i ri-snip '.Uub ... DiiZuu Humor . . . ......Dave Lott 'Inquiring Reporter ........Jane O.rr Book Reviews ...... Ruth Jackson, Reporters *Alice Altschul, Ethel Anderson, John Barden, Emma Bickham, Bud, 1-Howard, Bob- Hutchings, Vi.rginia Lotz, Harry Kinnieé, Willard Kus, Jack Mec', Meta Miller, Earl -Moss, Mazie Mouat, Jane Norman, Georgeà Ogan, Babe Rich, 'Virginia Riethei- mer,ý Leila White, Jai;e Yost, Helen Putt, Tom Elvin.7 HôW CAN IT GROW? How long would you survive hav-ý ing a 150 to 200-pound wecighit rest- ing on your head? We don't be-9 * . lieve it would be' very long before you would haveý a violent headache,t at least. 'What do you think thei power is that will sustain life in the blades of grass in front of our schiool when we. walk or mun -on the grass? *The aîîswer is 1Iiterally, "Heaven knows!"' The observer nîay have noticed ,Imm 1thet lately the edges of the lawn in fron>1t of scbool are getting to look like a cookie .when a nmoikeVî cats "it. Tie grass it just trodden dowvn and,:lias no chance except' at 'night even to try to grow. X'Je rnight havemthe lawn covcredl with signls for, those neglectful souls mrho. neyer seemable to realize that "cvii is wrotught f romi want of tlioughit r athier than want of *heart." How wQllld it be tolbave little decoratiopis *of "PlEl-AS.E-" or "KEFY OFF" li1le a' ptihlic' park all over the lawn ? As we vistiali7e' it at the mloment it' does no t pre 1sent a very chiartnig pictitrc to olur rindi(s. Jt.dging from otir observation, which' rnayv of course not be 'exact1I' accurate. thie chief offendersý arc ticooi-hour" people. They% amlble along tai-kiîîg to their friends and jnust .dont't "give a dam"' if they do wa'lk on the new~ shoots of grass that are *endeavoring ulnder grre-t difficilltv, loi grow. The popular expression,,"GiVe the guv a chiance," cornes to olîr * ninds: let's give. the grass a chance. -Stewed, sir?"~ "Shut. your mouth and get Ille thoset prunes!" 100% They advertised a chorus 0of sixty- and they looked It! -It was a good thing we didn't. have roopm for this one!) 100% An: "Will you join' mee in a bowi.ý of soup?" Sis ': "Do ybu think there'd be rooni enough for both of us?" -(This% one. was told. a bou t à. dean, so we know it Woldf't get by!) 99.44/100% INick: "Hjow do you know yuu're pure?.>, Nack: "Weil, 1'm White and When, 1' go swimmiflg, 1 float!" -(Shucks! We sent this one to the elealel's, but it didn't gét back ln time.) Hot: "Do you dce?" Dog: "'Oh sure! 1 was a"shtaiit at St. VjLtus academy for years !*' INQUIRII4G REPORTER Are you in favor of having a school paper, pubIislied by the school, neNt year? Lee Biaylock '33-Ves. As, al other 'schoQls of' our si;ze have a reg- ular rnonthlv èr weekly. paper. It seerns ou rscho6l would be aided grea'tIy bv a newspaper. Caroline onrestoti'2 ~ ff course. .School newspapers have be- corne as mucil a tradition at New 1Trier as any of thie other activities. 'New Trier, is .certainly large enough. Cati we, not take it for' granted that ail of the news and' important events are circulated around to. everyole?. :Harrv :Giliogly ,'32 -Certaiiily I atn, .be cause it shows the thýingc tljeý 1school is doimng and - it is "a place: where students can state theiroin ions concemning mnatters of. import- jance. It also shoôws a lot, of thie ath-7 i etic. side (ôf schol lf-eIan ll favor 'of, it. \farion .Sieck 3l, hslt'y due to numerous surprises and dils- appointnents, Nay's boys consideredi themselves mighty Iucky that the re- suits are as they are. At any rate, the record of nothaving lost a single dual'nicet lias been upheld by our 'boys. Incidentally, thé New Trier juniors %vere f orced te take. their. first defeat, of the year at the hanids of -the Ev- anstonians te the merry ltune of .51 to '44. This meet was ,lost throughi unfarniliarity. with the rules of the track, whien Alex Newton cut put of bis lane in the 220' yard' dash, auto- mnatically disqualifying himself. How- ever. Alex contributed bis share to the score, for lie was directly e-- sponsiblefor 17 points. in the senior division, Henry Bender distiniguished himself with 