Jmy 8IE.8utn d. »- WWeze_ . The twientieth seiasoin of Raviniaf Grand Opera and concerts wiIl ope nt on Saturdày nigbt, June 20, and wil continue 'throiugh Monday, nigbt, August 31, according to ,an announce- mient froni Louis C. 1Eckstein. This .season will bring :a Chicago1 première, a. revival, of an1 opera not heard in this part of -the' counitryq since the Chicago opera season of9 1918-19, and an Arnerican premiere Thèse operatic novelties are, re- spectively, ",Pe.ter Ibbetson," which *11, be sung in E.pglish; "William 'tell,". and,"La Basoche.'? Ravinia1 will continue to niarch. steadily forward in pursuit of, that elusively l1ôvely ideal, the, perf ect artistic achievement.- In spite of financialiniatters9, Ravinia 'wilt niot: rest on.its laurels,' but will ones.L Tbp roster wiIl again concen- (rate the great talent of, the world., f ornot only will:ail the favorites re- turn, but a new tenor and. a newý baritone have been engagked. Bori Returna Lucrezia Boni wi'll again be heard ii her pcôpýular roles Of Manon, Mini, Fiora, and in the Italian, French and Spanish operas to whîch she adds so miuch charnm. She ,vill be heard. for the first time at Ravinia in ii Ug- .lish, when she sings the role of Mary, ]Duchess of Towers, a roie whicli she created at the Metropolitan Opera hoùse at the woA1d premiere of "Peter Ibbetson.» Elisabeth Rethberg cornes back to be heard ini the drarnatic and lyric roles, and she will be heard ini a niew role, that of Matilde in "Wil1liami Tell." She )N111 also have an oppor- tunity to display a more complete portrayal of Elsa because of the in- clusion this year of the second act :)f "Lohenignin." Awai 't Yvonne al Yvonne Gall will revive happy neiories 6f past successes in sûch opeÈas as* ",Marouf," "«Louise." and "Fausti," and w~ill be beard il 1 the modern -Erench comiic pea,"L *Basoche," In the tenor section, Giovanni Mar- tinelli« wil be heard ini the great tenor ols of operatic history and vvill also sing the role of Arnoldo ini Pefrere stage director. The standard epertoime Will be ex-* panded, as, stated above, by thréee novelties. Mrs. AlbetG. Jefferson, 2901 Lake avenue, Wilmàette, ýspent, last week with her aunt, Mrs. JohnHall, of Sandwich, Ill. PTATRONIZE, O.UR A DVERTISERS th'EE ARINL:ý WAVaýf SmOùR!PrKINGr Ad 1567 A "i - IR7LT.l 4OLTR Drive up to o or THIS Roont is a part ofa House furnished by our Staff of Deco- rators - 3rd floor. Good House- leeping Studio Rooms, 2ndfloor. and' Louis D'Angelo and George Cehanov- sky, while Alfredo Gandolfi is a proMising newcomer., Leon Rothier,,great Fenc h basso, Obligation to bty. OPEN EVERY MONDAY -AND. SATURDAY EVENINO UNTIL 10 P.-Me