Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 66

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elected president of the jEvanston Atr center when its second annual meet- ing was held at the organization's roonis in the public library, Wednes- day evening, April 29. Mrs. June jean Myall, Evanston artist, was elected vice president; the ecording secretary. is M4iss, Greta G o ffe; corresponding secretaries, Mrs. Sidney Gir and Mrs.- C. B. Estabrook; treasurer, Charles X. Cartwright. Mrs.. Frank.L. Richard- son, wbo bas been president of the organîzation in tbe; last year,. was. ruade bonorary vice, chairnian. Mrs. Harrison. B. Riley was last *season elected honorary chairman. Mrs. Richardson presided at the meeting at which reports of the year's aiite'were given. Mrs. Francis. Scbieble, chairman of' tbe program committee, reported that, progranis bave been sponsored during the year by the Evanston Wonîan's club, the Drama club, the University guild, the Daughters of the American Revolu- *tion,, the Gardien club, the Evanston public schools, the art department of Northwestern university, and a host of friends of the Evanston Art c'en- ter. Exhliits Are Reviewed Mrs. Antonin Sterba and Mrs.. Ar- thur Boettcher ýreported that, the Uni'- versity guild had ýarranged threç fine exhibits of distinguished painters, and Mrs. Jean June Myall, art chairman of the Art center, reportedl that the Evanston schools arranged an ex- hlibit of the work of Evanston school children, andthat the Art commissioni, the Evanston-North Shore Associa- tion of Architects and the Bruce Raymond J. Darby, formerly trust off icer of the Union Trust comPany of, Chicago prior to its ,nerger tuith theFit Trust and Saz!inps bank, and since-that .time assistant vice president of the, First, Union Trust and Savings batik'has been ecctedý trust off icer of, the St aie Bapk and Trust companty, Evaineton. He tassumes bis ,,<w duties May 11. The growth of the trust departmçnt of the State bankli as made necessary additional officers in that department. After passing the bar examinationsi: 1909, Mr. Darby became associated with Johin T Richards, weil-known Chicago lawyer. Froni 1918 to 1920 be served as as- sistant to Judge Horner of the pro-, bate court. Hie became greatly inter- ested ini trust work at this titue and cl imax of the festival, and lias as its setting the gaiety and color of a masked .hall. The prograin includes a variety of numbers-a quaint love sceîî f romn Normiandy; a Viennese evening with gypsy entertainers; "The Widow's Veil," a humorous Irish skit, and the even more humor- ous coming -to life of the "occupants'! of a clothes 'une. The festival will be given under the direction of M Niss. Etta M. Mount, director of .page- anitry and' folk dancing ini the col- egwith the acconîpanyin1g music under the direction of, Miss Louise St. john Westervelt,' director of choruis. The proceeds of the enter- tainnient1 will be devoted to the Col- lege Building fund. Peter Weber Is Injured- When Car Hits, Bicycle Peter- Weber, 1418 Wihnette. avenue, riding bis bicycle west on Central ave- nue Monday- noon about 12:15 ,o'clock was struçlk by a car driven by Richard Bleser, 3664 Glenview road, 'as Weber muade a left turn on to Wilmette ave- nue. Bleser wvas driving east on Cen- tral avenue. Weber wvas knocked do\vn and suffcrcd lîght bruises on the riglit leg and lef t ari, according to the Wil- mette police report of the accident. He wvas attended .bv Dr. WV. W. Hawkins. Toastmistress elected presilent for, the coning year. Other officers elected ,%ere M-\rs.. Herb ert Conhairu, first vice-president, Mrs. Ira Rosenberg, second vice- president; '1r s. joseph SC,1onî<'n, third vice-pres.ident; Mrs.. Lester Fel- senthali recorditig.secretary; Ms Rudolph Hofel-d, financial secretary; Mrs. B. Leo Steif, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. Max Kahn, treasurerý The directors are Mirs. 