Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 26

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Given May 22, 23 by Dramatie Club. On Fridav and Saturday evening, Ma%' 22 and 23. the New Trier Dra- niatic. club will "présent the éÔmedy .of Wificbell Smiith and Vctor 'Mapes, '*The Boomerang.". A. double cast of seniors and jun- iors îs working under'the direction cf Miss' Elizabeth Stanwood and, Cordon Van Kirk. Tbe storv of love is, one in i wili Dr. Gerald Sumner and bis beautifuil office nurse, Virginia Xelva, are cien- deavoring to help Bud Woodbridgc. who is virtually eating bis heart ont because Grace Tyler scorns bis affec-' tions. Gerald says that Bud's trouble is that lie' bas failed to play tbe gaine of love. Ekplains ' Gagne of Love Hie explains the rules te Virginiia. "If 'you faîl in love. Say se. as often as yQU lbke. but neyer let the loved. one be quite sure you nîean it. Doni't -pay toe much attention and hang around incessantly, until yotîr v isits beconie as exciting as tbe inilkînan.'s. Another rule: swear you're the orig-e inal devoted Slave, but don't alivays be on hand . .. It's next te impossible te keep jealouslv eut of a love affair. But there's bardlyý a case where botb people get it. One is jealous anîd the other isn't." Rule number tbree:' be sure to get vour epponeut 'a fittie- jealous or you'l11 get it Yourself." It is there that Cupid lays clown his ativice, and~ it at ýhii.. or; sbe.1 cones rn back' Worrid and Jeidoüs In a short time be becomes wort- ried and jealous, thinking' Virginia, is' interested .,in a Preston De Witt.* Bud. thinks Grace is aise interested in t he'saie, young man. There fol-, lows a mixup,.cf Shakespearean mis- understanding, but finaIly Virginia fintis herseîf an. heiress to' millions, and the love afairs are straightened out.- Wachs Places Fou rth in.Oratorical Finals Fridav nigbt, M'ay 15, tbe Dailv News Oratorical côntest 1ýnals were belti iii. the Civic theatre. Chicago, There %vas . nlv one girl contestant and, sbe proved to be the winner. Dan Wacbs wbo re prescnted NeW Trier took fourth Place with b is, or- ation. "John Marshall 'and the Con- sftition,," and bis' extcmporaneouis speech on, Joln. Mar.shall's.relaticui to intcrstate 'comnmerce. Wachis lias doi, -n ýc-valuable.Nvork,iii.oratory silice lie - began'it.iii Mardi cftliis vear. Even tbough lie. %vas lup hi tliis tinic wboflv*inexpcrienced irn 'this work lie lias gained for New Trier a posiion of fourtb out cf fift\v-six sec- ondary scbools wlio'entered th e con- test. Those who licard, huimi.speak last Fridav c4n readilv estiniate luis skill. The u nderc lass oratorical conitests are n ow under wav-. Mr. Reilev' and 'Mr. Shearerare the sophon-ore and junior coaches, DhleIan Wacbs wilI Pe, the freshmiian coach. Thîis is valuiable training for the undcrclass- mien w~ho are inite.rcstcd ini this %vork. Ma.cy's Talk, Songs, Please -Dranui Club~ One (if the ouitstandînig Dramnai' club mecetings of the 'vüar was lîeld iin the Girls' club roemi on .Ttesdav, M av 12. Four New Trier Girls Visit Ro ckford College At iioon Friday, 'May 15,, Miss Boulton and four New- Trier girls, Victoria. Diebail, Ruth Jackson., Patil- ine Spiegel and. Virginia Riethieimer*Z,, left on a two hou-r drive to Rock ford college. i Rockford, Ill. When thev. arrived theré, tbev discovered thiat.:tlie tirie as one houir bebind our Dali'gh t Saving tirne.. Hfowever, this served more to: make thein ac- qtiainte(1 witb the.girls and the beau- tiful campt s than to iirease their appnetites. Friday piglit aftcr diinner, tbie were show-n nox )les of tevents' WhIich liad occurred 'ociite Camipis d uring '-the past 3v1ears. tverée. enlter.