Why take a chance on an unknown battery? Don't huy a gutarantee, bus' expert service w,,Nith an Exide 1 3-Plate DBattery . .$8095 15Plate Batteyb.*.e$115.5O Wilmette Daýttery-& EleetrieSrvc 740 TwOlIth Street ffi 'as/i ilgm-- e raing-ýlgu itio n Service Wilmette 691'696 CoNSUMERgs FA OEAND R 1UBBLE STOPNE Usd xenie1'in modem homes 'andgrdns. C onsumerIls. Flagstone, Rubble Sto ne :and, Tuffa -Rock are weti known for their uniformly, hig!i qlify, crrect sizng and beautiful, coloring. They lend a rustic beauty fo rock,,gardens, side- walks,: garage driveways,, fireptaces, porch floors, garden paths, fences and decorative corners Of buildings. We alto seilta complete line of face brick and building- materiats for every need. Ou-r many disfributing yards insure prompt deliveries. If you Wa3nt anythinq in buildi materals, from a single bag to a carload. phon~e us or go fo our nearesf. budng material yard,. ýPHO NE FRANKLIN.. 6400 LIm:ES TO-E DUS T 1IN B A GS FO0R U SE 0ON LA WN'S WINNETKA 3385, GLENCOE, 75 ANOD G AR DEN:S "tA *1 b UN OIL CO* Pli H. Brau.m Carl L Brauum 4 Telephones Wihiiette 831 Winnetka 3020 Robt. F. Doepel. Phâ ýH. Bram -Cid !L. , i3raui