Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 54

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the nor.th shore is the Arden Shore Homnecoming. This week we put our- selves in the form of an invitation to urge you, the public, friends of Arden Shore, to betake yourselves to the cil- campment on Sunday, May 3,.ttop .ar- ticipatýe in. an ail-day festivity of .an- nual pleasure to those boys Who camne- tô the winiter camp 'unde 1rn ourished and. undersized, te be graduated, (for the Camp holds real commencement for those who have gainedtbe health require ments) in fine physical conidi- tion., trained and ready to meet the standards of the' board 'of education and te seek employnent. Hunidreds 'of boys now are gradu- ates of the - Arden Shr inter camp. and they. come. froni fàr and. near again .to gather. with, their friends for a.day of reunion. Arden Shore nieans mucb to theui. Their color and sparkling yspolaini ,it. The songs they sing expressit. Tiheir manliness beteils it. The conmnttees of women in our nortb shore villages. sincerely eager in their frienidslip), Photo by Malcoln' B for these boys as shown in their. Mr. and Mr.t. Chartes R., ceaseless efforts in their behaif, kîxow, of 11041 4shlaptd avenue, WiJ that te many what the, eye. sets >annornce the engagement of makes a deeper impression than any daughter, Virginia, to Gord amount of information gleaned - il Ralir, son of George F. Ra, other .ways. It is witb this in mnd, Kenosia, [Vis., and Chicago.- that they. niake this annuai reunion day one that the public miay share. One in which ail those who have given clothing, Boy Scout suits, and Garden, Clubs Int'ited gifts of ail kinds persona1liy may he- to Program in Rc come acquainted with the camp aâd its boys, living. and most satisfactory. The members of the Wilimet illustrations of what Arden. Shore ha's den club and their husbandsz ineant a nd will continue tomean to members of' the Evening Gard underprivileged boys. For this rea- of Wilmette have been invite< son the Arden Shore association ex- tend the Guest Day program tends its invitation te you. Ravinia Garden club to be1 The boys icorne from the cit v - the Ravinia Village bouse on t] buises provided for tbemi for their niing of Friday, May 15, at 8 da y's homecoming. The morning~Aý very fine program is plaine gîven over 'te them, to their sports.,* The famous. A Cappella ëc aýnd to:a.dinner for them. Then,. in Northwestern university sch, the afternoon at 3, an interesting pro- ni .usic under the direction of gram is planned for themi and t!lieir Emneritus Peter Christiani Lutk friends. The Rev. Harold 1L. Boweni appear on the first part of th of St. Mark's churcb in Ev- gram. The speaker of the eve anston is to be the speaker of :the to be Leo Nock of Chicago, e Balfour Bi.xby inette, ftseir don J. ahr of, Wainia fte Car- and the len club ,d to at- Sof tbe field. at the eve- o'clock.' led. - ,hoir 'of hool, Of >f Dean- kin, ivili he prô- ening, is mninenti ïmette, took place iast' Monday eve- ning at the First Methodist Episco. pal cburcli, Evanston. A receptionat the Soverign followed. Miss Genevieve Lorena Steffy. was, maid of honor for lier sister. The bridesmaids included Miss Dorothy, Rose, Miss Josiephine Clark, Miss Marion Friend, and, Mrs. James Kirchberg Fling,.ail of Chicago. Harding .Van Scbaack was his brother's, best man and the ushers inciuded a. cousin,. Robert Van Scbaack, Jr., Milton Malmberg of South Bend, Ind., Edwin Steele of St. Louis, and Robert Glanz of Chii- cago. SMr. Van Schaack and his .bride have sailed* from New York for the Panamfa Canai zone, Costa Rica, 'and Havana, and wili return by way of, .New Orleans. After June 1, they, wili be at home at 7344 Ridge boule- vard, Chicago. Dr. Rachelle Yarros Is to Address Young Mothers The Young Mothers' club is holding' its next meeting Monday * evening, May 4, at the home of Mrs. Clifford E. Ives, 1530 Wasbington aveniue, witbi Mrs. E. V. Cuilison of 235 