Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 12

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1-fis ORCHÏ-STRA *Little Joe You Gave Me Everything But Love TeD WEEMS AND Hl' ORCHESTRA By the. River Sainte Marie Côt,*the'.Bench,'Goýt the Park HFNRY Buss ,SrN.DHîls RHT COLUMBIA 2422-1) Marna Inez Afrdcçn Lament )JADRIGUERAS l1~vAV «CA 1NO' Oh. I)Onna Clara, Flizabeth Gui- 1>jt\RI b AI'Il is O lEgypuian Fila I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby TIE e 1 AI>tIi . î SAT URDAY SP ECIALI Shoee Music 4 for $ 1.001 COME IN AND ,HEAR 'THEM WILMETTE music SHQP': Carlet on Kaumeyer .1179 Wilmtt. Avenue Opposite Village Hall T.Iepkon. WiImeffe 3006 Openo Thursdr*y, Saturday Eveniugs returning to Ariz., after v~ Skeels. Rernen her nomrnuot" Tucson, vi'sit.ing the Frederick F. nber Mother on Hier Day, RI NG-TiýNG CANDY MbIther's Day Special Boxes $1.00 and $200 We mail and deliver PHONE Vi IR ORDER NOWN Rng-tinýs Canbg Shops, *WIlInette 3S 92.') Lisden Avenune.lfiil>lbài ru Wùoid s Witintetkst -4t; 95EmStreetý, Wlnnetkst Yvinfltka 5is ---CU -.---- This information is contitined in a letter f romn Albert E. Ricç4 secretary of the Dartmouth college news serv- ice. While at New Trier High school King was a member of. the :swimi- initie team., Mrs. Frank W. Ketchamn Hurt When Horse, Fails Mrs. Frank W. Ketclîam, 40 De- v'onshire. latte, Kenil w*drtli; was se- riously injured last Satturday wlien a horse she was riding near the In- dian Hill Riding club stepped into a liole and fell. Mrs. Ketehani was. taken ýto the 1-'vanst-on hospital. L -t Was, stated, this week that« two months' tinie rnay be required for lier complete recovery. Riding witli bier at the timie of the accident wçe lier husbanid. an eyxectitive of the Twentieth Ceîîtûry press, and another Couple. MUMPS IIOLDS LEAD) Twý%enty-otene% , cases of nîurnps ini Wilmette weûre reported hv fthe Wilmette H-ealth departînetit for thie week ending N\7eçlneslay. April 29, The departnient also reported five iiew cases of rneasies and onie ne 'Vj case of chicken pox for the> sanie period. Otiier contagion still active. ini the village inicludes bx old cases. of mumps, one of wlo.igcough and one of nieàsles.. *Followiflg are the hours of lde- parture and arrivai of mail at the Kenilworth postoffice, ail time sbown being daylight saving time. Departure-8S:IS a. m., il1:15 a. ni., and 2 P. ni. (northbound inciuding Wisconsin), 2:15 P. n. and 5:15 p. M. Ail dispatches make connections with evening ai r mail; fligbts from Chicago airport.1 Arrival-4 :45 a. ni., 8:35,a. m.,, 10 ý35; a. m., 10:50 a. m. (parcel . ost only). il:45 a. m. (from Wilmette and'Ev-. an.ston only), 12:15 1). ni. (froni'Wiln- netka.only), and 2:35 p. m. sundàay service is restricted to o01le incoming mail at 8:35 a. m.. There is-no outgoing service on Sundaiv. Would Widen Hibbard, Willow Road Corner At. the, requestr of the Village of Winnetka, the County Uighway -de- partment is making a. studyv of con- ditions at Hibbard 'and Willow roads with a view of ividening these streets at the intersection. A vcrv danger- ous condition now exists hiere, it, is pointed out, because of the two large concreteahutments. on either side.of Hibbard 'roàd, close to the intersec- tion. Mrs. Thomas J. Tubbs 1 350 Green- wood avenue entertaitied niernhers Of bler. luncheon bridge. club last Tuesdav a t hreII Hard depressing times are driving aneat values lower. Hogs,. cattie and sheep are dollars lower than a few ,nonths ago. Checki tk~ese items wit h what you are paying, and remember our meats are ail excellent quality. Charge accounts unay be arranged and our delijeries are -free.. Speials-F riday and Saturday, May, 102 SfndngRi loat ee cii(àe l t.w32 ah nd7t - .ti 1 10 Wh.ale or Ilîmif 621 Main 1870 ~ 4, I I t .............. m

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