Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 76

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Washington Trip Greatly, Enjoyed by Stolp Student. For several weeks we were bubbling over wltb anxleiy -to be off. for Wash- Ingion, D. C. Sunday afternoon, NMarch 29, was -drawlIng nearer every minlute. Soon we would be on our way. We lefi the Union station ln. Chicago at 5 o'clock. on Sunday afternoon. We arrlved.in Washlngtonabout 2:.10 the nexi afiernoon. Buses were ready to take us from the station. to theý hotel. We si;ayed. at the lovely Ward- mnan'- Park hotel. We' unpacked unit'.l turne,,for dinner. Monday, afternoon and evenlng were free to do.what we llked. Tnimrà lately after. dinner we went to the Library of Congress. The library la the rnost elaborately and beautlfully deco rated building In the world, even * considering, the famous cathedrals of Europe. The front part of -the building la rather like a muaeum. Tt bas t'ase after ca.se of',.od pr inte d mniateri. Bocka nrinted by the monks of 'the l3th een- * tury, o14 copies of Bibles, hneebaoks and miaps, etc. There ar-m a nî,mbeýr of cases coniainlng many of LiiicýIln'u *-speeches, also in one case la the Dec- laration of Independence and in another the- Constitution, bath the original copies. * In the llbrary proper thereare 3,000,- 0 <00 làaw books which may be used Iby lawstuent 1and those ýwbo haveà pupse for reading the bookq. but ofly' pucog.se a take them, out of the library; llew Capital at, Niglît Our firat glimpsie of the Capitol will always rern#'in %with us because it wasi% au n ']t'liTe building la beautifuly illuniinaied ai nighi, which makes lit very impressive. Tuea-ýday we lefi the hotel about 9:30 o'clock to go- to Mt. Vernon, Waý-.shing- toi's home. It la ýituated on a bluff overlooking the Potomac 'river. ' The -estate orlginaliy covered 8,000 acres butl now cove'rs sonie 200 acres, the. resi baving .been sold. Manyv of the furnkish- ings have beexi res;tored as tbey were wheni. Martba Was-hngton W'as hostess, The àld fàmily vault, in whieh Wasb- nt's body lay until 18:t7, may lit seen ln, the ,heautifully wooded. park su.iroundling the hous. is bdyn. *resta ln a bandsome marble sarcopha- gus in the new tonib. * From Mt. Vernon we wenito Arllng- ton ceemeter-y. The- cemnetery covers 40,ý acres and is located on one of the inosi beautiful siftes lin the country. Thej Quest for Cocoons Is Made in Spring Every year about. this time a frlend and 1 go cocoon buntln!F. Lasi yeRr, our hunts were qulte, successful, but: ail the cocoons. were of- the polyphemnus va-. rlety.. The cecropia ls another moth that ls aupposed to be quite common around. here, and we have always wanied to flnd ýsome. This year wé dëecded ta hunt an en- th'ely differenlt place. We chose to woý near the hanks of Lake Michigan. We .qtarted oui and soon. found a polv- phemus cocoon. This wa.4 not wýhAt we, wanted, .but It was large and we, kept it.' The second was ais o- a polyphemus but the third was a cecropia, rnuch to "tirý delight and surprise. Our hunt Proved ta be quItea SucceSsful: altogether w'e found two of.the cecropia, and. two of the plyphemus variety. Aé few àys later one of my cocoons o,>ned and ont came a la'rge poly- uhemnus, a:Whole' month abead of time To mv sorrow 1 diseovered ibat the %econasa>dead 'and on openlng It fouud. tb-it it was covered with pa ra-, site. sFoIbave ouly one more erpY to look. forward to néÔw--Maiýgaret Lively, 7 B Homard. Some Writers- Allowed. to Workç Independently Chlldren in our room are gradua lly beginlng to be excused from wrlting inl writlug period. Tn other words, they are independent of practice. In writiug time these children put down in thieir notebooks whai they ,dld during writing period. These eblîdren who are Inde- pendent do sonethlng useful durlug .writing period. These are the ones- who a're independent: Murial Janicke, Mar- ian Goode, Jane Pemiberthy, Betty, Petferson. Blliv Makepeace, Fraucis 110- beck, WjIlna Knoop, William Hayt, Lois Kunzelrnan, Eric Samuelson Lorraine Plohhards, Janice Van Tnwagen, Edith Winlng, *Walter Lyman and Jane i Waltrumii.-WillIiam Hayi, Fifth grade, H-oward. Poem ÇContest Scheduled for Last Week of Sehool Mrs- Stalhiug announced recently that a poen contest would be, held the last week of school. I t will be the same a., the one last year, only there will be two preliminary contests instead of one. 1 'irst. ten wil hA chôsen - frnm each, Howaird 7A Defeats 7B as Errors Mark Game The Howard 7B lost to 7A ln a one- sided score, 7 to 15. The lineup -for 7B was: Bob MaeMrran, catcher; Jerry. Brown, center filder; Bill Grinneli1, sec-, ond basemnan;, Blgelow Haleyr, short-. stop; Billy Wade, captaIn and pitcher; Gerlald. Sp Inner. third basemnan; Elmer Stone,. right flelder;: Franjk Koenan, flrst baseman,, and Ed Colegrove, left fielder and pitcher. The. flirt part of the gaewsnt very exciting, but ln the. fifth lInning we haît a rally but.. dld. not tie the score. Our eftrors caused us to lose; Most -of thelgame was errors. The 7A's have, a strong team, and they are on the road to the pennant., When "they play St.'Francis that is golng to be a good gamne. I arn sorry to say that our roomn 7B lost, but the best team wins, se they must be -better.