of the Children's schc College of. Education. session * sheld during the mornings for four weeks, June 15 to July 1.0, and in- cludes the nursery school, kindergar- ten and flrst six grades. The sche-: dule. will include unitsoôf work involv- ing. na ture study,l fine and industrial arts, 'manual training, rhythm, dra- matic play and other types of' whole- some activity. The report of ýthe White, House; committee on. the school child says, "Theresponsibility for providing a wholesome, constructive vacation programn is primarily the duty of the school," and urges that the summer action peniod be so utilized as to show the best attainabie care of the whole child. In the program Sug- gested for th.e'summer session, chul- drenl who do not go to camp in june %vill have. an opportunity in1 tôývnl fur jolly good times on thé school grouii<ls' on nearby beaches and in the forest preserves. In. addition to the recreation groups, an educational clinic with a iuperior type of remiedial inîstruction. adapted.toindividual needls,. vý'Ibe providcd under'expert supervision for children w»ho; because, of illniess, -ex- ýfended trips' orý other causes,- need special help icertain f1undamnital sul)jects. However, ,. practice. exer- ciscs Wili not occupy ail of their tulle,, for children eiirolledl in the chliri will have ail pportunitv for -ot-oi-dor in Memphis, Tenu., on "The iribute of Youth to Scouting." Paul A. Siple of Erie, Pa., who accompanied Byrcl to the Antarctic,. was' a partner with Bersch on the occasion. James E.-West, Chief Scout Execu- tive,- stated, "We ;are proudl of George. He presented himself, re- markablv wevlI and made a fine im:* p ression on the ýnational counicil Eagle. Scout Bersch was' accom- panied b:y Henry Fowler of. Wil- Mette, presidegt of the.-North' Shore Area council, and Karl D. King, ýpasF president of the. couincil, on the trip toý thenational council meeting. North Shore Golf Club Holds Women 's Tourney North Shore Golf. club held its opening tournanient for the Womnen mem'ibers Tuesday, May 12.. A nine- hole blind bogey was played a 'nd. hi spite of the raixi forty-flve enthusias- tic golfers weiit the-rotind.' Tourna- mentý, are hield each Tuesday during the season with pnizes offered for thi2 weekly,nonthly andi seasonal events as an inducement to the women nieni bers to imprbv e their gamne., After the event a buffet luncheon, -was served foilowed by a business meeting, conducted by the chairman, Mrs. P. H. McCauIl, at wvhich plans for the season were disciussed. Mrs. McCaul is to lie assisted by a large andable commnitte.e anid a most enjoyable sea- son, is beling antici.pated by the woînen. Be Good to Your Lovely Summer "PRINT" VOU~ know, that wisp 1yof a printed. chiffon requires special care; gentie cleansing agents, conscien- tious handling. Such care i. guaranteed by 'Erm une, Cleanen,, hic. Dresses Cleaned It Costs Onl1Y 75C to, Clean Your Fine--CHEMISE R EJOICEÊ right ýno w!. XE rmýine Cleaners, mnc., ha. facilities for. cleaning and tinting your laciest chemises and negligees,: so that their original . delicate beauty' will be preserved without injury to ont 'inletfibre. Fine Lingerie Cleaned by Erinine Ckeaner's, Imc.,75 Speciagl Process 5c P FOR NORTH..SHORE WEDDINGS It is alWays * k -5 48 Hour.s -25e and to find a SPAULDING- GORHAM, INc. Estabflsbed 1921 1150 Central Avenue OTro F. FisHiER, President Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 1636 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON Main Office and Plant-Waukegan and Webster Aves., Highwood, 111. Pbçn Highland Park 3710I