WiImtt. 3700 READY Now LORD'S MY Ex periences in fhe WorId War. Gen. John J. Pershing (Limted Trode Edifion), ITwo $10 The Pinkrons-A Delective Dynasty. By Rchard Wilmer Rwan ..............$3.00 Goethe and Bethoven by Romain Rolland . ... $5.00 Jungle Ways by Wm. B. Seabrook.. $ 3.50 WEDDINC This - is a detailed account ofthve races at Livempool now known as "he Grand National." Like almost ail books dealing with horses, it pos- sesses an interest wbich no treatise on automobiles, for instance, can ever hope to- achieve. Thbe present'history of the race is a pretty fine piece of' book making. (You remnember tbe story of the grteat Chiicago sport andAlderman, Hincky Dink, wbo was. sent to East Aurora tosee the "greatest ,book-maker in Amnerica," and was'cbagrine d to find that the quarry *was only a printer!), Lt bas a preface by Mr. William V. C. Ruxtoni, and a noite,,by Mr. E:» A. C.. Topharn, Clerk of the Aintmec Course. There i's an excellent bistorical..ac- couint of- tbe races, and*despite the necessary.tecbnical verbiage, the ac- îcount is bigbly interesting and en- tertaining. Tbere is a,'omMêt-e table. of statistics. Typogmapbically the book is ail that could be asked for: it bas that very drcided m-ent of being. weIl doine but not over-done. t is -set in leaded Casion type, and ,it 'is amnply illus- trated witb good reproductions, in the aquatone process. of horses, por- tions of the cours.e, and old prints . There is, too, a nîap of the Aintree course. There is a comiplete index.1 The binding- is in cloth, with paper9 label, and a blind stamip, whip cro p,1 and jockeN- cap. In ail the dificuit detaîls of a well-handled book, tliis onie is attractiN-e and successful. JUNE MOON. A Comnedy. In a Prologue and Three Acts. l3v Ring1 Lardner .and George S. K.aifinîan New York: Charles Scrn)ier-'s Sons. A DAM THE CREATOR. A Coniedy in Six Scenes and an E'pilogue. By Karel and josef Capek: 'rranslated] bY Dora Round. NewYork :Rïch-1 ard R. Smith. THE WRITER'S GUIDE F'nglishasily AMastered. Subject.s Treated Sentencc Study. Synonyms. Val uli2 EdnaSt..Vincent Millay'ýs new book of poerns, "Fatal. Interview," was pub- lisbed by Harper &'Brothers on April 16., This is Myiss- Millav's first book in three years. So great bas been the request for first editions -that the Publishers appQie.d a commlivttee con- sistitng of IFrederic Meicher. editôr, of the Pub ILsbers W'éekly, Ellis W. Myers, execuitive secretary. of the American Bookseller's association and Arthur Brentano,,Jr., who drew lots to settle the distribution of the limited editions. The $50.00.1imited edition signed by the.author has been. three times oversubscribed. THE STORY 0F SAN MWICHELE. By Axel Munthe, E. P. Dutton Co. San Michele is stili a best seller, and one of thie nost discusseci auto- biographies of the. year. 0f such. en- during popularity is this book that on January 5 of this year, 1660 copies were sold to booksellers. The author, as many know, is a fanious wedish doctor, trained in, France ùnder Charcot ýand Pasteur. He became a successful -and -fashion- ably expensive specialist ini the. treat- ment of nervous -diseases. LuI the seventh decade of his unusually ad- venturous life, hie retired, to spend' his remiaining years in his Villa San Michele,. which, lie built ini AnacaVri, over. the riins of the famo s ,.i Not siaice "Black Oxen" bas Mrs. Atherton written so fluent and pene- trating a novel of the modemns of today. lt concerns the exceedingly lovely' Mielton Abbey, who a few years ýafter her marriage to julius Abbey, a nid-. dle-aged western banker 30 years her senior, is influenced by ber friend, Sally HasFngs, that she must be- de-, livered from ber mid-victorian. fort- ress,, and be taught.youthfu , 1ways as- the modems see it. After a six. months' visit in New York, going incessantly to wet but nlotsopping parties, lunchingý fre- quently at. the Algonquin and, What- flot, she returnis to ber husband in' Six Forks a firnished metropolitan product, refurnishes ber bouse and organizes a salon of sophisticates; three budding authors, a poet,. col- lege professors, a columnist, 18 in ail, Who 3yere etnminent.among the .int.elli-. gentsia of Six Porks. Every Friday n ight at the bouse of Abbey, which had become -more desirable than an,% ducal castle in an English novel, the met to "out-smart" one another. SThe distant and. superior husband stormed and vowed that haîf of those damned sophisticates were, in love with his wife.. After four years be was murdered; enough arsenic 'was found' in hi-, stoniach to kil! 17'men., H-is-beauti-, fuI, highbrow wife was arrested,, sent to jail, stood trial and was acquitted. With nerves strainied to the break- ing point the queen of the sophisti-. cates disappears-to be found later and in another city by one. of the sophisticates who believes in hem, ani offers ber niarriage. Jtý is a, higbly interesting anid' thought fuI tale., CATHEDRALS 0OF ENGLAND, AN4D WALES.. By 'T. Francis Bumpus. W illia M'_arquhar Pay- son. This book contains authentic and at the samè tume vemy readable de-. scriptions of 37 English and Welsh catbedrals, together with more than from Lord's-RBooks and Statimeryr Fb,, it .or-Jg; Inside the 1724 Orrington Avenue Orrlagton RotelBiAg. Evanston GRELAT WAK By General 'John .J. Pershing A Fow Frst PrJnfin<gs, 2 Vol., $10 CH-ANDLER'S. Founfain Square Evansfon 'usn. were in no: likely to be' kept itil evemy other member of tbe fam- y bad ead it. IONEY HOLLER. A Play in Three Acts. By Keitb MacKaye. With, an Introduction ýby Oliver M. Say- ler.. Woodcuts by the Author. -New York: Brentano.