Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 3

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evening, May 15, to flear what promi- ises to 'be a program.of untusual in- terest sponsored by the. Evening Garden club of Wilmette. The club has securedAlfred Carl *Hottes, natjonally kniown garden cx- *pert, to give a lecture in the Wilrnette Wonaii's club building, Tenth. street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. *Mr. Hottes cornes ý to' the niortii shore through, the instrurnentality of Howard S. Davidson. of Wilrnette, a member of the Evcniing. Garden club, who has- cooperated with .Earle D, Lyon, presjdent'of the club and Mrs. C. D. Ewer., chairman, of tlie organi zation's program cornmittee, in bring- inig.tliis program» to the north shore. Nomùinal Admissiçon Fée It is anlnounced that'ther e will. be. a very nominalI admissioni charge to. *defray, the expense of securing,,the au ditorium of the Winmette Wornan's club. The larger auditorium of the Worn- an's club iwili be utilized for; the' occasion siice response to invitations going out to aIl garden clubs along the shore indicates a large attendance., The.auditoriumi will seat uipward of ,600 people, it is. explained. *Mr. Hottes is now associate. editor of Better Homnes and Gardens naga~ zea periodical whichi enjoys the- Iargest circulation in, its field. He is an autîxor of widè reputation and a recognized authority iaIl branches of gardening andjust prior. to accept- ing the post of Garden Departmient editor of Better Homies and Gardens. was "for twelve years professor' of Floriculture at Ohio, State univers ity. His "De La Mare Garden Books" hlave gained world-wide circulation. His writings cover ever-y conceivabIe branchi of the.gardening art. Hle ..is an eloquentspeaker andconstantly. in .demiand for lectures>. Varod, Affiliations Arnong the various organizations ý%ità which M4r.,Hottes is allied are the following: Society of Amnericani Florists and Ornarnental Horticul- turists, American lris, Rose and Car- nation societies. He is an .honorary be clowns, pirates, dancers, aniuials of ail kinds, lariat spinners, trapeze performers, and a Punch anid Judy show. Anid, by the way, thc Scouts promise -the usual "peantits, popcorn, chewing 'guru, and candy." Thursda. yaiternoon there will be_ a dress rehlearsal to which the. children have been urged, to corne. Friday evening the doors wil.bc opened at 7 o'clock in order to give People time to visit the sde shows The. ring performance wil start promtptly at 8 o'clock. "Corne early and get good seats for, this outstanding performance. Friends and parents, let's turn out and help the girls prowote Girl Ècouting in Wilmette,",isthe circus' slogan. Name Committeesof New Wilmette Board Wilrnette's new Village board at its first reguùlar meeting, held Tuesday night at the Village 'hall, passed a reso- .Jution "that the following- committees, sh 'aîl constitute the stan ding commit-' tees of this board"': FInanee - Stacy Bennett, chairman: Wiiford W. Deflerard, A. w: Froehde. Strepts and Alleys - Arthur Lee,. chairmnan ; Stacy Bennett, Wilford W DeBerard. Séwer and WtrW W. DeBerard, ehairmnan; Arthur Lee, ('ar C. 'Ren- neckar. PuJ'blic Servce-Ruth 1-1 Snyder, (-airmn;.it Carl C. Rennecka'r, A. W. Froehde. Fr-lr .Rnekr *Poifre and'Fr-Cr .Rnekr uhairmtn ; Ruth H. Snyder, 'Arthur Lee. Judilmary-A. W. Froehde, chairmian; Stacy Bennett, -Ruth H. Snyder. "Ye Olde TownIe Foikes" to Hold Dinner May 12 "Ye Olde Towne Folkes". ili gather for their annual dinner at the WViI- mette Masonic' temple on Tuesday ev ening,. May 12. Persons who have lived, in thé village since 1906 are eligible to becorne members and may joir by' notifying the secretary, Mrs. Stanley Gage, 932 Elmwood. avenue, or the president, Dr. G. D. Upson. There are still somie of the original lowing is. a sumrnary of sone of thé board's action: Passing of resolutions 'comrnending Earl E. Orner, retiring village presi- dent, and Ernest C. Cazel and Stan- ton Van Inwagen, retiring village, trus- tees, for their past services. Passing of resolution. and adoption of an ordinance establishing, standing committees of the, board for. the coMing year. (Members. of these committees are listed eIsewvhere: in, this issue Of WiLT.ETTLire.) Reappointmnent of E H. Kerr as. village collector. 