The. cost of dôing a credif business is our smallest expense- a few hundredths of one percnt-and has no .fF.ct 'whatsoever on prices. What if really requ ires is adequal. financing and. fath in the. -ECONOMIESM4IAY, 8 to MA&Y 14 .POT.r ROAST. Finest native beëef chuck... 1b. 28e ROUND STEAK. Tender and full flavored. lb. 39c HAMS., Swift's Prerriium or Miller & Hat Berkshires. Whole or haif.. ...... ..............'1k, 28c .TOILET SOAP. Camay 10c bars.. 3 f'or 19c GINGER ýALE. 'Canada Dry ..'.. .. oz. $ 1'.49 TEA. Lipton's Yellow label ........... 1/2 lb. 49c COFFEE. Qur Own Blenýd . b. 38cý LAUNDRY SOAP. American Fa1m ily . 0,bars ý59C FRENCH DRESSING. Kraft's 25c pint bottile, 2 for 35c MAZOLA 011. 35c sîze, . . .. . . .pint 27c PRUNES. Fancy sweet 40-50 Santa Claras 2 tbs. 25c LARD. Pure, kettie' rendered, in cartons.,' 2 Ibs. 25t CHOCO.LATES. Mrs. Wilson's choice assortment for, Mother's Day.................. 13: bs. 98C SARDINES. lmported. Portuguese boneless in, pure olive ou. Large I/2..b. tins........fin 28c FLOUR. Cream Loaf Carlos Photo Miss 'Helen Eziglish of Winnetka lias an imuporant raie ini the North Shore Circuit theatre production, "Sait lWater," which inakes.its op- pea rance ini north shore vtillages ilithim t/he next ten days.. The Play willý be ghwen in, Glencoc May 8,. IfWiietka, Vay 9, *apid j» Wilmette M3ai' 16. o'clock. Imýmediately following tbe dinnier President Hutchins will address the entire menibersbip of the association on the subject, "The Educational Pro- gram of the- University, of Cbicago.." .Among the grou ps invited. to this dinner by the. parent-teacher asso cia-, tion are tbe New Trier High school board of, education, including former as well as:,present members, the mem- bers of boards of education. of. the, W ilmiette, Kenilworth, Winnietka anid Glencoe.,grammar. schools, the super-, intendents and assistant. superintend- ents:of the grammar schools in these villages, thée.principals -of mnearby, schools, the oficers of the New Trier Parent-Teacher association for the current year, and the candidates nom- inated: for office in the New Trier Paretit-Teacher association for 1931 - 1932. Trade-at-Home Th .eme Stresed byC. ofC. AS.Van Deusen Jr., chairmari of the retail committee, Wilinette Cham- ber of Commerce, reported on Mon- day night that he is oit the alert' for ideas'for the current local 'advertisinig campaign tbat has been building and strengthening trade in Wilmette dur- inig the past few months. After six sloganshave been used, they will be repeated to, hammer away at the trade-,at-home theme. HQTHER$ DAY 5 Ibs. I19c, 1/.8bbl. 69c FRIDA Y & SATURDAY ONLYI CENTRAL AND GROCERY PHONE 510 I-WILMETIE MARKET PHONE 514 JOHN WUEILANID WilmeII., 2128 -I1161 WIIMETTE AVENUE UNIversify 0502.- 1614 SHERMAN- AVENUE 1* f ThseGolden Ruié AppIies. To RSusinges, I 't