Carol Decides Teacher's LiWe Is "Very Hard" teacher's life î's very hard, as Ms ClIark wi11 tell you. tht North Short. Festival is tht goal of every eighth grader's 'ambition dur- ing, bis eëighth grade year. .Mrs. Clark .ad- r.. Ha'rper decidtd-, that having mort than one class from, StoIlp be ia tht Fesýtival Would, break tht, program up (00o mueh as ()ni%-25 are allowed froni ta-ch schiiol. Tht, 2C elas.s was chosta, and was of course veryý joyful. But tht lB a nd, tht 1C classes were disapýpoînttd. I'be- leethtey *dD't feel so badly noW be- *cause they realize that it was-lp- sible for thern to go. Thev will get tc, sete the final Yehearsal. After choosing froni thteilghth grade- at Stolp, Mrs. Clark.had tht stili harder * job of picklng 25 children.out of tht .16 childtni in 2C. .She knew tht ones who didnt get Wi be in tht Festival-.would pobably be heartbl'oken and it was a hard job. - * Wednesday, "May 13, M ýrS. Cla41rk an- Tîôfltted those -who vanno-t go.* You c ail believe there were miana sighs of' reli47f1 iningled wth ' sighs of regret.-Carol Lina, 2C Stolp. Keen Rivalry to, Gete ;lfirJunior Life Tickets, lnfrLîfe tickets'. NWhat we Woii' do o etone. When Friday miornin, epines along and Ms.r Stonecorew ail irait very a1axiously- to Set, if 0wn naijne is on tht list of naines he i,,,reaid- ing. A goodl thlng about getting a ticket is that you miay -go te âny miovie during the week and by so doing ta'ke your choiee. It is. very worth while writi ng . for tickets because it heipsz your speliing, composition work, writ- Ing, and the'idea. of writiflg for, a ticket. Tt aiso gives you tht thrill of seela1g your namie.ia print under your article in the Wilmtette Life. HoNvard ýschool-i.-, going te t'Y to beat Stolp coll having thet most Juniior Life-Marjguér- ie Petersen, 8B Howard. Howard Basebaîl Nine Wins ,Tilt Prom C entral Thursday, May 8, HoWard 5B. dtftatee Central, 5C by a score of 15 té 10.' Thr gaine was interesqtiins and w6e played seven inns Hap said that if the othtr teani wanted to play, seven . i- nings. we sýhould. They said yes be- --cause thev were, Io,-ing at the endo- n*C. ~.-.-.-... lSt., lin,-ln.... nsf n ts Groom Howard Team to Meet Stolp Nine Laist M.%onday we played 7A-11I, i baseball. We played four innings be- cause we were tied in the third. The captain, from 7A is Loquise Jane Rob)- ,ertge. In the first inningý the score was 9 to 8 ln 7B's favor. In, the second the," caught up-, to us ln the third inning. 7B-11 had won by the: score >of 23 to 26. MrE. Fanckboner.,said that the tean that won Wednesday would pla ,y Stol- for the, championship. Our' flrst, teai lost to 7A-i. The captai n of the flrst teïam is 3Marion Pickard. SA won f roin 8SB by the score of 18 to 16, Wednesday 'we had our. last. ganit with 7A. M.%rs. Fanekboner said,.to pick, teamns. ý 7A will play Stol p for, the championship. We pfla3edfive innîng The girls who Ére .onl 7A's teamn are Frances Colasý, Jerrine Fromm, Dor- thy Hill, Jane Brandt, Verna Archamn- bault, Loulse Jane Roberts, H-eIer, Pearson, 'Marion Pickard, Kate MCu nohle, and Heleni Schwall.. The players fromn 7B*s team were Mfarjorle Staubitz, >HIelen Lindstrom, Shrley Garniss, Elizabeth Bensýon, Hfelena M\ic'ke>ý, 1Eileen 'Weakly, Jean Cordon, Elsieý Jane Edige, Margaret Schwall. .Janet Bertrani, .janet Hardt. and Eleanor Speredes.