Doors Open 1:30 show Stants at 2 P. aM., ,Con:inuous Evaninga Dering Week Doors Open 6 :o--Sho~to t. y p. m. N9EW SUMMER PRICES *DULTS, Ue.- CHILDREN, 10c. TONIGHT'S PICTURE LEWIS STONE, LEON JANNEY and IRENE RICH SATURDAVO MAY 2 (Double Foalu re) Seulto 6Beau Geste" "BEA ID AL"RALPH ,FORBRES Big IRENE RICH (Trveoge) COUNT BYRON "LOSTGODS"KHUN DePROROK Terrytoofl Cartoon'- Paramouat iewà SUNDAY AND'MONDAY, MAY ý3-4 GARY COOPER anid LiL4Y DAMITA "Tatke Your illedIcine"l - Atidy ( Iyee (.o.iedy "Teaàeher's Pest- Talkartoon ant;d 1Unleritil Nev-s TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 5-6 FOX Gary Cooper, lanky and romantic screen hero, agaititriumnphs in "Eight- ing Caravais," action picture of the old West, which will thrill at the Varsity today and tomnorrow, Friday end Saturday. On Monday and Tuesday, May 4- and. 5, Ruth: Chatterton- will ap pear' at -the .Varsity, in :"UJnfaithful," a picture wvhich bas a ,powerf ut theme. SA double unit prograin will please on Wednesday and'Thursday, May 6 and 7, offering, first, "Rango," a .picture taken. in the wilds of 'su- matra,. and second, "St epping1 Out,"" light comedy with a rich castý. ., .Douglas, Fairbanks plays a . mad, bounding' Babbitt who, makes and loses. fortunes between reels in the picture, "Reaching for the Moon,". on' Friday -and. Saturday, May 8 and 9. Communfity House, Has Buddy Rogers Charles (Buddy) Rogers and Frances Dee 'are . deligh tfuli in the leading roles of the 1reezv conedy. "Along Carne Youth." appear ing at CommÏunity House todav and tomnor- row, Friday and Saturdav. Anotherý feature of the program on these days will be an Our Gang comiedy, entitled Comniunity House will not divilge the story of the play, "Along Camne Yo)uthl," but will onlv hint at the fin involved wherl tWo young ie go to Englàn.d for horse-racing, bc- corne "b)roke" and take Jobs as cooks, An d, then-an amazing thing liai)- A double feature program, is of- fered at the Teatro del Lago on Saturday, M ay 2. Balanced enter- tainmrent is afforded, first, by the presentationi of "Beau, Ideal," with Ralph' Forbeg and Irene Rich, -and. second, by a. travelogue,: "Lost iGods," record of exploration. by Count Byron De Pror .ok. The desert Africa of the French Foreign Legion is the locale, for ",Beau Ideal," rnighty se-. quel to "Beau Geste."ý,. "Fightig Caravans," the thrilling and spectacular drama of the battling pioneers who, beat new trails across. the continent, is the tremendous at-. traction at1 the Teatro del I4ago on1 Sunday, and Monday.1May* 3 aud 4 Cary Cooper and L4l Damita head an exceptionally large, and force fuI cast of well-k,-nowni screen 'favorites ini this epic of the Anierican -'West.' Whicli-One la-,Bad?- On Tuesday and 'WNedneslav, '.\a% 5". and 6, there'll be a 'question, an- s'weretl at the Teatro del Lago, "le query is, "Which is the bad sister?' The famnous. Booth Tarkington story that bas been produced as a talking picture special, lias*.a' notab le cast. headed- by. Conrad: Nagel, Sîidney Fox., Bette Davis and SIIini Summner- ville.- Thei two sisters of the- story are played l)y Miss Fox and Miss Davis.ý both of. whoin arc imakiing, thcir screen debuts ini this prodIuction. Thce title of the. picture is itself "Bad Sister," and audiences.%vill have a. chance to judge for thernsclvcs Iwhich one the title fits.. COMU4G ATTRACTIONS .Aniazing Photography Coming. attractions for the -Teatro \Vith its frequent dramnatic niô- del Lago include a double fceatuire m.enets heighitened I1w ainazing pd show, on. Saturdlay, May 9-"TlielItographyi, "The Sea: B3eieathi," a 1Lightnin' Flyer,," mith james Hall j vivid romnance 'of. subniîîrine -w-arfareý and "Desert Vengeance,"* with Buck .,ýWill thrill at 'the. Teatro del Logo Joies,; "Fifty 'Million Frenchne'ni on ThursdaS* and Friday, May 7 and withi Olsen and Johnson on Sunday 8:. Georg 1e Q'B.rie ives of - the MaY: 10; "Unfaithful," xith Ruti, best performiances of his career in., Chatterton on Ifonday.and 'Pues*day. the leading role. *May Il and 12; and "BJody rnSu, his film, presentsý-ýfor the first with Charles !ýarrelI and Elisa Land', time in taîkie history, -it iss a'd on Wednesday and 'rhursday, -Mav graphi'c picture of tlic strugglc ()f 13 and 14, the allied navies against the sub- ~My 11-12 "ÙN FAITHFUL' . ........ ....... ]uthî Chatterton May 1:-1.4 "BODY AND SO1UL" .... . Charles Farrell and Elisa Landi 3Ia yP15- 16 "R AIN G0"Animal lIfe. lu the Jungles "K18METV'.... ..................Otis Skiuner "MILIIE" .....Helen Tweivetres "PNOT EXACTLY.GENTLEMElN" eVictor MeLaglen "JUNqE ?OON"1 .. Jack OaM~e "THE CONQT!ERING HORDbE" - ......Richard' Arien 6"EAST LYNNE" ...-...A.. n Harding, r Sundaes-Soctas ~jDrop in af ter the show or jdance-we'Il be here to :please you.ý 1sT NATIONAL, BANK BUILDING» aj ua w*mow dcir -unr Gang Comedy "Toocer'sPet"' 5r 00 0-10,