Charter Is Given to Press Club at National Meeting, The North ý Shore Area Counicil Press club was presented. with their charter at the fourth annual con- * vention*of National Boy Scout Press association held at Cleveland,, May 1 and 2. The charter. was pre- .sented by the assôciation président, Thomas Cullen, to the delegates'from the north shore, namely William1. Lehle,. president of the,,Local Council Press club, Jack Osborui, editor of ..libertyville-Mundelein district,' and Carl MMns assistant Scoutexe- cutive. Seventy Scout journalists representing fifteen states were at the convention., *Each of the,,two local Scout dele- gates played an important part. in, the programn.- Sea Scout, Jack- Os- born, assisted in memiorial céremnonies at the grave of the late Amrbassador M~yron T. .Herrick, who wa.s a stauincelh supporter of Scouting. Williami Lelble was appointed as a* member of the norni nating comimittee for he election of 1931-192 offcers. Both Scouts served as reporters for the 'ýScout Journialist" a paper issued several, timnes during the conventionl. Many 3xaliuable helps were obtaiiied froni the 'convention around m-hicli the local Press club wil buildthie plas orgrowth addevelopment. New Set of Troop Flags 1 to Be Bought by Scouts Aiter' an nouincements by Scout- * masterI- rre'rjoo)p liayed bail .and] ,ting(ý- at their weekly mneet- ing held April 30.« The Lone Pille patrol won the bal gaine and \vec *a\warded five poinits:in. the Patrôl coutest iti which the patrols are run- ning uiecëk and ueck. Instead of tle gamnes a board of rviwhad, been plannlcd, btthle review~ers ,were u n- able to attend. A new set oi Troop flags is tQ 1w, vurchased. for the troop be Hold Camp-O-Rai on May 16 and 17 OnIy one more week before the Annual Camp-O-RaI which lis to be held on May 16 and, 17 in the Forest' Preserve at: Green. Bay and County Line roads, northwest ýof Gleucôe. Already thirty-four troçs have in- dicated -their- plaiis to -send a patrol to compete in this overnight camp- ing contest. Last year *there were several competing patrols, but this year the event will far surpass the last years Camp-O-Ra1I. Theprra wil include setting u1P an ýover-niight camp, ýScoutinig contest p rojects, cooking, evening games, campfire program, and gen- eral camping inspection., The Coun- cilý Camping committee headed by- Keith Roberts, chairman of Glencôe, will, be in charge. Everyone is invited 'to stop by Saturday' afternoon or evening and inspect the boys activities. Several New Scouts Registered in Week, The following new Cubs, Scouts and 'Sca Scouts have been registered iii couincil headquarters wvIthin the last week. Wjlmettc-Troop 2-'Douglas Hind- lev; Ship) 7-George Gromnmes,' JameiS. and John Luke, Johin PearsouEd mar'd Shapker. iKenilwvorth - Troop 13 -Arthur' Crutteid(e, Jack Fy"fe, Irving Jack- son, George. Richards, Davidl Skilliii. Winnetka-Troop 24-John Born. Ravina-Troop 35-M.\ax Hart. Highwood Trooçi 36 - Domnic Canitagallo, John 1Mýclerani, joseph Notagiacomô,- Charles Nowlin andl Francis Schmidt.., Glenview-Pack .66--Eugenie Field. ,ib)ertyville-Troop ý72-(.Dropped and. re-registered), Russell Brown, Alexander and August Radloff. N-Torthibrook -Troop * 73-And(re\w Areuse. New* Scouters are.: Kenilworth- Mother's Day Sunday, May 10, is Motber's Day. On, this day 1 hope 'that every boy in Amnerica* will honor bis mother and 'try*,to show ber that he appreciates ber. love, er care and her sacrifices for hi. Or, if unhap.pily, it is ne, longer ini his power to do. this, he should do bis best to make the day brighter for someone. alse's mother. What. a fine thing it. wouid be. if we boys and men, al'of ing together,. couldl imake this Sun- day.a, day of happiness and satis- faction to -every mnother in this great country of 'ours! It cati be done -if each one of us. will do our, share. Perhaps:the best way in wvfiichî a boy can show bis appreciation, of bis.mother is by bis attitude towards -his, home. Have you ever thouglit about what* an important thing a good home -is in a. boyý'.. life, hiow it influences him, howv it helps to make hlm the righit sort of boy and man? The third Scout Law of Hel.p- fulness says "share homie duties.", To be .a real Scout a boy prac- tices the Scout Oath and Law in hlis own home just as much as iin hîis troop meeting. or, in camp.