictu.re _ is fast and thrilling entertainmnt. Good fast' melodrama that :every- one in the family will like is provided and ThusdBah, rio2 n Wd 30, w and SeasdBath" ol 9 n dn0sdayt George O'Brien doing a grand job of starring in this dashing adven- px.~ turc story of submiarinecs during theéf war. - Gary Cooper is the star of "Fight-Wd ing Caravans," "pio neer if e film, fea- LE tured by expert phiotography of beau- tiful sceiles andl gorgeous Inidians, on Fridav and Saturday, 'May 1 and 2. Exrncst Torrenice and Tullv Marshall, as two drunkeni old Indian'scouts, are interesting characters. CLARA BOW TON[GHT Today (Friday), Clara Bow is an usherette and also a gangstcr's moîl in Aso the filin, "No Limit," at the Wilmette ..C theater.- 1710 Shernmn Ave. EVANSTON Friday, Saturday, April ?A-25 "FATHER'S'SON" with Lewis Stone * Esther Raîston will star. in the comedy, ."Lonely Wives"; on Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, May 5, 6, 7, Joan Crawford again proves that she's a great dramatic actrçss in "D Pc ools, Dance"; and on Friday * . andSaturday, May 8 and 9, Richard Dix gives bis greatest performance as Yancey Cravat in,'Cimarron." PA~FFLES IMTSED bJiT5iSPC=i Friday, Saturday, May 1-2 Gary Cooper ini ..FIGHTING CABVANS,: Amiiversary Week CoZtCeete OurI First Rirthday!, m.rviII. in ,Qo a4L4 tuwday, NJo 2sEY .R and.WOSYi oiKm. lem£ A»D flbil . 91 1 1% burel and 'fi from the- stage.IplaM-The Qu..n's: Husband" Saturday, May 2 ""MENI ON CALL" EDM UNPD ýLOWE, GALA