Dress rehearsal for the Shakespear-. cai play, "Twelfth Night," to be pre- sented by the eighth grade graduating class of the joseph Sears scbool ini Kenilwortb Saturday night in the Ken- ilworth, Memtorial ,gyminasiun-auditor-I iurn,ý will be held totnorrow af ternoon. The cast bas been'rehearsin1lg.-f or sev- eral weeks under the direction of Supt.' E. » L Nyg;ýard and. Miss Gertrude Her- rick, ànd the play is, expectedý to. at-, tractf a large audience- of parents and patrons of the, Kenilworth school.. The presentationi of Shakespeareanl plays by the graduating classes of thel joseph Sears, schôol bas been. a regu- I1an featune of the schbool's ca lendar o f activities for several years. The plait (À presenting Shakespearean plays w.as initroduc ed by Supeitendent Nygaard. The Caut The cast. for uTweIfth Nighit,** as announced, ini ast weck's issue of WILMETTEi.rp, is as, follows: orsýino, duke of Illynià ...... ........ ........... James. Fitzgerald Seliatialbrother iyfViola..... .........Tom 1Hildebraiidt Antonio, a sea eaptain, frield. of Se ata........aleton Ro~s A eacptain, f riend tc. Viola.. ............... ShopeKit Valentne > Curlo .Oentlenien a ttending tht. dukie Paul.Wright and Billv Robertsan, .Si r Toby, Belch, uncle to Olivia. ............ ... Glenn W~alkpr. Sir Andrew Aguecheek. .... ........ ..........éiliatIl Fowler .%Iaoio, steward to 0ivia.... .......... ........ry seiick< mIaria, Olivia's servant............. ..... ...... Cecela MacKinnon Priest ................... Roy Demmon. Lr>ds salosofficers, musiciatis and other attendant s...Howard Fitchs. .,n thony- Toýýtorello, Robert Murray, Mertitt Cox, Richard Brown, D4vid Elmgren, Nick, Simon, Tom Crutten- den, Stephen. Johnson,. Irving Moss, qhir'ley.Botthof, Barbara Clarki Ehl- non Clark, jean Cooner, Dorothy Dea-' (-on- Janet 1mathieson, Rose PhlhliPs, D orothy.Richards. Ruth ,Swansoni Louise Wvatson, Dorothiy Smythe, Jane Weese, Catherine Conley, Elsie 'Eg- gent,IAlice Welty and Doris Briggs. 'rhe.scene 0of the play lA olivia's gar- ing on her comnuttee are Mrs. T'. L. D. Hall, -<rs. S. C. Warden, Mrs. C. Edmondson, Mrs. Normian. Deno, Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Mrs. John Boddiec and Mrs. 0. G. Daily. For those who do not care to dance. there wiIl be card tables and. prizes.- Mr. and Mrs, lHarry C. Kinnie, who have, beeri on a motor trip for- several weeks, have returned, to their borne at 1324 Elniwood avenue. Tbey vjsited f iends in Medford,. Wis., and Kala- mazoo, Mich. i ORGANDIES GRADUATION and F ORMAt WEAR by jean Carol UEYOUR NEAR BY - PALACE MARKET 1' la emnergecy, Wh"hunxpctduetsarrlive orhuàbb ime.g hom a rmed, t'sa couvenience ib Lavq someene at, tbe other end cof the, phon-a ele&imtwillgv e QUICK SERVICE. W. ét aiei.buiness e SERVE M. MANNEBACH, Propietor. 1931 DOLR Fresh dressied, dY picked, the finest i...........t....b... Sping Dueksà F r ea hdresser!, 9 yumngr tender, lb' 9 BACON VERY BEST, SLICED, 3 lb . p-k g . .......... . .............. 1 ......... POT ROAST TENDER CUTS OF BEEF, JUICY. ib . ............ ...................................... 2 3 e LEC OF LAMB FANCY, EXTRA QUALITY, ib. ....................... ........ ........ 2 8 1/2 C «AL ROASZ MILK FED, ROLLED AND BONELESS, . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Driver of 423 Abbottsford road, Kenilwortb, have, .had as their guests for several weeks, Mrs. Driver's brother, Mr. FE. L. Olm- stead of Los Anigeles, Cal. Mr. Olm- stead will be wth bis sister for an- other three wteks before' returning to bis homne "I' Los Angeles.. LA JEUJNESSE Junior's' and GirIs'WVear Wilmette Wlnnjtka 4 sud 333 Wihnette 2811 andi 73L RV"IST@NMAR S Sheruman Avenue 1IH1 Central Sirel Greenaf M-USGv«eeef 4355 rr Roaut BDef lLme boees32e 7%Mais Street cSe#uaif 2m