Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 5

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VILLAG' PLAN 14K )PS Meet to ýForm Permanent Com- munity HOuse Organization Monday, MaY 18 A permanent organ ization whose' purpose wiIl be to determnine the proper lrocedure for building and ilaintaiing -a community blouse or conimuniity center in Wilmette and to carry out such a program will be formied 'at a. meeting to, be hield oni M onýidav nigbit, May 18, at 8,o'clock in- the Village bail., "lie- meeting Will lie bdd under the auspices of the Wilimette Chamiber of Commiiierce, Which, is sponsoring thle conlitiiiity bouse Inovieflt. .In at îoun11Ciilg the .meeting onMa1 *Aider Tigbe-, chairman 'of, the -special Comnlll.titv b louse conmittee of the Chiauler of Commùerce, stated thàt it is by no mnean s an exclusive .>jetfor tlîat organiizàtion alune. WeV are el 'ieavoriïng to- further serve Wilmuette's illeests as, a ctoitn- Munity, by consolidatiingthe , best Au-il(1 of alilof \WIiiîuettescivic, re- ligiotis, l.)tsiness and social' organiza- tiolis inIto omie repr sentative grOup, Mr. 'rilglie.said. ..Ow,ýing to t hé numnber *of, groups1 înitercstc(l iii the movemient we arc urginig local organizations to appoinit a representative or delegate tc, at- teid tdus meeting on May 18. At the. earliest possible, date. these or- *gaiîizations shouid give B. T. Clark sccretary of tbc Chiainber of Coim- mierce; tlic nanie of'ý the person who wîllj be autborized. to repiesent their orgaîzation ini the .formiing of tisý pèrnanent, association- for the build- ing of a conimunity bouSe," Mùr. Tiglie coritinued. Adopt Resolution Ilhe cal ling of the gene ral nîeet- inig for 'the organization of this per- marient association was prompted b: the foiiowing resol ution passed at ;i *reirniar Chamiber of Commerce mieet- In a statenient to WiLmrtELi this week, President-elect Carbon .P. Dubbs expresses bis gratitude to the citizens of the village for'theirt expression of confidenceý in. bim, as indicated in last week's Village elec- tion in wbricb he was eiected Village president by a decisive majority. Mr. Dubb's' statement f ollows: qi wish to thankt the- voters of Wilmette who so empbatically - iressed their confidence . i me ini our recent Village election. -1 f uily recogn'ize the. extentý of the responsibilities J bave assumed., 1 propose, in al seriousness, to con- duct this administration in such a way that your f aitb- in. me mnay be f ully justified. "I ýconsider the office of the Presi- dent of .Wilmette an obligation of sacréd trust, and'ask most earnesýtiy tbat ail citizens who bave the wel- ~fare of tbe Deople of titis town at beart, give us their bearty coopera- tion and support. "I f ully appreciate tbe hbonor 'you bave bestowed upon tue and ýt'iaik vou f or tbt lso." C.> P. DcnnBS. Board Acts on Varlous ýý -Petitions for Rezoning On recommendation of a special zouling comfmission coinposed of Rob- ert Stoddard, Lloyd C. Ayres, Fred - erick J. Newey, J. D. Roth andl F Ç. Huffmatn, the Village board, at ani adjournied meeting Wednesday night,. denied 'six petitions for. rezoninig oi property and otber changes affecting the zoning ordinance on1 parcels 'of property in different sections of 'the Village. One petition, that-of T1hoiasq Chester, '1033 Main Street, for the - rezoning of a portion of a lot ihh he owns at Main street and Eimwood avenue frore fsidentialIto commercial Classification was granted.ý <,uURnrC ROLP TG MEJET. Board Approves Resoluitions 9 for Immediate Action on Three, resolutions, wbhieh provide for going abead immediately with im- provements in tbe village. water sys- tem, we representedby Trustee W ,W. DeBerard atý an adjourned meet- ing oftbe, Village board Wednesday nigbt and were adopted by the board. Trustee DeBerard, wbo is chair- man of tbe sewer, and water comn- mùittëee of tbe board,'. presented tbe reslutonson bebaîf of that comn- mittee. Other members. of *the comn- mittee are Ernest C. Cazel and Carl Renneckar. The question of an adequate water supply for Wilmette basbeen,one. of prime importance for 'several, years Trustee DeBerard traced the bistorN of the problem*i and, of efforts of- tbe Village board as' a whole and the sewer and water commiittëe ini par- ticullar to find a proper solution for it. He tben introduced Paul Hansen. of, tbe fiem of Pearse, Greeley and Hani-, sen, e nginieers,, wbo haâve been re- taiîîed by t he'Village. to draw up de- tailed p lans for imnprovemenits in, the water systerii. Mr. Hansen submitted plans for :emergen cye water s hortage relief and for permanent relief. These plans wiil be discussed in more detail! in next week's issue of WiLm1eTTE LUFE. APPROVE POPPY S ALES *The Wilmnette Village board at Its' regular meeting Tuesday, April 21, granted permission to Wiimette.Post No. *6 American Legion, to seli pop-. pies in-the Village on Friday, May 22.- Proceeds from, tbe sale of tbe poppies will ýbe used for service work,'at thé Great Lakes .hospital and elsewhere wbere needy.,war veterans are con- fined. Many of the poppies are mnade by tbe veterans themselves. Past Presidents of Village Wil Be:,Honor Gues9ts at Inaugural Inauguratioo f .Carbon P. Dubbs, newly elected. Village presidentý of -Wil-.- mette,, and of the tree new Village trustees, Stàcy C. Bennett, Albert W, Froebde and Artbur e, will take. place at the, regular meeting of the Village board. Tuesday night, May 5, at 8 o'clock in the Village.hall. Attending the inauguration, in addi- tion to Village officiais and, leading ci- tizens, will be several -past presideats of the Village and wives. ot past presi- dents, who. bave died. Clear Up Business The retiring > board of trustees will convene as usual. This board wil ad- journ after -completngÂts business, and tbe retiring Village president, Eari E. Orner, will 'then 1introduce tbe past presidents and wives of past presidents. Following tbis Dr. George, P. Magill, f rmer minister of the Wilmette Pres- byterian church, will, give a short ad- dress. Village Clerk Lea J. Orr will ad- minister the oatbs of office to President- elect Dubbs and Trustees-elect Bennetti Froehçle and Lee. Following the organi- zation of the new board the' meeting will adjourn. Ainoig the past presidents and wives of past presidents of Wilmette who are [expected to attend thie inauguration ar1c:Honor Wiv.s of Leaders Mrs. F. L. joy, whose husband served. as, president drngteyears 1883 :to 1886, 1889 and 1891. Mrs. William Panushka, wbose hus- band served as- preside.nt in- 1888. Sauel .D gee, now of -Wasau, :Wîs.,, president ini 1893 and 1894. Mrs. H. G. Drury, wfe of Horace G. Drury, president in 1895 and.1896. j -G. E. Fernald of Chicago, president a uommuu'ty 1zlumt e ke O U entire cttzenshlp. The Wilmette. Community House association, as the new organization probably will be called, will have no interest, for the- time being, in col- iecting or sending any money, it was stated. - lore Les .............. cbased this month and the dealers to buy f rom are HgSchool News .... 38-39î those w h o s e advertise- Murnc Pae.........41 ments appear in this issue Society pages ........ 5455- vanced. one day. News itemis iust be recéived not later than Tuesday to insure publi- cation. Clasified ads will be accepted uP tai 9 P.ini.'1'uesday.

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