_ -w ;2 î mj bis" _ k An Inviltation, to Evry, Boy- Inte-rested i invite every boy interested ini WEmotors to irspeet a display of aviation, marine and automotive motors at our, store during this week. We can show you ont of the fam ous Packard Diesel Aircraf t engines, which ust made a contin u figh f 3hurs without refueling, a 600.-horsepower, Inverted: Aircraft engine, such as the. United States. Navy has used in ail parts of the world ini Loening Amphibian planes, and a $12,000 Pack- I Motors Army tanks and for your dad in the Packard Eights. Packard desi*gns for. each specialized use the engine best suited for the purpose, X-motors, 'V-motors,- Inverted V..motors, .'and, motors: with cylinders-in-line. IJn e ach field, Packard» is supreme. a Packard Motor Car Company of Chicago Evanston Branich -175at RairoadAvnue 4e-.-. k t k