- Eleancer Spere- des, }Iowý%ard schoql1. Spring Concert Big Music Event of Year e One of tht high spots -in the school vear, especialli*v foi the membersof thîr Gîtele clubs alid orchesVtra is tht Spring Wrhen the glte clubs are organizeci in the fail everyone looks forward to the concert la the, spring. This year our concert is to be made Up of Old JEnglish folk tune.g and dances. It is to be held on Friday; May 29, at S i-'cýlock at tht Howard school gynms- imn. Mfss -McKaty, MYs. Clark, and 11 s. Wagner,. as well as thtenern.bers of tht gîe clubq and orchestra have worked very hard and we hope that they will be re.paid by liaving a ag audience. Tickets rnay be obtainee from any mheiber ôf the gîte club or ýor- chest'ra as well as at the door.-Anna marie Booz, 2C Stoip. Class Day and Picnic. Just Aroundý the Corner Class day is comiing. What Nvork and exciternent is going on in the Stollp school? wlth thefr heads to- Real Task to Select Singers for Festival Thursday, Mayj 14, Mrs. Clark chos tht people who are ging tosing in tht May Festival. Since orly twety tY-fivt cudbe takïen frorn Homward school Mr.Cla'rký had somne hot time doing the picking. Marjorie Kresge, Jessie Nfurdison, Ray N1elson, Bill Busch, Jane. Lily, Jane MacMillen, Wayne Cochrane, ,Stanli-ey Cochrane,. Dorothea Hacker, Doris Sînaîl, VirgInfia Green, andý Eleanor Steen were chosen t'ýrom 8A, If Mrus. Clark Is uniable to *find eneugh good singers in 8B Tet is corning back and çhoiose, tht rest of' tht rooni from SA. We. practictd a.t Patteii gyminasiumn Friday, afternoon. Those who wert not ehoýen, may have tht chance of hearing Us *practice with tht Symph(eny orchps- tra. some Saturday.-Virgifii Gretan, Howard 8A.. Eighth Graders Busy Vh tWith SocliWhr Tëeare man'y -social activities nw i-n ýwhich the tighth grade pupils arie takçing part. ' For instance, thTe style4 show- given by tht girls of tht eighitih grade of the Stolp school. Thtv ex- hibittd tht dresses which they hiid rmade. This was supervised by Ms WVoodley, tht sewing "teacher.* Tho 1members, of tht Parent-Tuacher asso- uiation who - were. present had the plea s- uire of seeing this, style show, beside5s tht regulair program, May 12, Some of tht pupils of thteighth grades are rnaik- ing posters for tht Sprinig concert whicii is to take place at thç Howmard school, tht evýening of!',\a-y 29, at 8 :30 o'ciock, l'ht North Short Festival iý to be ait the Patten gymnasium ii n Evanston oni Miy 23. We hope thitt tht preceding activitiesz will- be a suiccess.-Julia. Car- -roll, 2C Stolp. Stolp 2-C Group Has Music at Club Meeting Tuesdlay, -March 28, Stolp 2C lhad ai imusical program foi- their- club mieeting,. The partic ipants wtrt naareBo who 'pIayêed a piano solo, and accom-- panied Ed.MNet, who played "a claririet solo1, "'Le ,Secrete." -HTelen * V'oung plaedý "Spring Showers" and D ick Ji .n laeéda violin solo. Lois NVoÇ layed1 a. piano solo. which -w-as alsc ist, played "Andante Caintebili." The prograrn was concludtd by a story readl by Eleano'r Williams, "Tht Horsemniin- in tht Sky." The program waseaod by al.