party. whic h is to take place May 23.' Through the efforts of the executives. many beautifuil awards have alreadly been acctimulated. One promises to attrac t particular attention,. a large hand-painted' art picture of the Ma- donna, enclosed in a cIrcularý frame. Hearty cooperation, a s sbown on pre- vious occasions by the 'mothers and friends of- The Mallinckrodt, will, it is hoped, -find expression in a stili, greater attendance at this.-important social. During the past week Mallinckrodt was entertained with a musical pro- gram given by Miss May St rong.t bc welI-known composer and soprano. and b%, Marshall Sumner, a nloted Aus4tralIian pianist. Both were intro- duced to the student' body by, the- famous lecturer and naturalist. G. Caldwell, who on previous, occasions Bruch and F Shubert, and the t ol- Iowing two were snatches, from Shakespeare's drainas: "Who Is Sylvia," and "Hark, Hark, the Lark," also compositions by Franz Shubert. Mr. Suminer then played several piano solos, comnpos-itions of his for- m er teacher, Percy Grainger. -This uni que, pro gram-was >greatly, appre- ciated by The Mallinckrodt students. Mothers' day celebration at.The Mallinckrodt was'-a charming success. Althçugh the weather threatenled to affect the niumber atteniding, yet the littie audience did not disappoint the student body. Witb .songs and reci-, tations as "Mother's Way," ."Pal 0' Mv Cradie DaYs, " "A Prayer for Mother," besides graceful gymnastic demonstrations of Highland Fling,. Balloon Drill, etc., the students miade their1 appearance on the stage, proud 1 evening at Skokie school in Wvin- netka proved to be an exceptionally artistic one. A large crowd attended the performance ini spite of the in- clement weather conditions and en- joyed the program f rom beginning to finish. The o'stumes were paticularly at-, tractive and colorful Most of themi weere designied- by Miss Keeney,, and the majority,1of 'the dances were created also by ber. The small tot~s in the,"Russian Holiday" were charm- ing i their gay Russi an peas ant cos- turnes. Others who "tripped the light fantastic way" were Dutch girls, Peter Rabbits, tin soldiers. school, girls, sailors, old, fashioned girls. Swiss Alpine children, a Mexican, and a Zuni Indian. Each, number, was cbarmingly done *and there was a great deal of talent dîsplayec. by the young artists. "Sàubway Expjrss"-famlly "Meet the Wlte"--duits 'Swlm or Slnk"-fa.mily 'From the Unknowný'-fa*niiy ft'ftughJfg Gravy"-famlly "One o( the Smithg"-famnlY ::The Way -of Ail Fis;h"-tamiiy. "Mothr's illons"-famlly "*Dlshonored"-adults ":Beyond Vitory"--adiilts "The.Talior Made Man"-farniiy "lBachelor's Aprtmnent"-ýadults. "Klki'--adults "Lgih and Get- Rlch'-fami!IY "Not Exactiy Gentlemen"-faniily ,,:The Firt"ý-famtly, "Doctorà' Wives"-adults !*Soul and Body"-aàdults "in the..Shadow of the :Dragon"-- famnliy 'lTraftic Trouble"-farnily "lPathe Audioý Review"-family ".Cýrashlng Hollywod"-family Pictures not recommended by the D. A. R. are "City Streets," ' "Born to Love,"1 "Stepping Out," and "Gun w4o~oeceùtei a J ING BRIDES' wilI soon eome home- malers-adecrc>I41swil ive theni a hpY, carcfree ot*irt Jn their new ocventure. From the. many appIia~nceg,.now featured ini the speci dift di8playB at your Puhlie Service Store, we specially recommend the fcllowingt C LOC <5 .fer the kitclxen>, .fr the Ledroom (Nirth .iarim), koS the Iivingè room mantel,. for other roos4tghr-inin,, at $0.75. LAMPS flooar taud tahle mdlwitl, metal or p Atery ', with parchment er tailared i ilh JOSEP14 W. KEHOE District Manager, Evanston H. C. REYNOLDS District Superinternient 111Central >Ayenue PlionsWihn.tte 5150