Vie machin ery of Anierican buisi- ness is gradually picking ni) momen- tumn on a slow but sure climib back toward normai tbat sbiould continue througbôut. this year anid n.iext. Trhat is thecnito expressed last week by W. A.,Blees, vice-p)resi- r dent in charg'e of sales for the Oak- land Motor Car Company, upon his return from the Paciflc Coast 'where ie. conducted the la st of a series of Oakiand- Pontiacý dealer meetings which took him during thé ast three nîoüths to neariy -every iportanit City in the United States. During bis 15,000 mile -tour of. thç nation, he was convince(l 1w thoià- sandsof contracts iith business men, l)ankers, automobile dealers and eco- nomists that conditions are showing * steadiiy .increasinig promisé of betteri- ment. "ij<ubtless the 'progress of busi- niess will be -slow,, and it NVill he ac- * companîed. by normal seasooable, variations," hesaid, "l)ut the -façt remaitis that,'al major factors point (lefinitely upward. -Among tblese factors is thfé vital one of empioyment. MIore ancl more workers are i)ing recalIid to thecir former jobs or to other jobs crealed hv the building activities, the C( )I- struction projects and the railro;i'i imiprovements which, Ihave hei i11- spired by- loiv. but aircady iriiwi costs of niaterials ani coiitlidticsý Factor- of Inventories, -Another factor is that of înv:en. tories whIichi du.rinig the 18 nlioils oi thie*depression ]have slil>Ield il té rock bottomi. Bv inventories, 1i meail nlot onlv the stocks of raw 'ani man- iltacture(l goods iii the bands of sup- ;>iers. niailufacturers- and merclian1tsý * )llt ais 'o consumer iliventories-thiosc articles of clotbing, furniturean ëquipment *hc the public lias beer, ulsing and lvearing ot during th( I)Éo ofte ers in autoinoiole. Depression or no de- I)ressîol-\%e must have automobile! as the public provcd iast year whIei it -%vas estalbIising a iîew highi recor be on tap for speed fans in the Chicago district wben on Sunday, Julie 7, the first event lbeld under the rules 'and, with thé sanction of the Ainericati Autom-obile association wili be run. Nýew. -interes t has been, manifested in auto racîng silice the :announce- ment last week that the Roby Speed- way near Hammond would run under Triple A sanction. and ail the auto- mobile clubs, in this, section have had inquiries as to- tickets1 and entrants. E ntry b lanks will be, mailed to ail the leading drivers' of the country, inciuding ail entrants in the famous 500-mnile Indianapïolis race. B., Ward Beam, whowiil manage the race, lias already start.ed, negoti- ations with Biily Arnold the Chicago lad who, drove bis way to fame and fortunle by, winning the fa nous In- dianapolis 500"miiler last year, and the promiotor feels certain.that the dare- devil start ini the evenit. And 'the startingý field will probably bave at least ten Indianapolis starters accord- ing to the prôrnier. The Roby track is being comipletly (--Verhau.led and will. be practicaily a new plant before the day of the race as the. A. A. A. bas insisted on cer- tain rrepairs, and that the wboie plant be painted up, new judges' stands eeedand the grounids beautified. 1Packard Gives Care to Spring Shackle Boits. -> 1 Spring shackle boîts are subject t-) z greater wear than any ôther part o i .,an automObileý chassis ;nid until re- cently are asserted to have reccivcd( -the least amouint of care. Clainms havc f bccn nma(e thiat the autoinatic chassis -ý, .1 ircating systern inauguirated sev- I c.ral - ears ago by, the Packard 'Motor- - Car C(,!lupalyv reduces the wear o f -shackle bots to the abso-,lute.inînimîiini *by keepinig thein __lubricated ,auitoiiati- ecaily anîd constantiy.t d>The Packard f actory service dce, li partnîent bas 'just miade ,a check to de- e termine the effectiveie.ssof thlis àilto:- niatic care of the precision work w 1îclii e goes into the making of a shacl<l EFFECTIVIE Reliab4li"tyand, safety.. due to simple désig nd careful construction ON£ 0P the first things you wIl notice wheu. you drive the Ford la the'quick, effective' action of its four-wheel brakes. Tlicy are unusually safe and reliable because they are mechanical, internai cxpanding, with au braking surfaces fully enclosed. This prevents imud, watcr., sand, etc.,, from getting between the band and drum and interfering wih brake action', Other outstanding featureâ of the Ford aethée Triplex shatter-proof glass windsbield, four Hou- daille" double - acting bydraulie shock absorbers, aluminum pistons., trque-tube drive, 'more than twenty bail and roller bearinga, Rustle8s Steel, reliability, economy, and long life. You sauve when you buy the Ford and you save. evey Mile you drive. w orn out automobiles ançI replac- thene l 111141 u -- ment of ail the. countiess worfiiOut . records, points out that the incréase articles among Amnerica's consumer in mnotor accident fatalities,' 26 per- inventory tbat wiil bring furtber im- cent, is f ar out of proportion with provement in employment." Oakland the growth in motor transportation. and,,Pontiac cars are sold iocally hy Automjobile license registrationsin-.r the *Wersted Motor company, 5621 creased oniy, about one and one-ba fl Lincoln avenue, Winnetka.. 1percent. 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