'Appointmient of Willis De Nance as, village attorney to succeed. Charles H. Jackson. Adoption of ordinance' establishing the new board of local improvemnents, the memabership of which is identical Witil that of the Village.board. ,Hearing of communications and petitions. . ý1:1ý -ý 1 Reports ýof standing cominittees, an'd miscellaneous businless. .Adoption of a resolution presented by Trustee Arthur Lee, new chair- mani of the streets and alîcys coin- rnittee, providing for going ahead -im-, mediately with the comrpletion of Wil- mette's portion ofthe new throuigh highway traversing the north ýhore- villages f romn McCorrnick road in Ev- anston throughi Glencoe. Fire Department Makes Two Runs on-Saturday, The Wîhnmette Fire departinent made two runs last Saturday, the first at, 3:15 bO'clock' in the afternoon 'to ex- tinguish a prairie fire at 930 Chestnut avenue and the second at 9:45 o'clock in the evening to exti.nguish a fire in the kitchen' of Mrs. Week's' dining 'room, 1129 Central avenue. The latter blaze, which caused only, slight damage, started in 'a waste paper basket in -the kitchen. On Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock the firernen vere called to 435 Main street to extinguish a rub- bish 'ire in a vacant lot.. of Cnicago,, at tme auwat generai meeting of the New Trier High SchoQl Parent-Teacher association Wednes- day night, May 13, is expected to at- tract a large crowd of parents and patrons of ýthe school.. The meeting will' be held in 'the New Trier- audi- toriumf beginning at.,8:15 o'clocki President Hfutchins, will speak on "The. Educational Program. of the: University*of, Chicago." -In announc- ing thissuec he ,has allowed him-, self ýthe la=tdeof discussing ahl that is new, andý modern in, education. ReorganizeMethode As the youth fui president, of a great unüiversity Dr. Hutchins has distin- guished hinself_ in t he movement.- to reo)rganize, the methods of collegiate education. The widely heralded new plan of the University. of Chicago is only one phase of the plans of re- organization, being worked out at that insfitutiofl . President Hutchins is :widely known as -an- interesting, entertaining. and dynaiamic speaker. "No parent who is looking f orward to the time when his own chilren will be attending college can afford to miss this mveeting," said W. L. Brown, acting superintendent of New Trier High school, in a letter to NeNv' Trier parents' this week. Eminent Authority "In the field of the modern, worth. while higher education, there is no greater authority. than President Hutchins," Mr. Brow'n said. In. an effort 'to ascertain approxi- mately the number of persons who ex- pect to attend the general meeting of 'the New' Trier Parent-Teacher asso- ciation to hear Presideût Hutchins next Wednesday parents have been asked to return blanks sent teï them o n which the number of persons plan- niing to attend miay be indicated.These blanks should be filled in and retumned no later than Monday morning,, May 11,y it wvas atinounced.' Thank Retiring 0ffcers for Service to Village Appreciation for 'service to the Village of Wilrnette will be expressed lu aEI jA.& 1 On request of Russell C. Johnison, chairman of the Poppy dgy Commit- tee of the Wilrnette post of' the Ainerican Legion, the Kenilworth Village board at its regular rnonthly rIneetifig Monday night gave p--rris- sion to- the post to sel poppies in Kenilworth Friday, X')ay 22. 1 1fl auvertising andi uew. vanced one day. News items mustf later than Tuesdayi publication. Classified ads Will, to 9,1p. m . Tuesday. be received not nmon to insure be eccepted up GIRL DESIRES POSITION as governess or tutor for children. Grades 1 through 6th. A-2, Boxi 40. Winette. Wilmette Chamber of Commerce on Monday night passed a motion empow- ering President J. E. Worthen to ap- point' a permanent committee for belp-' ing. to "dress up" Wilmüette iii prepara- tion for Pol' aim visitors.

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