10 cents Per.-Copy $2.00 Per Ycar. LIFE THU.RSDAY MAY 21, 1931. Sliare Tour Fio wers! 1bc h'Ilicago Branch (4 thIlc Nat ional Pl-ulFower and Fruit. G'ild. is n -ak- 1 ng ci.:ts, pica W garclen owners. again at tIi-s swsof for contribu.tions of flowers and Iruit to be distributcd arniong th% POor people and in thc hospitals of Chicagô., A recciving statior w'ill be maintaincd in the North \Vcstcrn rail- way tiermiinI for thc accprom ian(,,ion of no.rth. shore con tributors. 1 -11w illustra- lion hcrewith is uised b.y special permisidn of the National Pat Ftowe'r,,and Fruit Guild. Jamnes Mont-ý goeyFlagg iSthe artist. 'I ~I