Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 39

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I ri-snîp Cu........ Bill Sunlof J-fumor ............. ... Dave Lott hIquiring Reporter....... Jane Orr Book Reviews........ Ruth Jackson Reporters Alice Altscbul, EthelF Andersoni, John Barden, -Emma Bjckham,ý Bud Hloward, Bob Hutcbings, Virginia botz, Harry, Kinnie, Willard- Kus, .jack .Mee, Meta -Miller, EarI Moss, LMazie Mouat, Jane Normaji,. George Ogan,, Babe Rich,' Virgirija Riethci- mer, Leila White, Jaîie Yost, Helen Putt,, Tom Elvin. NOT TO BE ýOVËRLOOKED Our attention was, drawn reccntly to an article appearing inx fthc student daily paper of one of the largest and. oldest men's £olleges în the East. It dealt with a problcm. which night confront any educaional institution or college.' The article did flot dis- close the particular situation tI.at h«d instigatied its creation, but one might judge that there had been a reasoan for so xnucli eloquence on the part of the member of the staff writing b the article. The theme of the article was that class oficers should live up *-to the hopors that have been givento therni by the members of their class. To bc sure, officerseare usually nomninated, and. electcd on ment, but occasiolially poli tical factions literally shove themn. into office. That is a situation tliat- does not exist here. So far N. T.ý has kept out of political tactics, as, :a means of stiniulating intercst, even though the school is situated'about. fi fteen miles f rom Chicago. * What is next? According to the *article, it is the duty of those who have been elected, to feel that a big- responsibiity lbas been put upon thcm as well as, a very largeý honor. Thcyý * shoùld be representatives of' the class.' and. not merely friefidly with certain groups and inclined to ignore those witb whom they are lcss acquaint.ed. Perhaps we had better quote f romi the college paper here, as they have ex-- * pressed the niatter ini an exceedingly dlean and helpful way: * CHESS CLUB Annouincement was made that the Chess team will encounter Proviso in. a five-muan match. Eugene Hildebnand and Edward Kunman arc expccdý to clef eat-' their opponients easily. New T'rier bas flot been beaten yet this'year. - "And lion, could you tell that Mrs. Glotz had a set of f aIse teetb'" S ' Oh, it just camne out in the conver-. sation."- Whem Kntightliood Was ;lihabited First M edieval Cootie: "Its. no fun living in a coat of ar mor." Second Ancéeral Insecct: "No, Hcav- cen help a fcllow on a knight like this.* Oh-ISée He: "Unmarricd ?" She: "Ycs, twice." Uittie Squirt "Are yeu a surgeon ?" cnied a lady, .nushing into a drug store. 1 6Naw," Ireplied thé aprorîed, "I'ni. just. the fizzician." yotU11g youith. Mfajor: "The encmy~ are as, thick as peas. What shaîl wve do ?" Genceral : "Sheli 'cm, 'of course!" I Advisor Room Notes, GIRLS M iýssKarstîs sophwn-vore ady!isor roonl is continuing9 their courtcsy discussions. If any very polite sophoînore girls are discovered, wve are confi dent that thcy will be mnembers of Miss Karst's roomi. lnci(lCitally, the group feel ltite suroe that the îîext authonitative bo-ok un> ctiqtiette \vill be written by a nimber uf 'thceir roonm. Miss Snallpage's advisor group acted as hiostesses to the rest of the sophio- more glarN on Thursday. The speaker %vas Mrs. 