Grade sèeparation -WIlI Save Lif e Let's Hasten teDay! Spend your*suiiiiier on the>north ,sbore. Recenitlv > a resident, of the north shore aid that if he 'Wanted tore t his homne for the suitmner he North, Shore -otid -put an ad lit Summerland soine Kansas paper., In the ad lie -w'oid state, in detail ail the înânv - attractions of the nortb. shore. as a place of suùmnier resi- dence. He feit certain that he would have no. trouble at ail in getting a tenant fron hot, dry, dusty Kansas. He Nvas righit. The no rth shore %with its, wonderful Lake 1\icigani. its thouisands of splendid trees, its 'beautifuil gardens, and ahove altifs surprisingly low temnper- attire, is an ideal place iii which toý spend, the nionths of JuilNv, August' and Sep)tei.m- .ber. > Althouigh at the presenit writing the Lake is a trifle chilly, stili it warnis up to the point of confort with remnarkable speed ,under the warii rays of the sumn- mer suin. And wben this point is reached, the caîl of the. beaches to swetering humanitv is irresistible. Other iteis on, the water ýprogram of the summner resi- dent are motor boating and sa.iling. And those wýho '-are flot particularly keen. on swimiming -and saiing -can amuse and exercî-se themselves on the many.golfý courses wvest of the north shore towns. Both the inveterate and intermittent golfer -will find life on the links-good for rnaybe thte hour of, dayhight is wortii ait t ha t it costs. The mati wbo invented this scheme of. * getting. people. fo arise an hour earlier thian iisualmust be related to the man that discovered that the easiest «%ay to get *rich. is not to increase your incomne but, The expériences we had on the Sunday ivthen- the Dayligbt ordinance went into effect and on the subsequent Monday and Tuesday prove to, us that time is a. way of' mith lifle. On' Sun.dav morning we wvere distinctly aware. that, something stralî .ge. had- happened.- We had lost an hour or gained ati our. W~e didn't know wich.,Asq the days passed we became ad-. jus--ted, uintil now we'oing along nicely. XVhlen ou r varnous north shore, authori- ties increased, the radius -of Certain sharp corners t'ev certainly prevented auto ac- cidents. Before this Hel> Prevent cutting ý'lack of the- Acienscorners w as done, nimot ori sts, utiless th ey drove- witb ,unusual care, ,were almrost, forced to sw,ýing- way c,'er into- the path Of oncoining fraffie. Now tliev can ttii the cornèrs1 at moderate speed and stili keep ont on their own side of the road. There stili exist ha7ards at biusv inter- seétlions. Thienmost dangerotis oýf these are, 'obstruictions to easy visib)ii.ty. H igeh. * firulbs at bulsv corners ohIstruict "the vision. of motorists-on bof h street., Not uintil tle driver bias virtuallv reachied the in-. tersecting road can lie see Nwh1ether'cairs are coining. Tail shruhbs at buisy corners should be trimmed down. 0f recent years rnotorists have been indulging in a practicee tliat cati easily cause serious accidents. We have in mid the practice, more prevalent duiring rushl hours than at otber timies, of passing cars by swinging over to tbe wrong side of thie, road. Under some condiions tbeý practice is not likely f0 result iný collision NNitb oncoming traffic, timtes if is extremely hazardous. H-1elp decreas e the injuitri 'es and' deaths catused every day b)y careless driving. In alinost every conimtinity one nieets that am, bocuymay nave nîgn unselish 'Our debt to the belpftil people is great, ,-o great tbat we cannot pay it. But we. cati at least not obstruct their activities. We can be well .dispose d towards themn. We too cati begood citizens. wouldbetU t eet ~4~UI ier1 i oaiiten uJLxoi picture production,, or simply see 'eni ail to guard against missing the good ones. Ail of this is brought to mmid throughi the fact that to the movie department editor's nearby desk eachi week c orne iteral'ly skads of gaudily illustrated advance sheets biazing forth the sensational qualities of forthcoming productions at this, that or the other theater. Supplemnenting this irresistible appeal, we hbave, those eqÙally disturbit g "rea-vues" depicting snatches of film designe( to lure the un.guspecting patron.< These almôst. invariably prove to be rather innocent,: if, not actually innocuous mct-, dents offered apart from a continuity that be- speaks thie inevitable censor-ship and consequent effective restraint once the film in its entirety is presented to view.> Advance dope 'on. approaching ",thrillers" re- minds us of similar 'sensation -packed lieèaids. plastered copiously throughout.the townVr of our bovhood in the van of the annual circus. Lt savors also of' what -was to h ave been- anticipated, at thé -performance, bookedý for Wednesdav and Satur- day- nights,:at the good old, opry house. And if you mnust have the thrills intimate(l in tities, tn'erely exercise a bit of patience. Sooner or later in most films sorte performer will repeat t: he omlinous phrase, for the benefit of ail ho,- sist uponi their 'money's wiorth. The N6rth Shoire MosqulIto Abatemient ai.soiatIoni, *wlearni, haq been busy seekin"g out the elusi-e Iarvae, sn that we mayr enjoy, without tornent, the forthcoing operas at Ravinila ani steak dInners In the ForesÉt Preserve. Skeeter Iarv'ae, thoughi quite harmfless as such, have an annoying faculty of muin- igmany a~ pleasant suiiner eveniing, once' they grow up to Iearn just. how nitwsty they Can be. MUSINGS 0F' OUR NIGHT EDITOR Bewhiskered' Bernard Shaw says that therc are two -class ofpeople in Anierica-those ývho) take part in parades an.d those Who Watch thi. However, the situation becomnes a littie, more complex in. ]Evanstôn, on May 1 when there are two classes of parades' in that municipality -. the NorthWestiern University Circus. parade and also the annual,.movingz day: procession. U-n-' doutelythere is at Ieast lonie class of* person uatching 'each,.parade; that miakes at Ieast four , classes of people in Evanston alone. There, Ber- nard Shaw is wrong again, even though hee bas communed with the learned and literary Gene Tunney. A goodly number of the boys who were consider- ably exercised about eiections a few weeks ago are flow planinlg peaceful excursions to the ftshing grounds. In view of the current economnic depression, we $hall refrain this season from conveyýing May bagkets' and ringing doorbe . *. . on second thought, how- ever, we might be inducedto ring a few doorbelis. -MIQUE. 'j