noon r tO Iis'fe apearncenmirlent igliue. Resolutions of condolence, carda of thanku, obitu- arieu, notices of *ntertalnments or other affaire wbere an admittance charge la publlmbed. wiII be chaa'ged at regular adveitIsing rate.. Grade Sepaïation WilI Save Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! Mother's 'Day, Suinday, May 10! That's, ne t Snday. Don't forget it. The, one day i al l te long year set aside. dedi- ft'sHercated, to the grandest womian- le's Her th at ever Iived! Day!Where would we haàve been: i.there had been no0 mother? ýWe ju11, woul d(n't have beeni at all.- Do children mwho haveno mothers'to care for thepl dintg 0their early years miiss any- thing?- Eýveryb)ody.nuutst'a.gree thlat:they do. Do datughters need nuothers? NVell, anyone -%\ho lias nuich to (I0 witli a mth- erless datighter soon flnds- out thiat the daughiter certalinly lacks sonethiing essen- tiaI. Dû.5115nee(l mothers?, Thc *an- swer is overw-ýhelinigly iii the affirmnative.. So necessary a part does th(ý mlother play. ii every-bodv's life thaï it is almlost absurd to mienition the lact. The father- is obviously much less -im portanit, espe- cially iii the home ife. of the child. Hlowvshiall we honior M\other? Flowers and can-dy mav indicate. to lier that we love hier' if Nvith thue gift. wc give our- ,Selves. If wvedo niot, theni the gifts srelyý are bare,' The s.oni or daughter away f roîuu homne caîu best remenuber Mother by sendii her along.with the flowers or other gift a long sincere letger. expre.ssing l)lainly love and gratitude,. not leaving it to be read between the Iiies. There's oie person' iii the ivorld that nio poet can adequately praise, and thats- Mother. price. And even a poverty- stricken pro- fessor can no\v afford to buy two shirts at one time., We. are sure that, nothing makes a housekeeper feel so happy as Iow. prices. When Mother, is able to 'get threei pounds is to keep) prices downl. Everyone wilI admit that children have rights. And, every right-.n iinded Amieni-' can' believes, that.he is justifledin uýsing Chidre'sforée against.,anyone who .Chilwithholds from a child Rights , these natuiral ights. Even a-newonbb a rights. A cursory study of ourlaws e$tab- lishes that fact. A baby has the right to have. his health maintained at a hg level.- A baby has the right. to have1 adequate training, physical and mental. As a baby grows into childhood he -takes along "With him. these same rights. , TiS J)hysical and 'mental- healthý must be. maintained.- He must have the schoolifig that. -vill enal)le, him to6 inake his vay in, the wvorld. His,:powers mutst be discipline& and his knowledge increased. Nothîing 'atIwili Ministèr to his weifare ntst be denied hlmi. This eniphiasizing of children's righits is 'n necessary,1 becatise there are people.Who' .beg,,rudlg.e -the energy and mioney spent 1on serving the, child, To ail such we would,, sity, give the child your very best, for lin (bing so you are not rnerely insuning.the child a happy life but you are also b)uild-: ing ilp strong Ainenican citizens. Arlhasn't been ail it should have been, WVe've hiad practically no showers, and if Aý,pril showers bring May flowers, then we May ~have real. cause for alarm;. MayMay ',vithottflowýNers will'be Arrives as itnspinring as a flagpole minus the flag. Th.en again April has -been a trifleý too. cool. Nature to be ý'pperly prosperous mu st have in'April fairly warmi weather. On niost rnornings in April the mercury. couldn't get above 30. February and March did as well1 as that. But May, is here, -and winte r is seven or eiglit nionths ahiead.1 For those who don't liRke,.winter the likeable months are justý bèginiung. Jaseball, tennis, bathing, pic- l'le opcning of Baha'i Temple, is an event of more than local import. Indeed it is an event of world significance. The Temple stands for a movement, that ap- l)eals to every nation in the world. No nian,' woman, o r child is excluded frorn its appeal. Whosoeveir will rMay corne. qL v Lai Ilp his 1 have theic roney with -me nere."1 So Ma* in her shy quiet uay Pitt on, t/e hat t/tat was young and gay,. Pa said, "You 8ztrelI/ do- oo/cfine Just lil/e, t/te little sweetheart mine." And as t/cet wal/ced out aide bi, aide Perhaps s/te b/us/ted êt JUs fon,ýid pride, Pitt who would not t/te itat forgive Tiat ha/ces devotion live and live? r«P mged city strect. ý7p the village i Sun bonnet babies, TvithIi tile simb noses, Rotllickinig youngsters wcith rnerry blue eyes, S,>uzll Cinderellas gay, S.veet as thce breath of May, Dreanîing of fairies in godînother guise! Hark to .t hein chattering! Tiny Maid Mariaet, HeIlekt and Marjorie, Bobby aud Ted; Lisi, to t/cir laughter sweet, *Just see titir flving feet, *Richard and Emmy aâd turbulent Ne.d! Here they corne gleeii4, -sîjîn'lads antd lasses, Sh/cv adolescenits, atakein Mmut/c, -Seeking life's m.iracle, Ktiowledge empirical, Springîiîne--the Afaytiîne z/heii vout/i colIs to Set up thce M,àypoles, wýýith streamers aflying, Riot of color for eac/c cager hand;- _Great Na tion's greatèëstwea lt/c, Childrem n j:radiant healt/c, Fairest of flozzvers that our -land! *Never miîd taiïin thom jtest Ito be' citi,&eîîs, ~'e ,nind rgillg, too fast, îiidom's 'way; * Give t/cent/ce room, to grow~, G;ive thernt te joy tb knouw Lau q/clter- and liltijnq song; give t/cernt/ccir Ma.v! -Win'iifredi-IHat ' awvay <Asoiaediréct or,',National Society for thce Prevenfion of 'B.Iitdiess) I.1,.itdr's note: Weé are happy to putlishi the above poem 1iu the interest of the -Amei1-rîcn Child Health a~SSoCatio1n,. as *c'Il. asthe varlous agencles on the forth Shore Cooncrned wvitli the tasik of guarding the- bealth of our chilciren. MA'S NEW HAT -Ti y #/is one, %Te/lie- dea-'," lije said, -The lgdy'L Pitt it Onjo?,-Itead,. Jt'à got suc/t Pretty f /oieers, sec," >3/te sai<l, "Pa,-tliatýs too fine foi, me." T/te sales girl p1aced, it glet/y,,80, .These roses to t/the front. must go. A;id tipped a littie to ôanc aide";- Mà. mid, "That kat.48 foi- a bride."-1 She turned lier headtiai wa.y and tLa t To secette aide view o! ýt/Le iLat, 'And htou)t/he fluffy- feate rs /Ittung,. "O:, no,", s/te said., "it oqks tooý youn g."l. "lHere i8 anot/ter one quite, plai.i," T.he clcrk sald, "it wl stand the ram,"' Ma Ilt/ce t/us a great d<bal more," Aasaid, "w/tctat will you sell <t for?'" But Pas oo/ced at thte lat ttglast. -Île sa id, 'It's so mut like yousr iast, Titis once get. sornething fine and gay. AM tdpt that somber itOt away. "Iu thee Jirat years w/ton we were wved T/i ere wcere t/he citildren to bc fed,