'I Two Scouts, ýBUt Lehl', (above) Troop 4,, Wiliicl-te, atd' Jack Os-. borii, Sea Scout Ship "Sea Eaglc", of Libertyville, are to represcnt thée North. Shore Area council Press club at te National Press ass oci a-, lion ,Meeting ai Cleveland M1ai 1 au:W 2. Bill is presidepit of the Counil Pessclub aid Jack, is the district editor for thé ietvhe .1îundelein district. These two Scouts have dolie out- standing ,work in organizing anid pro-, mnoting Press club activities in this* council. They are responsible for, a lot ofý the local Scout news àppeariig %%,eekl>, lii the papers. At thenational meeting will. he na- donajly kçnowvn newspaper men, andl s.peakers. It is to be a training confer PLÂNFORFUTURE, The Cubs in Pack 65 have been hop- iiig for a long time to be able to holà a f ather and sons banquet for the Cubs and their f athers. The date will be set soon. Mr:- Mead, the Cubmaster, said, we shall march ini the parade" Memorial Day. WVe hope to, be able,« also toô have basehali games among the different dens.--Randolph McCandlisb, Wilmette Pack, 63, Congregational church. TROOP 4. PLANS HIKE \Vednesday, April 22t Troop 4 met at the-st---A-ustine's church of Wil- mnette. George Bersch announced a hike for May 1-2. He also. said that we w~ouId have the hike on the order, of Ithe Camp-O-Rai. The hike will be held at. the Cahiini-thc-Woods, vhich, js alittie west of Glencoe. We hope to have at least 85 percent of the troop present.-Gcrald: Spinner, Troop 4, \\:iliette, HOLD O'GRÀDY DRIL On April 21, Troop Il had a mecet- ing; il opened wmith the Scout Oath. iDuring this niceting we had an O'Grady drill an(I the Ninner of this drill vas l.eo K ra ft. He ivas a member of- Troop 9, and ktnows, alffost ail the drill.. Bob IRiélh made a large K-not board consjst- ing of tw\,enty-eighit knots. -This knot board is ilowoni exhibition in the club room.-BOb) Kreusch,. Troop 11, St.. .1Francis Xavier churcb;, Bernie ,Captures thé Elusite Charm:o Childhood beau Three bf AUl Childven ýSmile. for Bernie t OUI $5 .00 Regular' Price $ 10.00 BE.RNIE STUDIO "Better Pictures&-Better Values". 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston FOIR A'NAM E. We've just installed at a great expense, a marvelous new dry cleaning system. And what we now need, more than The re h No In Th ia tI - 1209 WaÈhington Ave., Wii-mette Evanston Phone-Greeuleaf 7441 WilmettePhone-Wilmette 781 Gjencoe Phone-Glencoo 634. Offer Brie fl7 - ere Ia a Des.cription of Our Marvelous New P r c es The firat step in this new process ito remove everyr ves&tige of. ou> suiphur find other impuritios irom the naphtha. This is done in dire. scientific operationh. Firat the naphtha is subjected to a p rices in 'the vou' WEWILL PAT COLD Tel. UNI., 8998 excSiffl