Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 22

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PLAY HAVEN TEAM A girls' playgrounid bail teain repre- senting the 'joseph Sears school i Ken ilworth, will îîeet the. H aven .-.hoûl of 'Evanston iii a ganiie-.toI>e pylayed T'uesdày, Mav 19, Miss Ger-- trude Herrick;' assistant athletic di- rector at jôsepli Sears, announiced this weçk. Eléectric Refrigerators Visit the opening of the NMEW . BOHN ELEC. America's fastest freezing:refrlg- erator. Porcelain inside and out- side. Custom'made. Oit diffpkw at.our ntew st ore. 85.E.. LAKE ST, 'CHICAGO Because Spring cleaning requires such strenuous effort, cleaning of your * is prese nted by a superior cast necadled I1v Helen English and Charles J. Eastman. The last perf ormance i scheduled for the Wilmetté WoniaWis clubi 0o1 Saturday evening, Mav 10. This mwifl be the final production of the- tenthi Circuit theatre vear., As viewed at the opening. per- formnance in Glencoe Friday evening, May 8, the play isgood f rom every angle.' Itý speedg. along and ias. plenty of interest and huinor to lîold the- attention of .t he audience throughout its course'. That it is mfore than ca'pably acted almost goes without saving, since the work, (f Charles- Easttnan is.,well'known. lie is, as usuali entirely convincing anci al)solutely in character. n Salt' Water" lie is seen as.John H-ortier whose life-fong yearning to own a ship and sail on sait water. seenis abýout to le realized, onlv to lie frus- trated at the: last minute., He is' îîo(t a particularly pleasant coml)atUotl mr bis wife, but when bis pent-ul) long-, ing for a ship bursts out tlie audi- ence cannot 1be1p being in syùîplatthy with himn. Mr. Eastmnan keepsp the high pitch and then miakes the change. of character at the end (if the play natural., He is, oneof il w Circuit theatres best actors, and can be counted, on -always- to niake the most of, lis role. MiisaEngliaL Excellent Miss' English was excellent as tlie younig wife who hias k.ept sweet iii shie of a fussy, dictatorial husbanid. Sh sclarmiuxg, acts lier role Nvith simiplicity .anid canidor, and clearly puts over the younig wlie's coiifusioni and distrgss. She_ kept the audienice interested in ber. situàtioni. Arthur H. .Boettclier1. witli bis quiet, huruorous cliaracteriziationi of Sain Bowen, ant old sait ,wlio is to IIe Johnl Hornier's partner on the slip, seened to lie just the riglit foul for -the, tension caused., by Hornier. Ilis plain, straiglit-forward interpre- tation of Bowen xvas well1 likéd. Th e qu ck-Nwitted, sharp-tongued sis te r of Hornier was aptly played l)y Ely-se C. Rinikeierger, anid Betty Jacobms conitrasted tliis with the girl- isl i aivete of Marloui Potter, -%v-io lias; falIen' iii love 'with a* life guard. ~Both voung wonîeni gave good Char- WVe are building a retail sales orga.nization for Chicago and suburbs. We want a. few ener- getie men with selling experience. The positions offer a Splendid op- portunlty for advancement an& premeht. very ýattractive earning possibillties. 85 B. LAKE ST., CHICAGO tws layer* '0. Orange Bisque, Ice Creaàm 1152 Central Ave, Wilmette

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