- tained i'] the gym bhefi girls of the, Athlétic association-- and xvent for a swinm in Rockford's pool hefore going to bcd. Saturday rnorning, evervone '0f thle seventy-five girls, trelre.,ciit ii n"1-a dozen or more schools, whio mere at Rockford, was puit on a team. each 'of w'hich. during the tourse of fIlle morning, plaved pI*ng-ý-')Ilig, ol- baIl, tennis. andbabî. At neen they aIl left for the new Campus site of Rocik.orl for a pIcic luinch. The' New Trier girls , Iad - te leave a little earlI-, becau se -of the chang-e in timie, and inissed the basé- bail game between the winning girl's teamn and the faculty. Howý%ever, \ou niayý be sure tha.t the tiînc that flhev did spend with tthe J-'ockferd girls was very enjoyable. iý After the regular giiiiS. I inegie j4U-LpeC4ftC Ul iIe amer- noon vvas -J. W'iliamns Macs' of NVin- netka. Mr. M-\acN, is a Nvell' knomnW authoritv on the Gilbert and Sullivan operas. As 'New Trier students are famuiliar with oniv' a few cf these- operas, Mr., MacV iiundertoek te -teli tbrn about two of' tbe operas witjh whicli thev iwere notfamiliar, namne- l-v, "The Gondoliers" and "1olanthie." He skctcbed the plots of tbe operas and illustrated the talk bv plaving records andi singing somne of the ont- standing songs of the male roles. Witb' thréee more w eeks' cf sçhool, left ' aIl students w1o will return, te IN w Trier next vear sheuld att-end the Sports club meetings on Wed- nesdav afternoons. These meetings aré belti i Romn 381. the lecture roem at the end of, the corridor in the boys' ý gym,. Mr» Showley bas an- nounced that ne dues are necessary. for the; balance of the .semester artd prospective memibers sbould attend the meetings te Iearn what the club is doing and m-hat' the plans for next. Tri-Ship Award Goes to Robbins .by Student Vote. GuIv Rohbin's was given the an- ual Tri-Ship 'award. .\Totcd to hbe the m-ost ouitstarm.ding boy in Ne'wý Trier from , the standpoint .,f the Tri-Ship ideals of citizensbip. fellow- sbip and 'Wpertsmanship. hv bhis own, fellow students, Guv'is the third re- cipient of the aWnard simîce it:bas becin es talliShed. He earncd bis reputa.tion' b. spend- ùiff bis timie te advanitgge> during his vears at 'Ncw Trier. Being verV Î11- terested in' the forestry prohlcmi of todaY, both througlî' actual experience iii the forcstcd regions of Mneoa WVisconsin and Canada. and throuigi studv of the subject, Guv lbas made nanv. on intercsting taik to advisor roorus and classes in, physics, and other branches of science. Througliî bis sincerity of expres- sion. bis straightforward manner, andi his abilitv as a speaker in éecrv re- specct, lie bas, gain cd his recognitin in botb citizensbip and fellow.ýshîp. Ag-ain ini bis congenial attitude, bis sportsnianiikc way in speaking to al Who1 wished to discuss bis numerois trips into lesser knomn countrv, - or his interesting adventures. lie bias manifested bIis eligibiiitv for an. .award of the type of the Tri-Ship' awaÈd.- Let every bov trv to live up to the ideals- of the 'rri-Ship club, it is urged;- Altbeugh bie 'miay fot get the award. hie wiIi find- that bi s self- respect will flot suifer. .Only one boy can get the award, but any number may be eligible. Fivé Girls Are Chsen'I Ifor Senior' Musie Club The tryouts for the Senior Music, 'club we re beld Thursday, Maày 14,i Room I36. Tbose wbo were selcted were required te play' two selections- showing, the versatility and musician- ship of "the contestants.' There wÎll be another tryout sometixùe -* next week and 'all those underclassmen down andi reminding her of any de-' Saturda_,, May 16, -Miss Sniall- fcct in her clothing. These people Page's ativisees gave a sbower tecele- NOMINATE OFFICERS 'are this year's initiates to G. A. A., brate ber approacbing wedcing.' -Tbe [t the' last 'Sports club meeting and they are only toe anxious to fui- gifts were 'miscellaneotis and the be d Mav 13, a noniinating , cômmit-ý fill their requirements te become sbower was given a't the home' cf tee was appointed. They have nom- members of this :athletic_.organiza- Priscilia Wheelock in Kenilworth., inated the following1 for president: tien. ' '~Refreshments were sere ila idant' oert Leenard; for vice-i2esident: George Cole andi Charles Leonard; for secretary: AI-' len Morris andi William Moffitt; for' treasurer: George Everett' and Bud Markins; and for sergeant-at-arms:. Jack' Meîchoir and Donald' ,R-abi.. These riminees will .be voted upon May 20.o 1 '

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