1Smart New Patterns Formerly. 39c Yard. [Fabrîc Made to Retail up -ta $1 39d. Ydo. Lii Delightful patterns and color coin- binatio ns for sun-porch, country home and Summer drapes!f At savings! uPlex Creton ne,29C7 Gorgeous heavy quality cretonne with .ýbeautiful wide w print reproduc- tio ns, printed on both sides. A wonder- ful buy ft this special Floor. 'j Neyeri have we seen such cre- tonnes at such a. price!1 Glorjous de-, signa and ëolorîngs 1 Lovely qualityt Everv desired combination tid. type! Glaied .Chmnizat 391ç_ QÙuai»t patterns,, gay coloringa a galaxy. of. charming effeçts for boudoir- upholitery purposes, and the fike. ,OnIfy 39e à yard! Glazed'Chintz Bedspreads, Pinched.PleatDrae to math 105.inch .............29 complete withhooks. $ 1.98 FreeWorkroom Service ...on ail drapery materials purchased here at $1.79 a yard, and upwards. Our Interior Decorator wýiII be glad to cali at your home and consuit 'with i-ýoûwithout charge regarding your individuaI decoràting problems. Curtains; Drapes-Third Floor. 3 -Piece, Su ite Re edFiJber Regularly $29. 75 With Lockand Key! CedarChests, In 42-oInck Visif Our Bas.mnln Sho. R.pair ShopiWimteIIO Davis, Str eef Length