Now EnteringOur TirdYa ofEfficie nt adSatisfactory .Service TO-THE 'NORTH SHORE, We take this oppor tunity to thank those whose patron- ageiandegood wilI have enabled, us to. prosper in the, past-and we are determined to continue to serve the highest quality. of fuel and building materials for your: needs. Moder equipment, convenient location and large quantity buying enable us to offer a quality and a service. that will warrant your patronage'in the future. We recommend tha".t you -.akidvantage:of the lowest coal and co0ke prices on years by ordering yournext winter's fuel, su> >1y NOW. nuW~imiette Phtone Chase. F. Brandt, Cen. Mgr- ~~ahI~~il1 t I MKU(~IL~hDE~ o o N o %%~ ~ Lake