Sixteentb street and Mrs. A. Rodenkirk of 309 Sixteentb street the assisting hostess. The meeting will open promptly at 8, witb a program of piano solos given by David' Geppert, the gifted ten-year- old son of Mrs. Otto E. Geppert of 729 ?Ninth street After a short business meeting Dr. Rachelle, S. Yarros, director of social hygietie couneil-affliated with the Illi- nois Social Hygiene league, wili give la talk on social hygiene in ail its phases as it con.cerns mothers., Dr. Yarros, through lier life-iong studyý and practical work, lias 'Co me to be an! authority on the subject and the benefit gainiec by a.taik f romher can- flot be over estimated. Catholic Club JuniorS Bîlind Artists is . presenting Thurs- day afternoon, May 7, at the Béndix gaileries at 2:30 o'clock. Carl John- son, pianist, and Miss Catherine Schneider, soprano, wilI be the artists. The :association, which is pre senting various- bighciass artists iin the larger cities is demonstrating before réeresentative groups that those without sight may attain a higlh degree of musical expre ssion.. Pro-- c.eeds from these' programs are de: vtdtoward aiding the- biind inito greater opportunity for livelihood. The north shore patroness iist in- cludes Mrs. William Sberman Hay, Mrs. Charles. M.: Ha'ye, -Mrs. Louis _Sauer, Mrs. C. C. Dawes, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. Harvrey Badgerow, Mrs. Horace W. Armstrong Mrs. Sidney Y. Bail, Mrs. H. J. Freyn, Mrs. Clyde ,S. Blair, Mrs. George B. 'Everitt, of Winnetka. Mrs., E. F. Hamm, Mrs. Robert Law, Mrs. M. ýB. Mervis, of Kenilworth; Mrs. Harry Kimbark, Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley, Mrs. H. W. Bis, Mrs. John, J.. Dawdle, Mrs. Craig Hazeiwood, of Wiimette; Mrs. Martin Insuil of Highland Park; *Mrs. James A. Patten, Mrs. George Ives- Haight, Mrs. Arthur Dole, of Evanston.; Mrs. Samuel Rinoker and. Mrs. S 'olomon .Smitb of Lake Fores t. Cari Johnson, -blind concert pianist, ewho, bas been attracting marked at- tention in the larger cities, by bis reniarkable skîil and interpretation of oid music masters, will play the ma- jor part of the program, assisted by Miss Catherine Schneider, sop)rano. Mr. Johnson is not only noted for his technique but for bis creative ability and wiiI include in bis prograin a group of bis own compositions .which have been pronounced, by critics as having great artistic mernt. Miss, Schneider, alsoý sightless, bas a well, trained- soprano, voice. and re-: ceived bigb commendation when she recently sang in concert in't-h-eWil>- liam Penn hotel, bailroom ini Pitts-ý -burgh. Tbe cOmMittee sponsoring _t heý musicale, in the Bendix galleries in- cludes- Mrs. Edward Swift, Mrs. Waller Borden, Mrs. Edith Rock,'- feiler McCormick,.Mrs. Walter Brevv- ster, Mrs. J., Ogden Armour, . Mrs. 0. O.. Goodman, Mrs. Henry Bar- tholornay, Miss Cyretia Van Gorden, and Colin, Fysse. Il' ýickets ma-v be nrocr,,rAni, th. Mr. and Mrs. Arthu 157 Robsart road, Keni tained at çinner on Wi ning, Apnil 29, in ho cFystal, wedding annii invited intimate-,frienids f~dinner and. bridge. .I8g-Y ýr ]Bonnett of LWorth, enter- dnesday eve- ,non of their rsary. They anid relatives Bridge Luncheon Today The Keniiwortb club is having a luncheoîn and bridge party at 1 o'- dlock, with Mrs. Burt A. Crowe and Mrs. Harry J. Wiliais the host- esses. , The bridge luncheon is the last event of its. kind for this sea- son. 'l'ie wedding service will be read at' and bostess dt 4:30 in the afternoon. Mn. Christie, speciai aviation~ who is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Ar- held Satunday, thur C. Christie of Washington, D. C;, but wbo is making bis home here The Womên' in 'Chicago,' bas asked bis b rother.. Shawnee Couni ,Milton,> to attend, hlm as his best.eon and card1 man. the club. 1 Vtnnetka wili be host luing the evening. A n dinner dance will be. May 9. 's Bo)wling teams of Itry club had a lunch-ý party gat Tuesday. at

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