e.. e. You always get a big dollar's wortb £ at A & P, bit-well, you be the judge. Just lookover these -val ues, ýand if, you, want to make a real saving on meats,«.here's your chance to doItL Sale Ends. Saturday, -May lOth CUDAHY'S PURITAN, BEEF STANDING Rib .RoastLB ROLLED RIB ROAST, LB.,' IPot Roast Sirloin Steak Lean'Plate Beef LB. LB. LB. 3 25ec 16e, 38c toc, DEMONSTRATION, A denionstration on Cudaby's Puritan Hanis and Bacon wiIl be given on Saturday. CUDAHY'S PURITAN- Skinned,,Hams> WHOLE 1 OR LIB. 19c HALF Free Balloons for, Sandwiches the Children Servedl GENUINE SPRING Lamb Leg S LB. SHOULDER ROAST, LB., 16c RIB LAMB CHOPS, LB., 32c 27e terest. "Ii 1901, when I was a meniber of the New York State Senate and white we stili had the 0141 form of party column ballot in this state, I introduced a bill for theadopition of the- Massachusetts for m Qf ballot. I do not think anyone would now ad- vocate going back to the old. systemi in this state. "T well remetuber 'the'ý objections which were advanced against 'making the change, sintilar to those t1he Leaguje of Women Voters now cites as being made inIllinois. Time and experience, ..however, 1have shown that ithosieobjections .were 1without force and that the party streng4th bas flot been weakened by the grouping. of candidates açcording to the office votedfor. In the :main, each candi- date receiîves the full party vote,ý but of course a strong candidate for a particular office will run ahead of his ticket and a weak candidate will rtn hfehind his ticket, whcih is as it should be." of Business and P-rofessional Woin- en's Clubs, Women's Bar Asosciation of Illinois, the Republican Women's club and the Democratic Women's club. Mfrs.ý Ralph B., Treadway of Glen Ellyn, president of the Illinois. Leagite. of Women Voters States: "WC are eerto plan:with the other wointen's' organizations the. next step to leive Illinois women- the sgimple rights of citizens to, serve with other citizens as ýjurors."ý Dr.,Sophoniishba P. Breckinridge of the University ofChicago feels 'that ail elemients interested in reduction of crime shoffld be urging, women to serve on juries, "because they' can c ontribute leisure. education. and public spîrit." "Instead of women begging to be pla.ced on juries," .ýCol- tinues 'Dr. Breckinridge, "everyjneil interested- in law and or(Ier should be hreaking down every barrier to miake it possible for wonien to he p1àced <11 juries." - 1Mrs. C. ,P. Fowler of. Evanston. THAT JURY QUESTrION chairman of the leg-al status* of wont- "Following the decision of* the Su-, en committee of the Illinois Leagt preme court, declaring unconstitu- 'of Women Voters, vouchsafes the tional the referendum for women tc' opinion that the Supreme court de- serve on juries, thiere was a meeting'ý cision nterely postpones the inevitable. on Tuesday, May 5, at the Woman's 'We slial go right on. working. of City, club, Chicago, of the Illinois course,." says Mrs. Fowler, "«until wc Conimittee for Women on Juirie.s," find some method of 'naking it possi- says Miss Esther A. Ditnshee of Wil- bIe for, wonten to participate in jury minette, chairman cf the committee. ric. s, LB. Foo»«d Stlores, MIDDLE WEs8TRM DIVISION THE GREAT ATLANTIC.& PACIFICTEA COMPANY 1109 Central. Ave., Wilme tte LOIL1 Wlmetteb :PHONE IL W.W.WNBEGwSON-rA' 417MLNDEN AVE EXACTLY Phone 1911-1133 1 EPE 4 t. r