- From an editorial ini Bov's [ifé,, by james E. \\Test, Chie f Scout E"xecuitîve. Scouts of Troop 13 Reporting Pro gress ýTroop 13 of Kenilwvorth report., the following 'advancemerit for their troop during April. *Tenderfoot-A. Cruitt endenI, J. Fyfe. 1. Jackson, G. - Richards, and Dave Skillin; .Second, Class-Arthur. Bon-_ nett,ý Kenneth Coivert, John Fitz- gerald, -Claude Smith. and John Weese, First Class-Arthur Carlson. Paul Cornell, Richard Holmes, D. Joues: Star-Tomi Cruttenden,; Menit b'adges -. Russel Cooke, personal Lore, of Scouting Proves Valuable on Andean Tour Mai13 interesting adventures in the back woods country 'of -Venezuela, where the Syracüse.Untivetsitv An- dean expedition b as been conducting biological and zoological studies at camps ou, the Monicito ýriver and elsewher 1e are, reported by * John Enfejian,- Eagle Scout of .Sy'racuse, New York, the expedition's taxider- tnist who c ame-home with the expedi- tion a few days ago. In one letter hie pays high tnibute. to his .Scouting exp ,enience, saving. "I caîî' really, do justice in praising my debt to Scouting. From the mo- ment, we entered this country' 1 have made use of-my Scout training in one fonîn or other. I, find thàt 1 do naturally many _things iu caMp *liie,. knowledge of whichi I would hiave lacked fiad it flot been for mvr Scout training." *Enfejiani reports a, hunt for speci- mens of. the iguana a: great lizard which, as .le describes it, appears like* the "dragô*n of ancient* tales." With Dr. Crockett, 'the, expedîtmon's bacteniolgist, lhe invaded a* narslî iit far fromn their camp. Natives hadne- ported. iguanas were to be found in- habiting the topmost branches of trees. With a noose a gun and a camera the tw~o set out and after traveling several riles with an Iu- diatn guide, searched the deep juligle through which the guide cut a path with bis machette. Finally the searchers entered a grove iu the center of the marsh and, discovered theïr quarry high lu the limbs, of the tree. En.fejian,, tory:' "Atnmucli searchilng, his ugly head1 could beý seen glistening iin the bright tropical sun.. 1 had the hionor of shooting first. .1t took tWo.,sbots befone the gr eat beast dropped. It .was certainly a thrilling moment to watch this four foot lizard fali at our feet clawing the air as lhe f elI. Af ter a time we found a second spec:- nowe, 0o1 *plans for the Camp-O-Mal and i fnaliy they. decided that Patrol two is to attend. Then they had a ceremnony in memory of John Brumbaugh who was killed by a. Skokie V7alley train. We also dedicated a pic ture. of himn -Herbert Meyer, Troop 3, Wilmnette Methodist church. T1roop 1 nel its meeting at the the nrst quarter of the year 1931: MOTHER'S PAY Congregational church, Thursday. 'Wilmette-Troop 1, Troop 2, Troop, Remember the Mother's Dà»y pro- April 30. They played a basebaîl 3, Troop 4, 'Troop 5, Troop 12 and gram at Ravinia Park, 3 oýclock game in which the Stagswon. They Ship 43; Kenilworth-Troop 13 ; Win- Sunday, May 10 .Everybody on the also demonstrated two points of the netka-Troop 18 and Ship 26 ; Gien- north ' shore, men, womnen and child- Scout Law. Thîe Patrol Leader of coe-Troop 22 and Ship 21; Highland ren. and especially the mothers, arce-the *Eagle patrol conducted, the Park-Troop .31, and'Troop .33; Hligh- urged to attend- this. "Youth's Tri- ýmeeting.-G'eorge. Colton, Troop' 1. wood-.Troop 37;.Déerfield-Troop bute to Mth rs," Wilmette Cngregational church. 52; Libertyvill-Ship64