Sheer Voile Prints Fashion, Tub Frocks rvotably Low-Priced at .e49ý -in modes demure, jaun ty, quaint and always sima rt these'dresses of charming sheer prints offer a div er- sity.of colorings, and f ash- ion. touches. With. Capesý Withble~4ros With Cowls HUall -Sleeves Short Sleeves Sleeveles Jný sizes 16 to 44, and 46 to 50;, these [rocks assure warmn weather omotand daintiness. Formerly priced at $2.95- and $3.95. Tub Frocks-Second Ploor Silk blouses!* Priced So Low As, Charmingily cnrvdof good quality- silkc. crepe,9 these sleeveless2 blouses are avaiable in frilled, or bow ' trimùmed-S t yl1es . Choose frorn whlite or pastels, sizes 34.40. Secondfl loor, SuIkUndies, They're the kind fori which you regularly pay $1.95! Chemnise, bandeau sets and stop-ins, in regu-. lar sizes, pastel-tinted and exquisitely lace-trimmed. Secontd Floor, West Roonz IDeauville Sandals Are-. Bargains at fSave On Perfu mne! jewelry. In Smart Modes Neekliacos, bracelets, earrings. . . mfany~ re- duced f rom higher prices! Also real tone Icwelry Set in sterling *ilver anâ -Shop W*fh a Charge Acçôunt in May- Davis Sf reef Wilmnette I1I00