DoYOur Prînte d 'lPieces Work for You?, Ifyou.,can scrape along, with just printinçi in yu, drive for business this 'spring, then Lloyd Hollister Inc., can do that just printing, for you as well and as economically as anyone.b Bu in fairness to yourself, your budget, andutyOur sales volume you need something more than just printing', you need the plus v'alues, which make sales- printing. good -advertising, good selling-a good investment on your part. The Hollister organization can give you these plus V.alues along with the benefits of broad and practical experience in the, use of printed pieces to build business.- .Anuce nt B ookl et a .Folders Inserts Blotters Stationerg -Ail Pieces pertaining to a complete mail campaign Wilmette 4300- Winnetka 2000- Greenleaf 4300- Sheidrake 5687 il