'Dtri iig the past mionth the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district hias constriicted 10,075 feet of niew ditchies, cleaned 20,880 feet of ra- vines and cleaned and , regraded. 35,307 >f eet of old ditches, according to,*the report of Superiintenident A. H. Meier. The premfises at.headquarters have 1eefl placed in good order and a caref ul chieck has been - maintained on niosquito .breeding places. The first larvae were.found April, 9, the report states. Superintendent Meier's report reads: î;upprlntendlent Reports SI-IfIARV: During the pastý month the 'district has coni4tructed- 10,075 f èet of' new ditches, cleaned 20,98Ô0 fret of, ravines, and cleaned and regraded 2.5- 367 feet îof old ditches. Thepremis.e.s at headquartêrs have been placed in gooyd order, :and a careful check has been mainitained on mosquito breeding places. The first lamiae were found April .9.. During the period M.%arch 16 to. Apyil 15' the operation.c 0f the district ha ve been directed prinelpâlly, toward, the elinîlnation of as rnuch. of the standing water as po-sible ift.thos.ý areas which would flot be readily accessible duritig periods of r4ons-ýiderable 'rainfàll. Yew ditchies have been constructed i thé following locations: North,.west. corner .of: Lehigh, road .and Dempster -.street,, Morton Grove;,length )q75 feet, average width2 feet,-averagé depth .2 feet. In the area between Count y Linri- road,' Skokie- boulevard and* Koehling road. A, lateral systenfi has -been con- -tructed witha total length of 5,950o feetaverge idtb. 2% feet, 'average deiith 1 feet. 1P-aqt aide of Skokie oladt Sun- set Rfidgé road. 1,ateral sýysteni to drain flooded are,% directly ac fs Forn the Public Service comipany plant. Total Ieflgth 2,150. feet, average width 3 feet, average depth 212' feet. 1Clean OId 1>tebes The following old ditches have~ been e leaned or regraded: Northwet corner Leigh road and: Denipster street.. Md'rton Gov.Ditch regra -ded, total length .3,327 feet, aver- age width 2 feet, average depth 11-2'fet *.Between Illinois road and Lake. avîe-: nue,, Wih-nette. Ditth regraded; total length 2,550 -feet, average ýwidth 2 fet * average depth 1 foot. A ditch ,:Y.-tem beglnning at a p)oint mhidway between 'Ilinois road and Lo- eut street, Wilmett 1el and extendinz %west- to. Loeuat street,l south. to ýWilmétte avenue, then acrossa a, field .to Hlbbard Kenilworth. Al - departmnents and grades at the sehool take part i this exhibit, which is considered one of the most important evepts on the 4Scho1 calendar for the year, Parents and townspeople are.invitedeach year. Telephom I nvestmen*t Securities WILmETt 2717 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgagem Poat OiRce i3o. 44 WILMETTD. IluiNois DisTRIBUTORS 9F SUPFR-CORPORATIONS 0F AMERICA TRUST SHARWS, ha~ve net Utetn O led U cuse U thLJJ areI stili scarce and are only in the flrst instar. Oling will begin on Friday of this week, and wlll takçe care ofô!al bredlng now In the district wlthin two or three days., rLhe *division of labor In 'hours has. been as follows: DinlngnewdItches, 1,102; nalintan- Friese's Grocery and WiInette, 111. Avenue, t, Kenilworth, 11. -- f i J loti 'v NE VE Imgined CoJi99NEIDIBEEF HASE JUST Like this Hete,.indeed.'is Corned .Beef Hash of uttre-quality, such as you've neyer'before tasted. Hash to tempt an epicure.. Hash thàt is so .savory and deliciaus that it has set a new standard for tempting, wholesome "goodness". Different from any-Corned Beef Hash.you've ever imagined. It is peae from only the choicest, selected, tender. Wilson beef,,snow-white potatoes, delicate, choseri'spices -611 'skilfully and de.ligbtful.ly blended. by expert.Wilson Chefs. Prepared i spotless, sanitary kitchens, under -a new and -special ffilson formula. This ne w Certified Corned Beef I-hsh.i pcedn vacuum-sealed containers in 5, 101/2, 20, and 24 ounce sizes,. It is cooked, ready. to serve for all occasions, at a mornent's notice - ust heat it to a tempting, golden