'M. Hl. Licher, well known lecturer,, on the suljcct ofpalaear Ia~.This topic %vas very. apropos as the girls of the,above mentionied gruup. havebeeti studying ithis suibjcct dUring« the past wiiitcr. Friday of last week, Ms Breiden- bach's advisecs held a tea in t lhe Girl>-' club room ' They - werc cntertaied one of fthe irl's niother, Mrs. Wood- i eai in me oA1Ja11V c J.a nio VVUK in Kenilworth. Watch for furthcr an- nounicenuents concerning this tea. BOYS Mr. Shearer spoke to Mn. Ascheni- bacb's, roonu last.Friday mo rning. He told of* the experiences that bie had ,.vbile'be was'teacbing in thenuountains of Kenîucùky. As this -was, bis , 6rst, teacbing po s ition, , the help, vbîch thc Ku Klux Kian gave him> in, carrying ott a. Memonial day prograin was not fully appreciated., The talk was vcry intcresting and very'humorous. Mr. Johnson talkcd to Mr.,Condonls room about hypnotism. This is a vcry ;ascinating subject and ýprovides an in- tcresting- program for'an advisor per" iod. Mond4ay nuorning, Mr. Shearer ne- pcatcd bis talk about early teaching expex jences te bis own advisor roo.ini. Mr. Ascbcnbach gavc a talkç about Siip-Building EDuring the World '\'Jar." This talk was vcr3' intcrcsting ô th1e boys ini Mr. Shearcr's roomi. A nnounce. Sehedules The Suburban icague bascball and tennis schedulcs for 1931 are as fol- lowVs: Basebali Evanston at Proviso, Friday, May Decricld at Morton and New Trier resuits were rej»aiicawe. Amidst a steady drizzle, Sandbaclb of Emmerson High at Gary, set a new national interscholastic record. i the 120-yard' high hurdles. His time was 15 seconds flat-too fast for the four other hurdlers, who are>,coný- ceded to be the,,outstanding nmen of thé district, if not of the state. Then comes thîe victory of the New Trier ,flyer, -George. Quinlan, .over Herman of Oak Park,, national Inter- scholastic sprint champion. Quin- Iani stepped the 100-yard distance i 10.1 seconds oven. a muddy track, showing bis bheels also to Hart of Frocble and Burling of Oak' Park.. Colin Finilayson, another of New Tiers individual entries, tied- for third place in his event, the, high, jutnp. The sprint mcdlcy_ relay teanu, com- poscd of Quinlan, Newton, Bender, and Pavlicek, finishced third. In thi.s event Alex Newton. 'star performer on the junior team, macde tus..debut as a senior, running 220 yards in as prctty style as any scasoned senior might. * The one mile relay teani also fin- ishcd in third place. Wangen, Kir-, by,, Bender, and Quinlaîî -ran beauti- ful races in this event. Stan Schu- man, Sophomone shot putter, failéd to place, but showcdà marked im- provement. The two mile rclay tearn, running F-arl Wcinsttxck, George Bovlston, Johin Gondon, and Jinu Joyee, also failed to place. They were in. fifth place just bchind the point winners. 10 a. ni.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Evanston at New Trier and Miorton! at Proviso, Tuesday, May. 5. r-hpC u Oak Park at Deenfield. Proviso, at____ New Trier, and Monton at Evanstonii Saturday, May. 9, 10 a. m. The business of cbolosing the boy .Oak Park at..Proviso and New rrier whio wi11 reccive, the Tri-Ship Award, at Evanston, Tuesday, ýMay 12., Dcerficld at Proviso aind Oak Park 's going rapidly forward. At the at Evanston, Friday, May 5 representatives meeting last Monday, New Trier at Morton, S;aeurday, the Tri-Ship Award committee was electcd. The chairman of the com- May 16, 10 a. m. mittee is Reynolds Ostrom. at Oak Park, Tuesday. May 19. The third dbirer meeting of the Proviso at. Evanston, Friday, May Tri-Ship club niay be held on May 22. 1.A - .A school, two. points for discipline notes, at N ew Trier, Saturday, Mway 23. one point for tardy-to-class. The two 'Proviso at Morton and Evanston at teams are just about even at the present Deerfield, Tuesday, May 26. timýne. Tt can easily be seen that neither Deerfield at Oak Park, Evanston at sidc wants to furnish tbat box of sweets. Morton., and New Trier at Proviso, Fniday, May 29. Bcth of Miss Cole's. advi sonroou mioiatDeerfield; Tuesday June2 hero's growth-uscious gardenls of spring, desolated gardens of Winten, silvery gardens of Italy--obx, Paradise his gardens are! There is another out- standingly lovely thing in.bis bock, and that is the , relationshfip, between 1the f ather, Dorn., and bis daughter,:,Delice.

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