'Sol Blair, Mfrs. Michael Buhiai, Mrs. Percy Cowan, Mfrs. ýviIliani Cowan. Mrs., Ira 'Fisher,, M\rs. Alfred Fleshani, MNrs. Samuel Goodnman, Mrs. Van Goîdman, Mrs. B3. H. Goodmnanl, M.\rs. M.ax Greeiigard, MIrs.,Adele Heine- man, IVrs.. Walter: Hirsch, Mrs. lier- man Katz, Mrs. Harold M oses, iMrs. Hymen Rachlin, Mrs. Maurice Rosen,. Mrs. Louis Suekoff., Mrs. jer- rold Wertheimer, Mrs. Si Wester- feld, Mrs. Herman Anspach, Jr., Mrs. Casril Barnard,,Mrs. Harry Canruann, Mrs. Julius Coen; Mrs. Abel Davis, Mrs. Millin i Gauer,. Mrs. Oscar Hetni, Mr. Nathan Klee, Mrs. Jarnes L.oeb, Mfrs. Felix Lowry, M.\rs. Rinl Rinirtch, Mrs. Frank Seiden, M-\rs. AI Sinmon, M vrs. Eniil 'Stern and MIrs. Emanuel Weiller. The first meeting of the new board 'ras held on~ Monday, May 4, at 'the Temple center.. Beginning with the October meeting. the regular mieet- ings will take place on the third Monday of the monlth instead ot' onl Wednesday, as hieretofore. Parliarnentary làw classes, stxu(!y circles and numnerous other activities are under way, and will bc annouliced old time arts, exhibit, the art photto- ne I grapy ad th sclptue o Stehenbank as assistant vice president after Beames and Eleanor Mabie, andt the egr "ione-mian" shows of Louise, Goff e, He is a membér of the Union League * Etel ouie Co, Ms. Jolisto A:club of Chicago, the Bankers' ýcluib, the Bowmn, leaor atc, KtheineWisconsin, Society of Chicago, Chicago Lord and, Ruby Danlielson, wvere the,,Bar association, Illinois Bar associa- notewvorthy. exhibitsl reviewed. tioin, American Bar a s s o c i a t i o n, ,Mrs., William P. Turner, chairman andi Sunset Ridge Country c 1lu b, of the niembership comniittee, re- and is a member of the Phi Alpha *ported that the membership had in- Delta law f raternity. At present lie is creased above .the high niumber. Of srving on the legal aid committee of 1-ast. vear. Miss Ida Faye Wright, the Chicago Bar association. Dancing Classes Hold Spring Bail Trhursday children ini their pàrty frocks and best suits, was held at 'Commnuity House from 4 to 6 o'cloôck Thursday afternoon. The Tuesday and Tflîurs- dysocial 'clancing classes had coin- bined to give tlîis one party, and about ninety children were present. Thiere ,were colorful favors for the * cotillion which took place at the clen of the ball, and snapdragons and tulips decorated the table from. which reflectors~ for the wall exhibits at a This Mother's Day, whiçh was in- cost of $300, large bulletin boards fo.r augurated at the colIlege Iast year, outside the library and two for in- met with sucli enthusiastic approval gide the library at a cost of over that it is being made an annual aiffair. $100, - a stereopticon lantern for use at lectures at tý~e meetings, a speak- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McNamee, 940 .rsdesk and spoons and a beaut[, Forest.,avenueý,, have recently returnedý fui table cover desigâed .1 Mr s. Irom Hot Springs, Va., where they' Frank McElwain. spent several weeks. evening, May 1. Th fe event il sponsored by. the Northwesterss chapter of Theta ,Sigma Phi, hon- orary fraternity for zuomen in jour- nalism, u'hich bas extended inita- tions >to 300 prominent womet.k of the campus and the Chicago orea. Mrs. Kenneth Kerr lias recovered from injuries she received ini an auto accident recently and lias now joined her liusband in Whittier, Cal. Mr. Kerr, who is the son of Mr. andi Mrs. W. W. Kerr,, 707 Forest avenue, is now manpager of the "California," a newspaperin Wbhittier.,

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