ing V is>. at a aaI L.aurel avenue, Hubbard Woods, which the sanie frm sold to Mr. Fish. now of New York, in 1929. 'The property was _held at $45,000. For Charles E. 'Maxwell, Jr. to Calvin F.- Selfridge of Wilsoni, Mc- Ilvaine , Hale.&. Templetoni, attorneys, the 8-room Italian type. re'sidence with one acre of land at. 1133- Pine street. Winnetka, held at $47,500, To Peter Schuttler, Jr.. for Robert T.. Nusbaumn, thie 9-ýroom Eniglish type residence at 637 Drexel avenue, Glen- coe, h1eld at $29,500. The 7-roomn residence of Dudlley. Bradstreet at 72«> Walden road. Win- nietka, hield at $15,000 to. Fred R. Grassie. Thonias and companv.,w~ho were represented ini the above transactions byh Hester W. Crayford,. Franices; '.NI Olmsted and Ralpli'M. jàeger, also have unider contract of Sale two other, residences, and hiave closedj resideni'tial leases sitice Jainuary lst lotaling, $70,MO. Kildeer Karnival to Be on ,Wednesday, June 10. The Kildeer Country club is an. nounicing the anniual invitational, Kil- dleer karnivai for NWedniesday. June 10. This, event, known in the chi-. Ca go district as onie of the.most out- standing annual tournaments of the district,. is going to be made more famous than ever this. year through the great efforts of Coleman Clark "li îjccurarion'ay aa erlJA t vensi5 j will be. held including the flagtourna- th, ment on both the wood .and water gr courses. Saturday, june 6, the qualifyirig round will be held for the'I*ounder's c-up,> the' first sixteen qualifyingk for match Olav. North Shore, Men. on Chicago Rotai- Board Albert B.* Martin of Winnetka ai Medard W. Welch of Glencoe were elected. directors of the. Chicago Ro- tary club, at the annual elecion dinner meeting of the club held last weekc. John L. Griffith .and John N. Van der Vries of Winnetka and Floyd L. Bateman of, Barringtoil. formerly of Wilmette, were mdembers. of the club's- nominating committec. *Dr. Guy IL Cushing of Chicago 1w'as electedl president of the clu.tb. George L. Treadwell of Winnetka is secretary of the Chicago club. High School Boys Seek Jobs for Summer Seasoni A number of New Trier Higlh school boys, some of, whom are working their way. through school, wvouId like to* haVe aI perm anenit job for the surnmerý mnonths, 0. A. Oaks, director of student employment ai the high school, stated this week. Any resident of the Nev Trier villages-Wilmette, ICenilworth, Uii- ai 11 o'ClOVk Monclay, anud 'Egyptian Art" at 3 o' Sday, will open next week's n for the general public at "Nowin my day II~ s.. that WJ'on ý$2,5 C) TIle picture ah.,. was the. Grand Pnize Waarner i aUJsSOn's 1929 COnteEt E ven. Greater Opportunity Now in, Kodak I International $ 100,000 Competition I One of YOUR Snapshots May Win Awards Totaling $14,000 CHILDRIN'$ iôSCHICAGO' SHOE SPECIAUSTS AVENUE +EVANSTON AMner Coe &iCompany 1645 ORRINGTON AVE.-EVANSTON w V W . tics ass 1trance < I T'ne