whiichi are mnost important-nitrogen phosphorus and. potassium. One or more of these plant foods are lacking iu nearly ail soils-that is, in sufic- lent qualities and in available formi for plans to, use them f reely. Nitrogen gives to the foliage the hiealthThl rich green or character- istic of vigorous r It causes the sstooling and sprea of grasses and .the prope r ei e pment of growth .toalal vegetation. It is, the "advertising agent"1 in f ertilizers be-' cause, its results can be readily se en. I.awn and garden, crops need,, an abundant supply of nitrogen. Phosphorus lias. a ,direct, bearing iàn reproduction., It is :Vital in the developmrent' of root structur e and normal growth. It increases the num-1 ber ini size of the blooms an d con- For Weedless Lawn Grass, Must Be Fed. Abeautif ul .lawn, oine f rec fram, the lernish of unsighitlv weeds, cati bce miailitained( very easily, or it can invalve a lot af l)ack-lI)reakinig labar. by1 r.emioving, the weeds one Ihy one as thev appear. .The. fact that ýweeds ar 1e al,,ay,, presient 'is ta be borne in mmiid, :also, that 'any mei!thod, cal- culaàted to remnove.ither foron-lv :1 teml)Orary p)er o(1 is 'implractical -No inatter lhow carefully we keeip the weeds 1lucked thev are gai ng ta coni- tinue ta show uip when conditions, arc aorabcheis fory beei grplie .* ren favorablei frna bei growth wluchi telfll)rarily rinove Necds. Whien we apply sudei a remnedv, iow%-, ever, we ruu the risk of injuring thec grass and to, whîl suçhi chIenîlcals' will kilt the weeds .: tat arc growing., thley wvmlI not prevent' aý newv crop) ai Cveeds. f rom appea ring so on aitr LINDWALL'S., espec 1alv ilpQ)rtant for bulbs and tubers. 'Potash stiffens the stemns of grasses and flowers. and keeps the plant healthy, strong and disease re- sistant. Grasses, flowers and imany vegetables. require large ainaunts of potas'-h to give, them firrnness and bring put fullness of- color. GETTING PLAN FOOD TO THE ROOTS It is necessary to thoroughly water in, plant foods, on ýestalishèd turf with a heavy drenclîing ln order tao carry them té the roots as well as ta wash them frorm th e foliag e where if left, they wiIl be harmful -and of no value. Al.concentrated pflant foods if left on the foliage, willbe, harmful. For best results use pf en1ttv of water im- mediately after* applying.. wards., For, these reasons it' is not advisable to employ this method. The simplest mnethod, and the -only sure way to rid vour lawn of weeds is ta* produce a mnat of grass so thick that weeds cannot get a start in it, or if they do get started, thIey will soon be choked out by. the heavy m at-of gra ss and by the deep, closely matted root systeni. A dense growth of grass cannot be produced unless- thesait is ricli in plant' food. Most of our salis have' been de- pleted of much, of their fertility,,.by plants gro)wni on themi year. after year and, hefore Lgrass %wilI made safis-, axewI Northbrook T.L m.î.J Lanicape Architecture and Tree Surgery .11 your lawn,4 flowers, trees, shrubqi, eergreens,: etc., look poor, ýor don't grow rlht, eall for lnforniation or.speeial care. Top dressing, v--,odellng, slow Iay-onts, rock and ivater gardenài, planting of evergre, , trees, bushbes, ftowerà and ggrden w-ork of ail. ilnds. Blaek and Humus dlrt, manure. and fer- tIIIizer, IlAgstones, tuffa work sud garden suippUes MO0VINO We. specialize in House to House and Longý Distance Mov'ing. CHAIRS AND lT-LBLES FOR REN1T FOR ALL OCCASIONS S 21 MAIN ST. . WILMETTE 32 .TRELLIS" U PHOISTERI NG DRAPERIES. LINDWALL'S 1894-1930 So8 Oak Street Winietka 945 141GHWOOD O)ffice-49 Prairie Avenue Phone Htghlifd Park 523 NurserY-Pr:alrle View Ph. Libertyvlle 628-R-i EVANSTON BRANCI4 2738 West Railroad Avenue University 7700 Phns{WImtt. 289ý I. w w w - - - for ni b. T r 1