iL Il of. Today "First j,, Wilmette" demna nds. more thian th lix eee f\,1sI('.n of a place In. whli-cb te. handie thc .oi1narv foriali-ties of fif nnciai trL:-nsacttons. Ba nksousmn aays efrconveniences andsericefr bevond those «xpected -, xc in dayýs.not so long past. ýAnd.'besices. the banik customer of, tody req ui res unquestiOncd security. flot g u ara n t-ed by, resources alone but lso y.cxrienced and cmpetent tmna na gemcnt. -tli 1-irst National Baak '0f W\Virnecttce sa ti sfiecs every requirlement of fthc modernc on ccep t ion. Rght herc at homne- attractivcly dcsignéd and e.quippe.d with up-to- date fatcilities. especi al]y dapted, hours'have b2cen sched- *Ued. The capacity and stability ef this Bank can be n o better ernpb-)Iasized than by rceferecccte the notable, lead- ers in commerce and finance wýýho compose our active m-anagemne n t And,,no less,,imiportant. bere is an organ- izatio n bued with ai neighborly spirit which elevates service, toh elpfulnless. The Tfi.,AD il',in iii il 't ' t'il. î. is "iîlîî \ " iqI tla im gi .1i ntii Pr'tsid, ti t tl ' li hIjl;villa 1) A ri l ili s IiIl >EN11 K ME 'il pila list I'î iIiiti N tb ii i lý TEIL DIRI:C'ÔS V*T HIS BANK 1 iA U Y 4-. J'ElM(I NI)S lilltitb( i a t g. i 1it IkAYMOXI) Il iJK. y S .m. uintil 12:30 p. m. 7 until 9 P. M. TRUST REAL ESTATE Vue- I n' iiît t i 'i' tr' ;îi î I 'l f il I J