-Edwin Cole- grove, 7B Howard. Predicts That Cb s' WiII, Take Pennant Wilmette boys. are naturally inter- ested in the Cubs and the White Sox. flurlng the series the White Sox had with Cleveland there was e(:n really outstanding star. Hlis namela ,Joe Vos- mik. Trhim is bis first year Inl the major leagues. He is Bobemnian and received bis ba.sebil training in Cieveland sand- lotô He plays the outfield very well and la a heavy bitter. In the last game of the series he bit ai single, three. doubles, and a tripfle. In the game agalnst De- troit he bit a home-run and a single. Up) to the time of tbis writlng, he has made fourteen hits out of twent.y-two tries at the fflate. His flMing bas been 1,000 percent. Appling of the Whiteý' Sox bas been piaying' ver-y gond hasebali. He lsaa timely bitter. Babe Ruth has hit a3ev- eral .homie-runs. 'he Cuba look like pennaint winners with St. Loui-s likely toý cone- in a elose second.-Douglas llindley, 2C Stolp. Girls of Eighth Grade. - Begin, Basebali Leage-il On. Wednesday, April 15, the eighth grade girls at Stolp started their base- bial league for chamnpionsbip. We playv 'room agai *nsi roomn and we play each room three tlmes. The Siolp 2C girls' played' Stolp 1C, and. we won .with a score of 37 to 5. Weé plalted a five- inning game, We. were abead in the la.st inning 37 to 4 and4 one out when Curtiss Airport Provides Thrills for Two Youths Wednýesday morning, ýmy frlend, and 1 were thinklng of ail the things there Wre to do , and finally he, suggested going out to the Curtissa airport, à0 1 agreed and, we were on ou'r way. When we got there, there Wasn't any sign of, lite. We saw several dojors wlth black printing saying ."private"o on themn, so we climbed Up, the stairs on the outside, of the building and came tn the lunch room, whlch was the first sign of actlvlty we encountered. There were.. several men eatlnig sandwiches and drinking coffee' and It was warm ln there, so we stayed awhile. Next we went down the other %ide of the buildinig and came to some huge sliding doors. One of them was open, so we took -the liberty of entering it. We saw both small and huge planes and on one of the planes we examined the cockpit with ail of its qiîeer con- trois,,and meters. Then we saw a h.iige, weird looking plane., It was onlv an, .'mphibiani, but it loýked stra nge tV, me, ais it 14 the first one .1 have eve'r -see(n elosely. We eame upon a body of stu - dents learning ail about the motor (tf the Curtiss Hawk; then we went out- side and were just lnime to see a qtli- dent warmlnig Up a. pl ane. He, had to let the motor. run for tén minutes bv- fore the Instructor, wa.s -atisfled. W'e saw hlm, take off, and then,.went baf'1 to the *car. As we.were cnte'inig it, we heard bià motor staîl1 on hini and- li circled around us a bit and glired (1oivii the field. He had ýnot warmed the en-ý gine up enough.-Arthflr Delang, SA~ Howard. WelI, Spring 18 Here; S o Are Taxation Tests Weil, spring is here and along with it taxation tests, North Shore Mýusie- festival, graduation, Elghth Grade Grs Style show, and various other impor- tant èvents. We are gettlng ready for hlgh Fchqol witb tests and talles. School is s" Im- portant now that ý'eé dare flot miss '1 day of It. Weare.readîng taxation pamphlets almost every day for Mrs. Jone. Forý the North Shore Music festival we aYe practiclng,'every -spare minute we havé with either Mrs. Clark or both. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. .Wagner and the orches- C%7a. We are .just finishing our"dress4ceq for sewing. There are Just six more weeks of school.-Virginia Huettel, Howard 8B. L.. -i A .- A we t flw me mena5Ci cnaCfle,.mýrii of Famne, and many interestiug status and 'palntlngs. We .went 'from the Capitol to the Lin- coIn memorial. The beautiful statue. of ,Lincoln by Frencb is ln 'the center of the bulldlnpr. On one wall, éarved .In thé stone, la hfs famous Qettysburg Speech. On the opposite -wall are par ts of diiferent'speeches.- On Wednesday nxornng we vlsied the others.- We. left Washington au 2' 'cl-ock for Annapolis, MNd., where we saw the buildings of the UTnited States Naval academy. At 5 o'clork we were homeward bound. We.arrived in Chicago the next day ai il1:30o'clock in the >morning. We are agreed ihat we bad a wonder- fui trip, but. we wlsb we could have stayed .longer.-Eleaýnor Williams, 2C Stolp. We baci quite a choice of subjecis comling, out-flowers every color of the wbich we ceiuld choose frein when we ralnbow. The sky seems bluer and at flnished chemistry in general science. night the stars seem like silver'flakes We finally decided on elecCricity. WVe of. snow In the sky. , Spring is the bnip- are, working in our general science piest season of the year.-Martha Anti notebooks now, and bave siudied the Huff, 2C Stolp. graviiy cells, daniel ceils and dry celîs. Some boys gave us a demonstration on lmMA1 ENJOYÈ). celîs wblcb ihey made. *We cean work The,.eighth :grade.s of Stolp are now on extra, credit-4. If we wish. to. Elec- readinàg, "The Merchant of. Venice" b3' triclty la more interesting ihan most of Shakespeare. We bave just sta'rted it us expected.-Jane MacMllan, HoWa-rd and so far it la very« interetIng.-Bil!

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