PEARSON, WISCONSIN OWNED AND .OPERATED JBY THE, NORTH SHORE AREA COUNCIL-BOY SCOUTS GENEROUS.-N. S. ýCONTIUORS PO VIDEc CAM.«NLARGEMN Lb Parents, Friends Invited to: Visit ',at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wari Located 290 Miles, N oart h' *parents and friènds, of the North Shore Area Couincil. Scouts are urged to vist the beautiful campsite of Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. It is situated 290 miles- north of Highland Park in the nmost desirable section of the great vacation land. of Northern Wis- consin, The entire Spring Lake lies, »ithin the 360 actes comprisinig the campsite. Thousands of, acres.,of woodland stretchi in every - directio?î making the scenic beauty itself very well ivorth, seeing. Parents and friends are particularly uirged- to inl- -spect the camnp? as managemnent,' its programi and its faC-lities-,to see the fine camp their boy is privi-leged- to attend. LOCATION : The campsite is lo- cated on Spring Lake in Langlade' County,- Wisconsin, seventeen miles, southeast of Elcho and twenty-three miles northeast of Antigo. The camp road is off of, Route A about 'one. -mile south -of wýhere Route A joins Route 55. - AUTO:ROAD S:, Therel are. two goocl ,highwav routes of scenic . beauty *leading to camp. Both Routes take --you up U.S. Route 41 to Oshkosh, W\isconsin', then north on Route> 26 Pointing, the waY to Camp- Ma7Ka-Ja-Wan, Nor:h Shore, Area Concil i BoSot Camp, where ku"d reds of boys wiII be going soon. Healtht Safety Paramount With Scout Campers SThe. Health and- Safety of every Scout and Leader that gqes to Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan is first in the minds- of those planningf and mana&ing ithe Famîly Camp for Troop Leaders' Newest Pro ject A Family camp situa-ted in the woodland on the opposite §ide of the lake f rom the boys camp, is now be-, $35,000-Invested in Camp Property Complete Equipment The people' of the. North Shore and west North Shore c ommunities through their generous contributions jto the North Shore Area Council Scouting have made possible one of the finest Scout camipsin the coun- try. The' finance campaign :recent!yr *completed provides forý expansion' of camnpsites equipment, buildings. and. deveIopment of a family apfor Scoutleaders. A more adequate kit- *chen, satisfactory1 refrigerat ion and sanitary systems, additiona-l boats and canoes, tents and tent floors, docks, and cots will be iincluded. The total investrnent will exceed $35,000.00 by the tinié the camp opens. Thue per- * manènt camp buildings are brieflY described- below: 'MAIN -LOlGE: The Main Lodge is 32 feét by 64 feet in size A-ith -i la 'rge kitchen bit on. one side and a wide screened-in porch running the entire length of -the building on the other side. The large live foot snefireplace on the north. end is a beautiful structure with -the manitel a solid. piece of virgin, white, pine siXI inches thick and 36 luches wide cov- ering the entire *top. The. dining roomn and the kitchen are completely equipped. HOSPITAL: The Hospital ,-is pu'y, .8 eV planting, uramatics, nature......-- 111 %IIC are ine J4uwiLIg _________________ ana_________ lore. . - men: U T - , -G5 The Power bouse, the headquarters build- -Wilmette-D. P: * Moreton H -ighwood---G. Doretti- ings, the ice house, the water tower. - -Winnetka--Dr. H. A. Orvis- Libertyville-W. A. Nicholas the cook's cabin and the store house Camp Mla-Ka-Ja-Wan opens june H-ighland Park-Byron E. Schu- Deerfield-C. E. Piper- are ail a part of the complete build- 29th. Régister Now! macker Northbrook-.Joseph Kortman ing equipment at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. "A flCITTYAyAAT'A'V . -L .~A-rjd .d lm £ n. JtIWiLL P.'LIY OUR.-WAYf»" OF. AMERICA