14 points. ' The Vicýtory 'of the ýN. T. seniors was due to a slam scored in the,.100-yvqrd dash and the victory 'in -the hiaifmile' relaýy. When the melay was about to be run,' Ilic only difference between the two tearns vvas .one SEiM point. Evanston's tearn 'las most convinc- ingly improved. It bids fair to makeë a strong -showing in both the district and outdoor 'suburban ineets, with a six-foot high jumper, Kellogg, andi threc or four good' distance mien. New Trier is loorning stronger thani ever, and, with Oak Park, semnis te> have a'good chance to grab..a ii- ber of places' in its rernai nig iimi- pQrtant nieets. Suimmaries: 1Senior )Ieet" 100-yai'd dash-I. Quinlan (NT); 2; Bender (NT) ; 3, Wanger (NT). Tine- c 10.. 120-yard high hurdles--, Pierce '(iY; 2, Davidson (E>;, 3, Hojies (NT). Time- :17. lile run-1, I{eg (E); 2. Eng-el (E) 3, Gilbert (NT). Tire-4 :58.2. t'HI'gh junip-l. Kellogg. (E); 2, Fi- laý1yson (NT); 3, Runge (E). eijgit, :6, feet 1/2 Inch, Fole vau1tlý-Tied for s t, Twerdfflil .1(E) and B. 'Stewart (E) -, tied for thircl, .F. Stewart (E), Ballenger (NT) rtng Lam pe (NT). Hight-10 feet, 6. nehet. 220-arddas-l.Bender (NT).:.2 , Quinflan (NT):3.Wkeil(E.'m-- :22. 7. Shot put-1, Sehurnfl(NT) ; -iipert (NT) ;Siddall (E).. Distance-42 feet 3, Boylstoli'(NT). Tinie=- hrow-1,. Kunz.. NT); 2 The contestants. hwiti apw'u uc fore the judges in the last elimina-. tion are: Bob Livingston, Betty Buckett, Dorrance Nygaard, and Sherwood Nelson. The latest project of the Public Speakin_ç classes is Round Table dis- cussions. During the past week the two advanced' classeso have had these. discussions on a variety o.f subjects. The work lias been enjoyç~d1 by the students as a whole, and the. general feeling is that the0y w'ere quite benîe- ficial.' Each day the annual banquet draws nearer, and nearer., On Friday eve- ning, May 15, at about 6 o'clock. the meérry group of public> "speaksters" wil be sitting down to a very ap-, Spetizing dinner1 comiposed of veal, cut- lets and lots of good victuals. As yet the toastmnaster for the occasion lias not been .selected, althougli Miss Payton, iînstructor in public speaking, bas several. possibilities in mmnid.: Former students àre cordially in'vited. INTRAMURAL SPORT NEWS The boys' volleyball tourney i.*s just about over. The double elimnination 1copetition among. the eight class champs and r.un ners-ui) for ,the school> charnpionship started Wedne'sday. Here are the ieading teamns:» Seniors: Persing,. Wehr, Carpenter (undecided). Juniors: Funkhouser, Nay (tic). Sophomores: Christensen,. Condion. Fr'eshmen:' Van. Kirk, Pifer, Rau (undecided). 'l'lie latest project, for, those who ;like. ligliter recreation, is a 'ping-pong .tournanit which started Friday. ol ani The scores, for the1second round" ilitratiinurl tenniis, golf, handball 1(1 borseshoes were due !Friday. SCRIBLERUS At recent meetings 0f -le Scrib- leruis club, the new tryo uts were iread., Along with their work on "Scrib)- blinigs," the members are also doing the preliuiinary selecting for the Wil- lians' Prize entries. for the' most part, Dec LuGay, the wi11 be modelcu by tne girls. (E); 3, jooke (E);_-ewtoî' <NT) and' daugliter of a Frenchl, "voyageur," E ,Coe()* etnrmiig Dsu ho-oe() acc and Jasper Page, a. trader frorn Bos- TI E pSpNNordberg. (NT) ted for (E)anlnnd $U Hrmw-Lowe(E), ied fo ckrt ton. "ary Cndililit teîsnotSo T RIPGenSral SnePlNEtaD u places. Helght-5 feet 1 inich. '.()adHrik E ldfrfrt ton."Ealy andeliht"tels nt s Th Geera Scenc Plnetriiiii R.ujning' broad jurnp-1, Newtonl Distance 116 feet 9 Inches. mucli of the struggle to exist. as of trip plannied for last Friday was post- (NT); '2 C. Martin (E);« 3, Buck- Pole 'vaut-'1, Cooke. (E); Kingsley master (NT). Dlstance-18 feet' 7 (NT) and Duddlestofl. (È) tled for sec- the, lives of the 'early pioneers wh9o oined. This trip' is being planned by Inchos. ond. Ijelght-9 foot 8 Inces. setethe almost isolated comm»un-ý Mrs. Hudson and Mr. Condon of the St u-,Nrdberg -(NT); 2, 'Bab- Hay-Wît Lon an New Tirn). se .ity' . Science department. ' ock (E); 3i Hermlcks <E). aiusLsoanNet.) 1 [ ->