232 196 187 127 135 152 ALBERT W. FROEHDE ARTHUR LEE 'FLOYD B. WEAKLY HENRY J. BRANDT EVAN R. JAMES . .. For Village Trea$urer HARRY -W-. MILLIER. 'HERMAN T. REILING,... Water 110nd, Issue YES NÔ, 278 258 237 226 219 240 .184 72 200 118 224 210 229 224 210 209 274 278 263 .307' 67, 83* 252 « 272' 144 M9 *179. 169 173 104 166 163, 178: 251 94 '168 162 323 148 311 454 268 283 270 294 267 269 193 203 183 450 443 458 70 79 70, 332 209 149 241, 167 289 330 160 236 320 .158 .230 3667 3474 3ý44 2260 2257 2745 1M0 2798 Precilnct. polîiing.places iiîdicated at thc top of the above. tabulation are is follows.: -Village hall. .2-Village- hall. 3-Stolp scbool. 4m-Stolp school. S-at 419 Foutrth street. 6-l,aurel school.7-at 1145' Greenlea aeue -at 1217 Wilmet vne -Logan school. lO-Fire station., i1-Hoffman hall. 12-Týhaliiia,î's store. Northwestern Circus Clowns Will Frolic in Evanston Stores, There'll be signs of, circus time in several Evaniston, stores today and Saturday when a group of clowns.Will corne down f romn the Nortbwestern uni- versity campus te hierald the approach' of the studeuits' anmal cwrcus 'May 1 and 2 at thie gymnnasium. Wittb a bevy of stunts six or eight collégiate clowns wvil1 entertain ail chil- dreh, who, visit the Hub, Wiebàldt's, Lord's and. Field's. 'rbursday af ternoon à group will performi at Wieboldt's f romn 3:30 to 5. Friday afternoon they ivilI b4e at. Field's from 3 :30 to 4 :30 and anof ber group will be at the Hub f roni 4 to 5. Saturday monning they will be at Iord's f rom 10 to '12. .and ini the afternoen f rom 2 to'.3, while a number ofthtern will disport them- selves at WVicboldt's fromi 2 to 4 Sat- urday afterneon. They Nwill also give samples of the '.big tent" performance at the public elémentary schiools Monday, Tuesday, and Wediesday of îîext week. Ffireworks, Parade,' Sideshows 1Features of the 1 big' show of wbich these clowns will be 'f orerunniersare, two evenifig performances. in the gym- nasiurn which wiIl serve as tbe 'big topft for -the acts of 1sorority> and f ra-ý ternity greups and a numben of, pro- fessionals, a fireworks. display over the lake front, behind the gym, a parade Saturday .nîôrn ing ini which nierchants. jMaIllinck rodt :Newsj The. annual Junior-Senior luncheon %%as.hield at the Foodcraft Shop Mon- day, A pril 20. Each'Junior bad as hcer guest a Seýnior. The luncheon ,was: held> in, connection with the Molthe rs' club party. Bridge and Bunco fïoiiowed à deligtrtfui tneal. As a special favor the unifqrn regula- tioi -was dispensed with for the ,day in tlhe Senior and Junior* classes for the flrst tilne.in the histor'y-of the school. WVe regret to say that the '.farch Hlonor Roll of Braillers bhas been so far omitted. Howvever, we take this opportunity of -calling themn to your, El. Fecher, 70 pages; A. Levernier, 00 pages; 'A. Richter, 56 pages; P. Clarke, .54 pages; M. Sesterben, 36 pages; M. McNuIty,~ 27 pages; M. We ber, 27, pages; C. Kloepher., .?6 pages; C. Antonio, 25 pages; J. Beyer, 24 pages. ]Funàeral Services Held Monday for James J. Gough jamhes J. Gough, father of Walter J. Gougli'of Wilrnette, died last Fni- day night at bis home, 4418 N. Maple- wood avenue, Chicago, at the age of Carolyn Gromann Feted' at.,Pre.