-M'ýarjorie Welller, '2C Stolp. Honor Mothers in Fine Program at, Ravinia ,Park Sunday, May 40, ail of. tht Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, Cubs, Girl Scouts,. Camp Pire G irls,' and Girl 'Resýerves -'on tht north short met t Ravinia 'park. to, have a- Mothers' Day program. There was a, parade whiie it warain- ing Élowly and then everybodv taking part* stood in tht ramn during the speeches: and presentations. The rain was not. cold so nobody minded it. After the ceremonies evtrybod,, ruished to his car and tried'to hu'rry homne:but so manly cars wtre, thereé that severa! cars got stuck. Thé ramn inceased and there, was a traffic jari., Sea Sout.s and Boy, Scouts9 could be seen runining a round helping, cars get o ut of tht miud. Tt was about ont -hou-r after thé pèrform- ance when tht last car -left. Even if it was aIl wtt t-he program, wvas very niice.-Jane Playloek, 2C àtolp. Stolp Sehool 2-C Team Wins Frorn 1-BOutfit", Tuesday, M'ay 12, t-ht hoys~ of 2C played a haYdball gaine agal-n't tht, boys of' lB at Northwtstern -praCtire field. Tht lineup) for 2C was: Ed Met, catcher; Bill Jenkins, short. stop:-, Daviid Miller, seconïd base; James Koegel, first has4e: DèIYuglas- Hindley, pitelher: Berry Bèrblingtr,. left field; Davýid Weinstock, center.fild; Rtudolph.Hoýrkv, right field; John Nvllthirdbae Tht' lîneup for 113 was lau Steven,: catcher,, Homer Sohel, -pitcher-; Diii Co'çndM7, ,first base: Doonie, An dirson-, ,second basýe; Don Anedrson, third base; Graham Burke, left field; Bill Crawford, centeýr-; Paul Ogilvit, rigbt ,il.2C won 6-.-David Welnstock, 2C Stolip. China Provides Subject .in Social, Science Work In Social Science we are now studying- China. Chinese ways and habits arc se .iff erent frorn oursthat -we think 'theyý are funny, but theyý are net. In' tht, same wa-3 we think theni funny- thézy feel thé ve rye saine way. 1In tht telephone> book our iast naine cornies.flrst,,ant in China they are called by .thieir la'4. namie flrst. If my naine wivas 1ier Grant In China, it would be ,alc Grant Helen. Also théir titi oif ?r and -Mrs. would corne at the last. Tt 15 interet.ýting te st u dy tht di ff erer -mtthods of living and com-pare theni - Mary Louise Schaeffer, 7B Howard. READ FORFESTVALMiss Frank'-s foi.rth grade is working BOOK FOR ART EXflIBIT RAYFUFSIA on volunteer projects such as, a covertd I ain going te inake -a book of The- flfty chldren from Wllimettt who -wagon- and furnishîng homts o f -al! Swtztrland. 1 arn going to eut , pic- are golng te slflg in tht North Short. kinds. Junloyr Nichols is 1urnishing i ture&z out and*paitte theru on tht paper. Msl Festival practlced at the Patten Dutch -hoeend other chlldren are arn golng totry and have it dont fo'r -gymnasium1, Friday, «May 15. Tht final rnaklng, sait. and flou mas We al thre Art exhibit, I amn sure It Is golng rehea'ral will be In ont week. TwentY- -helptd in makinig a fileze, about Johnl to be very le.-Gene DonÙelson.. eight are. from - Stolp, tht rest froin Srhit;h at jainestàwn."Sidnty Morri.Q, Fourtir Grade, Howard.. - Howard.-.John Adains 2C Stolp. Fourtir Grade.. - ONE-SIDED GAME Tht 5B Howard boys played Stollp 5A and beat theni 41 to 5. Howard- 5B bas won every -gaine.- -Whtn- tht gaine ,started-5B was- tp to bat. We gôt 2r runs in 'the 'irst inning. The 5B,Ii tht e.econd lnnlng got eighit runs.- Stoir In tht first Inning rmade rno runs. In tht second lnnlng 1Qtôopmade, ont 'run. Tt. wa s a very e asy garne. We only had five innlngs,-.Walter Lymnan, Fiftiî Grade, H'ad -i j