Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 64

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x.'r.S. t :itii iii'uuict a' . u i uit,'re lire 1t I tt ;mt, Ii i r; l(-I-(- ' i -Ctu i ~thie Il :îuîi îiirîîî I'tt' t'isrî vî- m il;t. t.t. i t ' ict il"t'a t'ndt l (Iii le ti '1)vi' i chit(i t , 7 ~ t utt' 't iii îLe Str'liu i l i \ X*:'l a ilni :îiitii <.()'t t'heittîî. ' t u In liitl. clx i' l ;l . . îtil i l îl(' adî;iî.ll îul r ing, a ' ; ti \e-a t î' ' "ttusire.onre 'lere P'iint'-ilP ' iii 1u);r], luaîîî' n spucdnîîiial il lit' \ 'i' l it'1 ii(lIi be irs, b a t tli Il iv:î iu. l i the Ir l1,f)1 ine tagu),,'ilsuîalowevv. ,'tiii g' %vie t 'li e.tu eai ',"a . it tand,'N iti!t h ,aduîiîitrîuîg a.dt'l utù t lu i a itic r' M ctl)crs ()fl l itea n ' i i'e' .ar (,ii B7uii1 Ae Hoore receu't'ed .ic l'a inu it t )h I I,' u.ilu ' (I te ciraiii i i e rtieit an wi wil aalt'd ivte aarîii al 'Iltir ten i'r if lu' tar ' r N'ord,.î -mooe.caîtuu, .ttv u ntn .1 t' Flicthe.iîirt t& no vrd teai inn phitsîlf aN a gve tairlte 'it. tvarn incmntherIiglstae"Roiîert Nod 'a p. ontgiî IIad jteliie l- vt'ro mi fir S- ilie tirsttii'earhùtz -rîî NIrd t teih ie ttrcliawardt aca 'Ir l teai ptitc'e'e ' pint S."leii o 'ear-roîiuidac tohe t i , die N.'t tl'4 S. r in' Wiclh ýtuuî seC()Id p.lace Ii c\ i I. 'sport cntered *wtli the (Il tî. i basketball anîd was ' witilci, )fthul coiisolatioi', Icag1-tic () iiat sio(rt. LET CONTRACTc t" e I I t~tw~l I Xi S: "'r !l i'ci." I 'a t ""îa C: *i'ut. f r<l NI" acîî '\I )~'h I la I. ~ ~ K' i "c ' ' " ' j" '*<~ ' t I :t.'t 't', ! ci 1',' ci :t.: ' :lir:'în L ~j ~<j (.at's ealiindaIttes'on 'tutic ile.ltifI'tit 'L'a' \iait. shatl'or' ibrar'v trIIlstee "' -reac- <'". jtît *i'tr - cî rtiedl a sizcalie. Ciipliiictarv v> ,(I("le Il ii i1 il'11) 1-,)\ 'iil il t'îîîîs anîd cxtlî- ici c~Il,, ~ 1!'t' lc' ýsut1 ,'sat t'A i" C nva!,. Ba1l's Aprul 29 v 1111t. ' t,, i t.' i i t i l 1 1tt. ilu il~î 21 ' :" ' t,, l I i- i i l C' )-f I i lii i :I i t h1- ' t r I lcI tlt'tit' '1î j thé 1 1 n4'c Ic! lvttiu I iîu.t t ' i utc ciil lor'1 eu)i j l iuh I l ai'L t a dî", t tc 'îîot' i i hat.. 'tt'tt" '«i itc attn ti'i 11'c l, ti' , tI \ (1 lt ît tl'R ii htitroitYIl e vi v t ii l: lt :r a a aij f n i c ti V 't- bo- fti.ç 'il '1114 I titl : "u1ls Ii Ii lit. îtmîi t'(:îl b aailti c !Sa tilit- alidi bc I l ùlvn 1 r l t-ttale L, I. v ;!(Ipil/'" lfx * Ia"lb' (l i' i b l- t.I'ur ;t IIîùIII tjI ' t 1tf ' 1- 1,~: . î U n 't ai ~î//t"t"tictfi i r. tIh ni* iîîih dstu'ccti1n, rt"t'ît(10dhi- îtu'it.tLI.t ;1,pr i:1î l l l I 1 i t fi it iFtitt fl f'm 1 1 i s 1 )IUfl Id a S il ti hic 'S a e t tt tn 'sî itii"Zit,Çc/N "'~tîîît~ cc ptudhis itiuh 'ua'1'ii-iSTrYLE 51-10W AT SH-AWNEE shî~'<'ne sur , - j l thd e an d.butIetSiije s iriiCIasaA tl .i ini'r"ct<d iiÇ<lîtin tt\ilvî(tlimtn