Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 56

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Wilmette Club Contributes $3,- 100 and 4,500 Garanents to Charity During Past Year Aýnother year, just bas el ded for' the Wonîans club of MViinette anld witll its close cornes the report of the philanthropic work the club bas ac- complished, a record it presents wîtlî l)ride. a record. of achievement whichi lias- met the heavy demands placed uponl it during the period, of heavy inaticial stress. This vear the Econoniy shop lias distributed '$3.100, $400 of. which wvas given to the Wilmnette Coîuniitv Chest, and ini connection with that contribution it is an intercsting fact toéinote that before the Commnity fi Chest association was organized the Economy .4hop-,practieailv supp>rtetl *the. local' charities., TIhe* Xonan's club' of Wilnmette gives to Six local coimrulnitv itierests. the use of the club house entirely free or for a minimum opi'eiîing charge. Diiring the bistory of the t club, which now i l u it fortiéthi., year of existence, it starte(l, the kindergarten in -the Wilhnette schools, the teaching of domestic -scien.ce, aiil il, that departrnent paid for teachers, and equipinent at the. béginining. The club) also opened the scbool for adult foreigners which now hias beeti taken oe r 'by. the Wilinette' School board. Such the part it bas played ini the 4community lie of, the village. The philanthrconv departmuent in : list oi wnicn Ioiows: children's dresses, pajamas, hospital go-tvnis, bed jackets, petticéats, supply sheets, pillow cases, towels, face cloths, tab)le cloths, and curtains. ,The charities ".bich' have. derived beliefit ,f rom the' club includle thé Lake Bluff orpbanage,.Dorcaàs Home. Chkcago Woman's, Shelter,: Santee, indian* Mission, Infant: Welfare, St. Maryes Epi scopal home, Arden S hore, Erie chapel, Mary Bartelme home, Service Council for Girls, Lutheran's 7this acdqea urden of expense, now%- ever; the club has not allowed aîmy reduction of its' charitable contribu- tion which is 27 percent of its incomie. Mrs. Frederick Tilt, chairman of the. philanthropy, departinent, has îênded ber two-year term and, with lher comnttecs, leaves a record of: Mrs. Arthur J. Dirouý of. 706 Lauirel aven ue. 'for four -vears treast rer of the W4ornan's iclub ?J Wilmctte, h'as beenu clecteM as its ncwze presidrnt. 'The Minual spring .lclheon of the elub zwas held fl'dns<avof fuis wi'ek at Shaw- ,u'c Coitptrv , club itilla arre-Hill, gifted 1voupiy baritone, as soloist *of 1h,' aflernoon. Catholic Club Juniors Open Pro gram to Mothets The Junior auxiliary of the Womi- The business meeting wille be held proniptly at 7:-30 o'dock. Due to an. insufficient number present at the last meeting,, voting for officers ivil be held next Tuesday. It is urged that al members be present. At 8, o'c lock the mothers 'of the club members are cordially invited to a noteworthy program. Miss Bey- erly Powell of Boston has consented to appear. Miss Powell bas had ex- tensive, vork in. drama.tics, having splendid success to, add to the club's history. Mrs. Henry E., Cutter, the first hiaîf of lier two-year term ended, an.d lier comnuttee have made possiblec thte large part the'Economy shop fiast played in the alleviation of want this1 season. John 3 be one ( att the a? the Wopn nawld. taritone', is e art ist entertain spring lupicheon atholic club of Hl Junior Auxiliary'Plans Mother-Daughter Meeting, 1The, Junior auxiliary of the XVo- man's club of Wilmette is having a' inother's and daughter's meeting May 7, at the XVoman's club, with Miss' *Berenice Viole giving a music pro- gram. Dinner will he served 'at 6:30 o'clock, for wlmich reservations are to be made with Miss Patsy Flentve of 919 Central avenue not later than BNTERTAINING SPOKE Spoke three of the Preshyterian church wiIl hold ani aIl day' meeting today, May 1, af the home. of, Mrs. Rkobert S. Swaim, 701 Laurel ave- nue, Catholic Club. to Hear- Valborg Sinkler, John Macdonald on Program at Vista del Lago Mrsý. John Downev, soctial chairmnan of the- Woinan's -Catholic club (of, Wîlett, as made -arrangements for, a very delightful setting for the an nual spring luncheoni which is to be held on Tuesday, May 5, at 12:30 o'clock,. in the attractive and pic - turesque dining room of the :Vista del Lago club. A- most- interesting program will, follow. . Miss Valborg Sinkier,* dramatic. reader and lyric soÉ- prano, and John Macdonald. baritone, are the artist entertainers for. the afternoon. Miss Sinkler's. interpretati'Ons are, very reinarkal>le. She is a vibrant. dramatic reader. Her progranm will încjude: lier presentation. of "Pat- terris" by Amy Lowell, in. an eighteenthý century costume an& witlh a musical background. She will pre- sent "«Nell Gwynne in a seventeenth century costume with gay Irish folk- Soflgs to give colQr and variety and * will appear in a monologue costumied an dress of the eighteentl1 century period.1 She is to give two groups, ot songs, and, it is said, ber beautiful lyric soprano voice is- a joy to hiear. Miss Annabelle Robbins will be lier Ptor accompanist.« 1of John Macdonald bas been gifted vii- ivith a fine voice that lias a fullntes ïSa andpower' that gives promise of a r S, ra future for hinm. Hîs programi wilinclude: rld. Il Sacerato Spirito........ Verdi Didn't It Rain Burleighi MyAin Polk .Leo I ove I<ie......Mana-Zucca Miiss 'Martha McCormick wilI hbe lis acecoiipaiist.' Ravinia Opera Club Hat -Luncheon Mayg1' Members of the Ravinia Opera, club wilI be guests of Louis Ecsei'n at their annual luncheon Friday, Mày' cnurch wiIî meet on Tuesday, May 5. with Mrs. E. V. Youngberg, 419 Washington avenue. Mrs. R. A. Fiske will be assisting hostess. Mrs. C. C. Henderson wilI read, f rom thé textbook thre chapter-"lndia Looks to Her Futur.". Irma Kirt- land will give several song selections.

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