-Weddling, Events The last of, the pre -n 1tptial, affairs Which wil take place this week and next, preceding the niarniage of Miss Carolyn Gromiann to Ellis F. Muther on Saturday, May 2, include a dinner ou Tuesdày,-April 28, for Miss Gro- manu an(l ber family and Mr. Muther andi bis family at the home of Mrs. Fred 'Phillipson and' ber daugbter. Mrs. Sarahi Kaye, in Evanston. On Tbursday, April 30, Miss Dorotby Trotter, roomniate of Miss Groman'n at Rockford college, will arrive witb her aunt, Miss Lillian Trotter, to en- joy the rest of the wedding activities.. The saine evening, Miss Gromann wil give hier spinster dinner at the borne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralphý S. Grornatn of 901 Central avenue, Wýiimette, while W. G. Shearer of Wilniette will entertain for Mr. Muther at. a bachelor dinnen at the Insurance club in Chicago. Saturday, May 1, Mr and Mrs. Gromann will give the bridai' dinner ýt the Edgewater Beach botel for the wedding party and a numben of the bride-to-be's very close friends. Wilmette ,Public Tennis CourtsReady for Use. Wilnette's public tennis courts on tbe Village'. Greeni were ready for use last. week-end. Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces. 60 New Bou*ks for, Wilrnette .ýPublic Library Patrons MNfore'-than sixty new books on many subjects are included in a 1Ws of newv volumes at the Wilmette Pub- lic library announced by,'Mi ss Anne Li Wbitmack, libranian, this week. The 'list includes plays and essays. hooks on travel, biography, garden- ing, homes and home furnishings, and history. as %well as a fe-w classics: lHitory' and Cr1iciieim of Art Meanlng of Art---McMahon. fly Way of Art-Roseilfeid. Art In the Sehoo-BÉoas. Appleý- and 'Madon naa-Biuilet. Art in Flanders-Rooses. Vùgetable Garden-Kruhm. House Plants-Barnes. Englfsh Pléasure Gardens-Nicholi. Lawn MakIng-Barron. Tferb Garden--Bardswell. Flower Growlng-Barron. ifodern Enlish Garden, Roses-MeFarlànd. Planning Your Garden-Rogers. What Great Dellght-Snith. Homes aind Furnlulmtngs Domestic Arehitectu*'e In Rural France. Old New England Houses-Robinson.' Hooked Rug-Kent. On Decoratlng the Hoüse-Koues. OId H'nglish .Furn-Iture--.Garside., Simple. Guide to Pictures and Painting. -BUlley. Prints, for the Layrnan-Whltmore. Essays From Con fuctu.s to Menken-Pritchard. Delight: ot Reading Great B3ooks-Eirs- kine. -wood. yesterday at Field's, the Student's Co- operative store and Chandlerks GARDEN CLUB TG MEZT The Garden Club of Kenilworth, will open the ,season Friday, May .1, with a lunilceonl at the'home of: Mrs. Yark Cresap, Woodley *roadi Wïin- netka.. Prom that tirneon the club Q.ueen of Angels chiurch, Sunn .yside ' ' and Western aven ues, Chicago, and Mrs. Dorothy Ullricb Hahn of burial took place at Calvary cerne- Wilmette is president of the Zonta tery. club of 'Evanston 'which met at the Georgian Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hl. Hurtt and 0 Betty, jean, of 708 "Park -avenue, ,C. ýH. Hurtt of 708 Park avenue spent last weeék-end: as guests of Mr., bas just returned. fromn a twb weeks' and Mrs. E. W.. Dresser of Milwau- vacation, at -Biloki, where he played icca, -golf. 110 ý01 the GlV eorgia n otel this eve- nîing. --o-- Mrs. Cilbert Kelly of 41l2 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertained her bridge club Tuesday of this week. Mrs. W.. King, 611 Forest, ave- nue, entertained ber. Tuesday club this week at her. home. 277 273 275. 108 89 87 dl