ig e.'cît tvI Sh anee tiuandit' 'l'le i'Ile r Iu .1t, ht'iîi. s 'ak a Il.r ai ' t'fad i 'it'1ýsI i cu',turdx '- .eiî1t prl 5 ia Su tltîlg laH ii a u ui -LIgii iil e pre 'r. hpupil", i iiviti t j 4 ,*'iti'i'Si p, i pi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vn aiti it use ttli lat.t'.ut uat (C' il tt())t$i fIlclcnd i '11sliîii i ue ileul nd f lé l i1ýmtk il, ti'ceîî l l 11\ il [ll Iý' le rememliî'r nd fo r tht' t'î'y sut'-ril 25 nul tu. i u s pi It-i l t'va ri i i nd h lias w 'iiît î' IýIui a y u i U. DavidY i l i - tt i 4a rvtc'd n i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F4il- 1 (IirI StiltiT 'iîclltlu c,'t ili t liw'..A iî'Çq (iillis'tîi'î it'ut t'rîmîî,i idnc.Ii"i 'êi41t ' lir.rsç eii1i.e 15 nn 'u. d as ui wi't'lie'C yr the l.' biu- euto.11(1for tnvi, \ oApli i1 1a28,u- stI ii I h e.'111()-t i'a ie Nlaru l 1 '-e >-s l <'conce t'îl~i- g;1\4, andilc tse w sland g for att e.'r lt ai:,d . 'la lu '~îiner at 15a'uîip N 1,a- and luis1 Au Lh ctutti nat'î i g I'h'Nîrh it1t aî>y ar T :h'fft ti l * t. i'ic-tunsiîd t Ilipl"i 'G Mio le s rv t' IflIt, iglat. U ts Jie si. o11;34) r. atît I î S ,193t . i Itc t' tthe 1is1 m i, l t'\'t'ft11wh "ir"< , i a 1cT o, if f . 1 ld -'t'o \'t'i i)ighî -il. \4co.rHni, .01 1 Fferal7a.lFIREMEN GET3itAr of--Ille' .1, irtif irl evcs o aui 'of-'aiwee ire I n Iîî i %,(Itue etweîka Mi,,nn, 1713iFuîresifi, 1 t andonc 6f, ibeif<FranknW Ili lis, 812 Ashralf2l.avwoifô. (Ifi' h e . " rs 'IfI. tfe tc mÇrP1\. cr s lrsaç'otliasst in 1c~ Pon çcîn wtr el.îin 'dns"otn'li ho'ut 'Chi 'vof the fir s ' '. ' t 1 i(ol iI day. Apil 1. a $cttt' fnnr~i iîdîe.w'asa .praîîc ire t $6 ilhietnu 111(4 Gree1535 veui e uicti . a\',l 1i m t gt nrdabi:1,1 ' JIeote ca -o Mr. and Mrs, Willianm B. Plumner, whp were married Marcli 21. at tiue 'home of' Mrs. Plunwr's p)arents, NI r. 'and Mrs. Grant Ridgway,' of Keimil- wyorth, have retuirned from a montli's wedding trip to Bermuda antiare' now making their home at 1.35 Suffolk road, .Chestnut Hill, .Mags. ' ýMrs.i Plumer i s the former jane Ridgway,. Beeson and her iatighter, Miss jean Mrs. LeRov 'NI. Ninor. 929' Sheri- Beeson. Miss Fox left Kenillworth dIan road, returlied to lier home hast about the first o-f April. Friday from . California. She had ' -o heen visiting Mrs. Hlarrv' E. Hughes Tirreil J. Ferrenz bas returned to-' at the latter's wiîîter httine in :Vpuî his home ai 511 Washington avenue Nuv~s. Mrs. Hughes,' who was form- from San Antonio, Texas, where h-e erly>lof Wi lmette, is nlow residing.at hadiattended an Architects' conven thue Orrington hote.l. ECvanston. tion. emcrgency measure l Oct au clshjmate~ any. way. YOU ntay find prices lower titan you think. -Mutual Decoratig Cg. 373 Jeffers.. A.. TreL -Glencçe28

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