L 1 h e Investmn Supreme. .1-A Savings A cc0unat THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE D ietor, .nerican 'e~1ne& 9'eIt-g'iý(Ap < IllMI,(<is lI c <nrpIIve Véistra I.fg. i ist. IBank i'e-minal r tiollak 131a1111î I iffladitan îaf~I Preiýilent 4 enraiMfg I ist. MlkI Il. E. 11.4)it N'I 4 > Centrl aN MIg. isit. » S. 'aila1 gt ICI, 11lif l 3 ~E EEFi< Jre1det FIt'A N I '%Vn E 1iIl (n .4 'lai tioal Bank THE DIRECTORS 0F THE BANK C * IV .EIIONDS FEstate Ma la geIle ilts ICAVIO4NI) 4-1. 1IIIIELT4 Presidellt ll Tr'ust anld Savings Banik In hes dys whenmany ordinary forms of investmcnt do flot enjoy their usuýal deg.ree of acceptance, the Savings Acount- cornes into especial proinec s a .safe medium with guaranteed earnîng power.. A SavingsAccounmoevr, basthe-extra advantage of accessibility', at ýpaàr, Sho uld ias owner require its funds. Constantly at work for. you regardless of the market tide, a Savings Account bas ail of the features which are recom mended for today's investment. Here is a.god0lac 'ad today s the best ti me for You to start a Savings Account.or make a subsantial addition to your present savings 'rreasurer Railway Terminal & WaWrehouse Company ROBtERT STODI>ARD Vice- Presidentè and Treasurer MliIk Bottie Crate Co. A. C. WOLFF president W(,lf-GrifIne.