places of interest. Doubtless lie will 1niake a tour of the park system, visiting on thec wvay the University of Chicago and the -buildings of Northwestern university on the near north side. The carrying out of this very sensible progranî will give our.friend and his wife an abundance of realand lasting satisfac- tion.. WTe trust that they vill flot -post- -pone the trip to Septeriher but do it, in -May. Ex-p)resideént Earl E. Orner has'served There was a tirne whien ram was an .Wilînet tel long and weIL., For over a unweîcorne visitor, . hl' a.,"rainy day"e quarter ofa0nuycekfou10 stood for gloorn-, diapploin"tnfeTlt, and, to 1925, and president frorn dsar nsit ftef Eari £E 1925 to, 1931-he hlas de- A Rainy that the poet wvarned us that Omer vote(l a wealth of his ftnile "no c iesneni an eergy to fomrig Dynust fail" we hoped that al the> interest of Wilnîette. h'I is not easy. tfndctizens who are, Wilifg ae Ouir,(lays would be sunny. Moreover if sho uld be n had -a sunny disposition- lie ivas e public Office. Therefore %%e oe on r~ei sined otua ail tbe more grateful to those -whIo are reda nde oruae willing and whio in addition to being will- But after the droùghit of 1930 and of ing work with visi on and energy fo.r civic the opening months of 1931 nain lias be- welar. 0 tis clss s Far, Orner. on a most welcome visitor, andth _______________expression, "rainy day," stands for happi- Thatiie,- whç'h'Whelý cni-ness and hope. Tell an Illinois farmer; Tatde iriihwaralwhicoh.wen. oth that into each life sonie rai mList -fail, Wetern'l m prail el too the s Nd.fortb and hie will'think that you are congrat- Westrn rilrad o thewes andaffod uating man on bis fortunate lot. When That New a speedy. and safe nieans a speaker soune days ago said that prob- of 1nîotoring froin Evans- ably 1931 would be another dry year, Higkway ton through Glkncoe, wvili even city diveliers shivered with- appre- this suinuner be a- stretch- hension. or twonearer its final state. Wilnîiette Today is a rainy day, and we're thank- wil l in a short tinue start wvork on the ful tlîat it is. Wehave a newly-seeded goapi beKven iw ood aWnd the fisln-e lawn that is in the early stages of sprout- roa in , Ke nlwreth. Winnehotka s la-ifg-- To usit lhas seerned that the grass ning~~~ ~ tocnrt eyso t'lte piece bias taken mucli more tume than needed beteenKenlwoth imis ad Wnnekato give, our: property a respectable, Iawn. Avenue and the link'between Elnî, Street Doshv sdi o lyrud, until, andToerRoa. we almost lost hope of ,its vernal future. Whiat the nanue of this very useful But, today is a rainy day, -and we're higb-way will be is at Present unknown. devoutly tbankful. We wron't have to Kenilworth bias called its portion Green water it this afternoon. Maybe after al Ba.y road* Wilmette bias offered no new we'11 have a 'real lawn. .SUBSCUIJ'TIO?< FRICE ....... A ZA fB All cQmminicatin lO l ust be aceompanied by Ithe naine and address of the writer. Articles fo)ý'i'pl'- licatio n iust reach the editor by Tuesday nomi to Insure appearance ln curreiut issue. Resolutions of côndolence, cards of, obitu- uries, notices. of entertalfineilts or other-afir whbere an admittance charge is published, -%villI bv charged at regular advertiiflg-rates. G rde epaatiýonWdl Save, Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! is perhaps obvious. The tourist makes i his business to see the siglits of Chicago. The norîli shore resident, thougli aware that he ouglit to know the big city better, postpones action f rom week to week until mots egthen into years. Afriend of ours plans to go with bis A prized honor came to New Trier higli school when one of its , students, Dan, Wachs, came out .first in the ninth and last district- meeting of The',D1aily News oratorical contest.- The world stili needs good orators. -Merry piuw. ~Gin, the type-eating terrier, learning that Ken- ilworh is about to 'again invoke itsdog-muzzling ordir ânce-the wbile eù,ploying part-time dog- catchers-is offering a handsome reward to any- one who will inform hum of thé p. t. d. c. sched- ule. We'd like to know what a part-time dgé-ý catcher doesin his moments ofleisûre. -Mique. business mnan who, it seems. has been utilizing* us as a sort of calendar. "When your issue came out a day early last week (quoting freely), 1 proceeded along thie old basis, witb the result that my customiers 'lowed as how I was crazy.' Sometbing's got to be done about it.»1 Heard at our favorite movie palace: The sweet young thing-,was a bit shy when the eniergetic maie murmured fervent words of love at their flrst meeting. "Why, we've only just met," quoth shé. "What matter," was the prompt response, "Love, my dear, is not registered by the.,calendar, but by the thermometer."' There'I1 be a bot tilue in the 01(1 town tonighit, this afternoon and maybe every afternoon1 except Sun1days and holî.days. .This applies to Wilmnette, atiyvway, where the Wilmette Chamber of> Comn- me rce is nioving into its:new headquarters, whîch has a recreation and reading room., Not only will there. be books and magazines, but there will also, be a brand new deck, of cards. Dear Miqu- Do you reinember way back wheni ,With a hook an' line ani'a can o' boit An' a Pair o' bare fret that cotidd hardly,.zwait T7ili tue re<ched the edgc of the mtcadow'brook, .Where îïee eaerly slyat oni the wvormi on..our hoëký An'ý 7ith never a care-W, 'perhlaps .nezier a -bite Ii' fihedatey fomniorning 'tii ,tight? -D. -K. Grant. Lee Ada-ms, odds-on favorite for the sandwich- making championship among north shore pharmi- acists, bas occasioned a ripple or two of excite- ment among bis. fellow legionnaires and Rotar- iauus in Winnetka since a lie-detecting devise to wbich lie submitted placed him n -iithe category of tbe "perfect liars." Lee's observation, wben the resuit beçame public,' was to the effect that be's bad an unefing, lie-detector rigbt in- his own bonie for marty years~ meaning, of course., *.well, just ask ,any busband! These Changing Times .Mique: .1We were reading wbat you said about oine of those Northwestern university tea bounds, whio was thrilled almost to the point. of a nervous breakdown àt a baseball gaine when it was tbree halls and two strikes on the batter. Well, that state of affairs is pretty bad, but we tbink the tea bôunds are getting stronger, "tummies," ,any- way.. . .~