of WILMETTE Tf HE- statements of Amferican leaders In wdefinitely sudthe hastening return of good times. Today's'news îs not propaganda but theannioun cement of in-. creasi ng business and sound açtivity,. These e ncouraging signs- pr ompt this message of persontal greeting. The First National Bank o f Wilmette hIas gone ahead steadily,, since its beginning, in, the belief. that it could only succeed by good se rvice and that this community deserved the best. It has always been our policy to iprove asywe progress and, moreover, .to, serve in a sincere spirit of f riendliness. A year ago, having in mmnd the growing demands of the Wilmette to corne, there, was added to the active management of the Banik a notable group of acknowl1- eded. leaders in; commerceý and finance. Since then you have becomie familiar with these menwhsnae and affiliations are listed, below. Thus aniother forward Step was taken. Th.ese men directl y pledged their, power and the sum of, their immense resources to the absolute surety and developm ent of the Banik. An d thlus, fortified by such complete, guarantees of stability and, trghwe are prepared to. give Wil- mette the same quality of modern banking service. that the largest Chicago institution. can. offer. To this message of friendly assurance we add our thanks for your patronage which has been so imp)ortant to our su«cess and upon whose continuance we build confi- dently the greater First National Bank for the Wilmette of the-future. E. B. KNUDTSON,. President THE ADVJSORY COMMITTEE H. E. PORONTO Truistee,ÇCentral Matiu(acturing District EUGFNE V. R. THAYER Vice President, United Startes Cold Çhairinan, Execative Comrnittee. Strau r oonnration .'i 1l"in.- niii E. B. KNUDTSON President of the Bank B. W. LYNCH Vicq President, H. M. Byllesby id Co. 1ALBERT N. PAGE President, Midwest Oit Burner Mf g. Co. GILBERT H. SCRIBNER Winston £4 Company ROBERT STODDARD Vice Pres. and Treas., Midk Boule Crate Co. A. C. WOLF Preaident, Wolff-Griff i., mc. ALAN C. DÎXON' President, Terminal National Banki