old auditorium at the high school. A large and enthusiastic audience attended the 'first performance of the play last Saturday, anid a* capacity crowrd is expected tonigbt. Five huni- dredseats, had been disposed of early this week for tonigbt's performance, and many more have been sold since theni. The cast forý the production ii-, cludes Frederick A. Kahler, dean of boys at:the high school,,Miss Heleil Jean Fraser of the physical educa- tion department, C., Russell SmalI, head, of the foreign language depart- ment,, Miss Frances Bredin. an<l Bailey Shearer, also 'of- the foreigi language department, Miss Winifred. Wilson and Robert Carpenter of the lEnglish department, Robert Reaîi and N. G. Christensen .of. the science <e"patnent. Clyde Gratér of the inathematics.cie p a r t e nt. josepi, Schumac 'her, band 'instructor, and, Ruth Mearns and, Madelon Beaul, two gradiiates of the school. H. H. Herron lias hiad charge of the ticket sales for the play, ;Lild Gordon VanKirk has been dire cting the rehearsals. Both arcmeffbers of the New Trier faculty.: Following the presenitationi of -'Thc Best People" toniglht, a receptioi) is to be given for the New Trier faculty' men s club. in the schooI mess hlli by the facultv women's club. Friendsý of the teachers also will be invited. National Safety council. This award, madle for the greatest reduction in casualty rates (killedj and injured) among, employes on dtvt in train, train service, and non- train accidents, was determinecd on. the b asis ýof a, million man hours' worked, as shown i, the, official. records of the Interstate Commerce commission. Class A includes rail. roads on which- employes worked, more than 100 million man hours. A trophy in recognition, of the, record made by the Chicago and North, Western railway ýwill be re- ceived 11Y President' Sargent at *a dinner in the Stevens, hotel, Chicago, on May ý19, at which time the Na- tional Safety council will'be host to the'.officiaIs of the winning roads -in eëachclassification... Eekharts Give Statue. to Kenilworth School Mrf. and Mrs. Perey B.. Eckhart oi 206 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortl,, have donated to the Joseph Sears school a fountain figure in plaster 1)*v Ruth Sherwood of the Art institute. The figure is that of St. Francis of Assissi, with a wolf and a fawn on1 either side. The statue formerly stoo<l in a pool in the Eckhart's gardlen. Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart liked it st, weIl that they had it duplicated l i bronze. and gave the plaster "figure to the school. ____ ____oo -«K A la- p» I '"HAPPINESS-Awaits,, you et the end of yo u orn.àIYi OLDFASHI1ONED LOUISIANA STRAW BERRY SHORICAKE, Sumiptuousi- ervd with velvoly Whipp.d cream....25ç Thie choicest boreles 0; the. s.týland-sparklintg geme.of crimson rn. bauisorgatmelow. freshoes. master- fully nco«fc it. ht. at lloarngnejictar dfcoses iaâe.â i Me fluest .herf..e le 4'h. land- Partake of this heavenly food todayl SOUTH AVE.., CHIC TheyNeed. CHILDREN'S SPECIAUSTS 16og SII,^W«LAVENU + EVANSTC)N 2 ton- sww le