ters, charactenized as the most versa-' Gregory avenue, have I tule band in t he country, wiil provide ofhe0irgt or aeeaes. the harmony for dancers at Fleur de daughter, Mrs. 1Edwardl B. Iau] Nor. Floor entertajument wili be lier small daughter, Mlarilyn, co provicled by the King Sisters, musi- fayette, Ind. Mn. amidIrs.. Han) cal comedy and recordiîtg stars Clay- jst. returned fro.nî a short ýst ton Forbes, world's greatést RussianIFr-cl 'S, $pIngs. Like Our FredorecVi-Toii Perinmefig F'."- 400 -Lin.deo S oF natural-looking curls tha 1Iat hewave can be pushei up in place or fingeir waved. Exe cuted by. the new method eaaaly cared. for. at home. Maki .an appoirntment .nowfor, you sumeiër. permanent. HELENE BEAUTY ST¶OP CAROLYN MILLERn Ave. Wilmette 2802 C'ornePr Of Fou rth and Llndeim, Sad dioor iad" .s the bail harder and collected "Me' tîîeir runs, while the Terminais "slumiPedl" 1) and and crossed the plate but twice. f La-i Arrangements have been made to aimond! play the Chicago Bears, a star col- ay at (red team, at Wilmette avenue and Hibbard radon SundIaN. The apparent ,siump, of, theý Ter- - intais was most probabiy due to the wonderful, pitching of the, Pioneers. T 'he "Oid jinix." Harry Schlueter. wias again on the, nound ai made an- Iother impressive showving by striking. jout ton of the. chamîps and aliowing but, five lits; ne time.after the first inning wlien the Termninais scored, %vas lie lu danger. Harrv aiso hieiped along the scorinýg witlî a single iii Rtthe: third inning we h Pioncers d The report thlat the Pionleers wouid accomplish bie things this yvear wvas * again confirmed since the Terminais :e were recogîiized as the ,îortiî shore rchamips last vear. Affnong tlîe teams the ioners opeto include i thiii sciliedule are. Mason Park of'Evans- ton, MWiiîette C. C., Des Piaines, l3arrington and nain. others.* Th newest assets to the Pioneer Este.ss and Stuc Merreil, ail st'a>riii- fielders. These, together with Buddyv -and Eddie Schuett, boîster the in- fld, Vic Dieniien, jolbti BrNychel, hard hlittinig center filder, and AI. Rociiier take care of the outfieid. Fritz Krauss takes care of the catch-. iRnîerand ake the tchind stakx Ron and akerte Sciteraffrax- Ilceptionaliv stroflg room of Marshall 1Feld's. Mrs. Wil- liami J. Weldon of Wilmette, chair- mari of conservation. hiac charge of the program. Mrs. -JohnMiov 1resident, presided. A musical program wvas preseted.1 by.Orville Cavanah, Miss, Rose Saron of the Gurin school- of Music.. M\as- ter. Arthur Weldcin,,and Master Farl Toops. Mr. Cavanah, Master W,\el- don. and Miss Saron plaved the first and third movements of Bach's "Coni- certo In G Mintý.or." Mr. ýCavanah i a teacher at the Gunn school. Arthur' Weldon is one of bis students. Eanl Toops, 8 years oid, played "'The Gvpsy St'reet Vilolinist" by Oemhier., Robert Kingery of Winn.etka, gave an interesting 'and, enlightening falk on Cook County Conservation projects Regional Planting,. etc., and showed by many movirlg picture 'reels the beauty spots of1 Cook county. Lewis B. Springer of Wilmette. superintendent1 of. the State Porestrv, department at Springfield, spoke on1 Forestry Conservation in Illinois. Ile toid what had been dolue, of the present conditions, and hopes and plans for.the future, and of the re-< ciamation, of mining land. His tal k 'was aiso illustrated by'pictures on1 the 'screen in whichý he,.shoWed such i)eauty spots as Appie River Canyon, Starved. Rock, Deer Park,"etc. New officers and chairmen of coin- mnittees and departments were eiected at the business meeting in the fore- noon. ."1ARSONS MARKET Phon~es wihuette 2800-2801- and ý152. RI DGE AVENUE, W LMETTE, Buy it here, for Iess a' Ro or rol .. . .. . strictly freali, Rudge Avenue IPharmacy OppositeSt. Joseph'is Church- Wulmntte 316 Ii L ROASTING AND STEWING CHICKENS )When it cornes from 0Persoe's" it'. the best W. Deliver to Wilmette, Keniworth6, Wimn.tk&4 HubLard Wod, GI.uCI» 'I ri 1 à